If made for this gets nerfed bloodlust needs gutting

Hot take bloodlust is a built in crutch for killers who aren’t good at the game and is also a built in counter to made for this the perk is fine but if it gets a nerf I think we can all agree bloodlust needs a nerf aswell why should killers get free haste for being bad ? and no guys there aren’t actual infinites in the game so don’t let the killer mains tell you that there is so Closest to an infinite now is garden of joy window
Bloodlust and MFT are not comparable.
MFT has the easiest condition for survivors to meet and is always active.
Bloodlust takes at least 15 seconds to kick in and requires the killer to not use their power or break pallets during that entire time or it resets completely. Killers getting bloodlusted hits is far rarer than survivors using MFT. A killer who is consistently relying on Bloodlust for hits is going to lose to gen speed.
63 -
Being injured is a requirement and wow I’m getting rolled so I get free haste to crutch on it is comparable and I don’t think made for this will get nerfed because just shows how pathetic this dev team really is if it does just pander to whiny killers because they will spit their dummy out
6 -
Not really comparable. If the killers is needing bloodlust to get hits he’s already losing the game anyway since he doesn’t have that much time to waste on chases. Bloodlust is also still a bandaid fix for the multitude of extremely safe and unbalanced tiles still existing in the game, so currently still necessary.
32 -
It really isn’t tho the tiles aren’t unbalanced killers will say anything is unbalanced to get an easier game lol
14 -
Being injured is hardly a requirement. It's the default state upon being unhooked. It's the state you go into when you get hit by majority of attacks. It's the state you get picked up into.
Being injured is the easiest things for survivors to do.
23 -
Neither need changing.
If MFT needs a nerf, it'd be it's secondary endurance effect if anything. I'd be more than fine with that being removed as it proves more frustrating for me than the main effect.
Bloodlust is somewhat outdated, however I don't mind it's presence, especially when certain combos can lead to infinites on specific maps.
5 -
But then you have to stay injured if you want value from it My guy show me some good survivor gameplay of you staying injured all game and running the killer for multiple gens if you don’t have any gameplay or proof stop complaining saying ohhhh being injured is nothing when yes it really is lol
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I don’t want nothing nerfed but if made for this gets a nerf then bloodlust really should to because it a hard crutch on killer side especially when it goes up to 3
6 -
Counter Hot Take:
Bloodlust is a mechanic to allow killers who are not as strong in chase as the top tier chase killers, still have a presence in the game. How many times do you see Blights, Nurses, Onis, Weskers, Spirits enter bloodlust compared to Pigs, Myers, Trapper, Doctors or Hags?
Bloodlust is lost completely whenever a survivor takes a hit, or breaks a pallet, or if you can drop from chase using stuns and successful mind games to make distance.
I would argue that DbD devs expect players to fear killers and for chases to wrap up within a certain time frame more often than not, and any time you buy over that is considered a win. If you manage to loop the killer for 1 minute and 10 seconds for them to reach BL3 twice and down you, you've done an amazing job... you still got caught, but that is a win for you by any metric.
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If they rebalance every map well enough then I'll agree bloodlust should be removed. Up until then, probably not.
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Being injured is nothing to write home about. Survivors are guaranteed to spend parts of the match injured.
And it's not like you have to stay injured all match for MFT. The fact is, you are bound to be injured at some point and having access to an infinite duration of 3% movement speed is huge at a lot of tiles. You don't even need to take the killer on a single chase all game. 3% can mean the difference of going down before reaching a vault or pallet and giving the killer a pain res proc on a gen that was almost done vs making that vault or pallet and the gen getting finished.
11 -
I never said bloodlust is insanely strong I just said it’s more of a crutch than anything and yes it is easy to counter it half of the time but the other half you might be at a weak tile and the killer refuses to break and just bloodlust’s you down my argument is kinda if survivors can’t have haste when injured why should the killer get it for chasing a survivor for too long I don’t want either nerfed but I think one can’t get nerfed without the other in my opinion
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If you take MFT away, nothing happens. If you take bloodlust away, the game breaks. It's not a crutch mechanic for Killers, it's a band-aid fix to stop infinites - it's not to help Killers catch you because they're bad, it's to give them the possibility of catching you in the first place. Both MFT and bloodlust deal with speed, but they're not the same, nor can they be handled the same.
