Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Bloodpoint incentives for playing lesser played killers

Please, I'm so tired of Wesker every round he's gotten so tedious and boring and this suggestion may help with variety? E.g., 100% Bonus for hag or twins?

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  • Member Posts: 60
    edited July 2023

    i don't really see the point in incentivising people to play characters that are less enjoyable.

    What's the actual purpose of this except artificially increasing their play rate and I guess making it so there's more variety in playstyles?

    The reason for role incentives is for match making speed. But that's irrelevant for your idea.

    Not to mention, daily rituals (e.g. Kill 1 survivors as X, or use your power as certain killer) does essentially already do that.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    All the BP bonus in the world won't make people play killers they don't want to play or aren't particular fun to them or generally good.

    Twins don't get played because they are extremely buggy and don't feel good to play even though they are somewhat strong.

    Hag's not really the most engaging killer to play these days. Like she's alright, but I mean why play Hag when Wesker's right there and better in every way?

    The engagement with Wesker should be the benchmark other killers should be brought up to meet via balance passes/reworks as needed so people playing the killer role actually feel like no matter who you play you'll have fun. He's fun first and good second which is great because that means just about everyone can play him and he feels rewarding to play in relatively short order as opposed to being a 200 hour grindfest killer who doesn't start to feel truly fun till you've almost mastered them anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    i won't play Hag or Twins even for +1m% bloodpoints, lol. They need to make / rework another good killer so you can see variety

  • Member Posts: 2,731

    Personally, I'd rather the rarely played killers like hag, twins, artist, trickster STAY played not very often because I would rather play against the popular killers over them any day.

    Wesker, huntress, blight, wraith, and legion, to name a few popular ones are MUCH more fun to play against.

    Popular killers are usually popular because they are fun. If the devs want people to play the less played killers, perhaps they should make them more fun instead of slapping bloodpoint bandaid on it, saying "look the play rate is fine" and never touching them again.

  • Member Posts: 6,340
    edited July 2023

    Instead of a BP incentive how about a Haste effect during each unique surv chase for the next two hours? Or highlight one lesser-played killer per day with both BP and power bumps? Like Hag or Trapper on Thursday gets 10% faster trap placing, or Haste for 15 seconds after each unique hooking?

    I'm only half kidding with these ideas. The best approach is what @bbqBilly suggests, tinker with all the unfun/underperforming killers and make them good.

  • Member Posts: 456

    Again, this will not work. People want to play killers that are strong AND easy to pick up. Even with buffs other killers will not be picked since most require an investment to become good with.

  • Member Posts: 273

    I would gladly pick up lesser used killers, but given their current state it's going to cost you 180 second generator timers or the deletion of endurance as a mechanic, BP isn't enough.

    Realistically a lot of the older m1 killers just need reworks because they cannot function properly in a much faster meta which is what we currently have. When you combine extreme gen speeds with endurance blocking any hit you might actually get, m1 killers just aren't appealing anymore.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    Nobody plays those Killers cause they are not encouraging to play, they need some QoL before they would be played.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Well I would play some of least played killers if they gave bonus but not twins or hag.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Isn’t that what the daily rituals were for even though that way out of date

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    If this was a reality (with the queue bonus as well) I would suddenly be a Twins main

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    Trade winning for BP

    Not a bad trade tbh, I'd embrace it with just taking BP only perks like distressing, beast of prey, and thrill of the hunt

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