Something doesn't feel right.

I have 3000 hours in dbd and I would say I'm an above average killer and survivor. Lately though my killer matches have been extremely difficult. I feel like I'm never catching up to survivors, my mind games never work anymore, my chases go on forever while 3 gens are done before my first down. I feel like I'm getting worse at this game. Any advice because I do not know what to do anymore.


  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809
    edited July 2023

    If you recently took a break from playing killer, then probably you got rusty. And if you play regularly, but suddenly got worse lately, then i'd say you're another victim of Made for this. While it's not absolutely op perk, it definitely makes chases way longer, it's harder to mind game, due to their movement speed. And if you don't play any top tier killer, you gonna have a hard time.

    I'd say either play killers that will make survivors dc or just wait for some kind of update that will make lower tier killers suffer less.

    If you are rusty, i highly recommend just play some custom games with bots, to get the feel of the game again, it's gonna be alright <3

  • Ranch_Jello
    Ranch_Jello Member Posts: 99

    I have noticed made for this in a lot of my games but I didn't think it had that much impact. I mean people ran that one boon that did the same thing and it barely did anything. But yeah i never thought that was the issue.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470

    It's crazy really. You can still win games but a good swf can tear you apart now.

    On strong loops MFT is a real time waster and it's hard to spot they have it too. Gen speed can be stupid.

    I think DBD dev's must be playing against low skill level to think this is alright.

    Imagine after the event is over and no more invitations to break pallets.

    I have never escaped so much as survivor.

    This must all be showing in the data.

    They should just listen to non bias people instead but I doubt they ever will.

  • skylustv
    skylustv Member Posts: 237

    Devs must understand that we dont need speed/genrush perks, we need good and fun perks instead

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 544

    I saw a reply on the steam forums similar to this thread “it’s all about which side wants to sweat the most” Obviously there’s a few more other aspects as to the reasoning why but for the most part this is it..

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,829

    People misjudge how much even a little extra speed boost can make. 3% is 20% of the difference in speed between a survivor and a 115 killer like Myers. This means it takes 20% longer to close any distance. That's huge when it comes to being able to chain 1 loop with the next. Kinda surprised they added a 2nd effect to the perk since the speed boost alone is pretty nutty.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470

    Well the boon wasn't the entire map. I've had a game or two where they used that as well as MFT.

    It's very dependant on the killer you use the situation etc.. After they finally nerfed DH again they pull this one.

    My only reasoning for this is for sales. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth TBH.

    I'm somewhat hopeful they will balance things out (slowly) because the killer might be a minority but without them you have no game.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I’ve had the same issue lately but I would say I’m average killer and survivor. I’m not really sure what the deal is. My killer game has gone down hill but my survivor games are about the same. You’re not alone in this

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 391

    Yet those win streaks are often accomplished using tactics and play styles that are constantly complained about in this community. The top blight win streak was the subject of much controversy because of the reaction the player got with lots of people criticising the killer.

    Everyone can get better and keep improving. But there is a definitive correlation between winning and sweating in this game. The problem is people who want to play relatively chill have no way to avoid those who want to play as hard as possible save for avoiding sacrificing survivors a.k.a. not fully playing the game as intended.

    The OP may be playing “bad” as you put it. What’s more likely is they’ve reached a point where they will have to employ certain unfun tactics and strategies in order to keep up.

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337

    I main wraith and the last several games have been 4k. The combo of pain res, pop goes the weasel, bbq and chili, and sloppy butcher (or lightborn of there are flashlights) has been great.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498

    My first question is why does it matter what people think. You're playing to win no?

    I sweat virtually every game on survivor. I bring bnps, I use meta loadouts. If I get a good map I use the strongest loops. I expect the killer to do the same.

    It's about being graceful in victory tbh, I never tbag and always say ggwp.

    If you're playing killer and you care about winning, then play to win and ignore haters.

    People who want to play suboptimally and expect their opponents to always match them make no sense. There's only one queue. So you need to accept you'll get stomped more often than not if you don't play to win.

  • Ranch_Jello
    Ranch_Jello Member Posts: 99

    I dont really have a main anymore since mmr dropped so I play everyone about equally

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Kinda same for me about 1/3 or 1/4 games are unwinnable and I get totally stomped that I can't even safety pip no matter how hard I try. I don't know what to really do these games survivors just run to pallet to pallet and if I leave chase next one does that as well and these guys also gen rush so damn fast.

    Im on point that I might just open the gate for these squad and give up. Other my matches usually are balanced that I have chance at least but still I have to work hard and it's rough when I have those horrible games. I try to now go no more than 2K maybe hoping that mmr would give me more balanced matches.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,198

    There has been a lot of bully squads the past few days. I've noticed quite a few SWF last minute swapping or using 3-4 BNPS, 3-4 flash lights all running meta builds etc.

  • UnavailableName
    UnavailableName Member Posts: 298

    MFT + Resilience has a huge impact on msot of the killer roster.

    3% is not that much but on a 5 meters away chase (surv 5m in front of you), you need 2 more seconds to catch up.

    It means that the survivor using MFT + Resilience will reach more loops than before MFT release.

    If in a game you have 3 or 4 survivors able to reach one more loop that they couldn't reach when they did not use the perk = 80 seconds of chase added on the whole trial (let's say one loop is kind of 20 seconds with all combination you can do with pallets/wondows around it).

    Same, everytime you break a pallet, the injured survivor draws more distance.

    Also, it is harder for me to keep track of survivors using MFT in jungle gym as i know i should see the survivor exactly at this point/choke point but not he is 5 meters away thanks to the haste boost... loosing even more time cause i lost myself.

    Well all in all, you can say it adds easily around 2 minutes of chase which is more than enough to make you loose any trial.

  • UnavailableName
    UnavailableName Member Posts: 298

    Let me tell you that you clearly notice it and feel it when it is used.

    The amount of extra time needed to catch up with those survivors is insane.