32 -
Surivors gets injured
entity. heres a free sprint burst and a permanent lesser blood lust
Killer gets looped for 15-30s here's a speed boost
Killer breaks a pallet
Entity you shouldn't of done that "removes bloodlust"
Here's how to rework mft if a surivor vaults a pallet or drops one mft deactivates for 15s see how often it bloodlust is actually used against you
26 -
There are still many, many unbalanced tiles in the game. That’s just fact. It has nothing to do with wanting an easier game, that’s just a way of discrediting anything anyone says that you disagree with. Not really an argument.
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I think bloodlust 1 is fine but 2&3 should go. If any infinites or near ones get made because of this then they can be fixed. I also think bloodlust should go up a percent over time instead of just a flat 5 after X seconds.
I also think MFT should prolly be toned down. You could make it 2% and then have the boon perk be 3+.
2 -
That's weird I hear survivors making excuses for things to get nerfed in this game way more than any killers
14 -
They completely removed bloodlust for a weekend and it did nothing to kill rates so, I am not sure if it is really THAT impactful.
That said, I think bloodlust as a mechanic sorta teaches bad habits to newer killers by rewarding them for taking bad chases, reasonably you should never hit bloodlust 2 or 3.
I think bloodlust 1 should get buffed slightly (probably not even necessary) and stay and then bloodlust 2 and 3 get removed completely. That way it keeps the mechanic to help killers, but also doesn't reward overextending in chase.
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if you complain about bloodlust you are just bad.
19 -
Without bloodlust even a good killer will struggle to catch good survivors.
There has already been a no bloodlust PTB and it was a mess.
14 -
Removing bloodlust was tested some time back on a "bloodlust-free" weekend and the response was largely negative. Currently, bloodlust is a necessary mechanic for killers less able to keep up. Killers as weak in chase as Trapper or Pig will be destroyed without bloodlust; also killers such as Blights and Weskers will have no benefit because their power pretty much negates a need for it.
Removing bloodlust would make weaker killers even worse and have no effect on faster killers. Currently, there is much more evidence to support it remaining than being removed, citing the "bloodlust weekend" feedback as a decent bulk of evidence.
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Bloodlust was made as a bandaid for bad map design and that is going to be hard to fix unless we a community accept hand crafted maps (and that would have problems of its own).
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Bloodlust doesn't need touched.
Survivors have pallets, perks to help them in chase, vaults, other teammates to take hits. Bloodlust goes away when pallets are broken etc.
This post screams "I play one side and I want you to do what's best for me because I have no experience with the other side"
14 -
Hot take bloodlust is a built in crutch for killers
I mean, kinda, yeah, without it a killer who was outmatched would really have no chance against survivors who were clearly superior to them. It's somewhat unfortunate that there is nothing on the survivor side to keep the game interesting when they are getting crushed, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist for killer.
But it also adds other elements to the game. It gives a reason for the killer to stay in a strong loop knowing blood lust will eventually help them out. When they have bloodlust they now face a more critical decision on whether to break a pallet or not.
3 -
more like "if good setups / god loops gets deleted bloodlust needs gutting"
dont get me wrong I hate MFT but ..that perk only shows how insanely busted survivors can be with just a small amount of speed in order to make "already survivor sided loops" into "god setups with no mindgame"
the most effective way to play with MFT is playing smarter and safer ... pre-drop when you have too , make distance , repeat and abuse the 1 extra loop that the perk gives you pretty much on any tile to reach the maximun value out of the loop you are in , simple.
but i do agree that atleast bloodlust 3 should be removed.
3 -
You are either unknowing of DBD design history or being willfully ignorant to push an agenda. Let's for the sake of civility say it is the former rather than the latter.
The reason Bloodlust exists is exactly as your were told. In the past this game used to have unconditional infinite loops created by wonky tile design and chaining. The ways these worked was that they prevented the killer from actually ever closing the gap as long as the survivor looped them in the correct manner. Now over time maps have been reworked to remove the most prevalent examples of this and to the devs credit they've done a good job keeping a close eye on potential infinite loops. The reworking of maps helped greatly, but before they came about Bloodlust was introduced as a mechanic to ensure that no matter what eventually the killer would be able to overtake survivors speed wise.
While true infinite loops are basically a thing of the past there are still exceptionally long and power tile chain. Bloodlust's primary function now is still to make sure these are kept manageable for killers, but typically killers aren't really benefitting a great deal from Bloodlust. You can build around it as the only perk that is tied to it is Beast of Prey and if you're constantly finding yourself in anything about tier 1 of bloodlust without a hit you've over committed to a chase and need to stop chasing. Made For This isn't a mechanic that exists to keep the game manageable due to a systemic design issue. It exists in the form it does because it most likely seems like a fun thing for survivors to have, but it does risk pooping on game balance. Nothing is designed around the existence of MFT, but maps are designed with Bloodlust in mind in both ways to mitigate it's usefulness and also support it's usefulness.
16 -
Bloodlust is the exact reason there shouldn't be a perk like MFT not the other way around. If you remove bloodlust, you automatically nerf the weakest killers in this game because they all have something in common. They can't end chases quick enough to compete with the game's pacing.
It was added as a means to counter terrible map design and help exactly those killers who need it most. Stronger killers have chasing powers that they use constantly. So they don't get bloodlust anyway. And if they do, they are worse off than if they just used their power. Gutting it would go against everything survivor and killer players alike want. Killer players would feel it as a huge nerf, which would make weaker killers even less viable and survivors would feel the consequences in the form of even more Weskers, Blights and Nurses than now.
Basically, by gutting bloodlust you screw both sides.
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Maps aren't ready to cut bloodlust yet, reworks aren't heading that way either.
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You're not supposed to get rolled, though. The match isn't fun if it's one-sided, so part of balancing involves giving people come-back mechanics so they still have a chance.
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Dude I’ve played since 2017 just around mikeys release and been through practically every stage of dead by daylights development and I can’t be bothered to write paragraphs I mean what I said it’s crutch and the games health and loops are much better and I’m not talking about remove it entirely make it so it only goes to bloodlust one or something like that 3 is overkill and you know it
2 -
I agree with bloodlust one I didn’t want it removed entirely I do play killer but made for this isn’t busted unless you are really good at looping and even then you can’t balance the game around the best of the best I made good use out of the perk but that’s because I know how to loop killers still eventually get me it might get me a extra loop around a tile maybe two depends if they respect or not
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Yeah but that’s the thing people think that it’s wrong for a killer to load on and get outmatched but is it really I load in to many games where the killer is just simply better and I just have to put up with it
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P62 bubba p100 Cheryl yeah have no experience whatsoever with the other side you caught me out there shucks
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Oh no someone on the forums called me bad I’m so upset and I don’t care about bloodlust but if they nerf made for this why leave bloodlust the way it is
1 -
Dead hard blood rush was a hot topic made for this decisive strike reassurance Sprint burst even windows of opportunity prove thyself hyperfocus scavenger didn’t even make it to live and it wasn’t that good just a worst built to last medkits toolboxes the list goes on and I see basically killer mains crying about everything
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I play both sides main survivor tho but I play killer when I get sick of surv and rarely struggle unless it’s a really good swf
1 -
you do realise I play both right and bloodlust speeds and made for this speeds is completely different
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i see you glossed over the fact that map design is the reason why bloodlust still exists. Very thought provoking.
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If someone's gone to BL3 it's not that great of crutch all things considered. Like yeah it's hard to lose a chase at that point, but you've also put yourself in a position to lose gens so I'm not sure what's overkill about it. Not saying it is a necessity to keep, but just doesn't really seem like something that anything particularly influential.
There isn't a way for me to know how long you've played before you state it and no one is asking you write paragraphs.
3 -
bloodlust exists as a patch to unpredictable map rng, where without it you would just not be able to catch the survivor. MFT exists t0 extent chases for doing nothing. Not as a mechanic to alleviate faults in design, but to just flat out increase chase time. its reverse bloodlust, thriving off of bad map design/rng which is bad game design.
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Which if you're rarely playing killer it means your MMR is probably not that high to where you'd not even see how broken many loops can be. Killer is quite easy at lower MMR where the survivors don't know what they're doing.
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I think you are ignoring the fact that most strong killers don't need Bloodlust.
Weak killers are already losing interest because of MfT and now they should lose BL? lol
4 -
you are obviously baiting. try harder
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You're definitely lying..lol.. all ya do is cry about single perks.. if survivors are complaining about something it's usually a unfair in game mechanic that almost guarantees a down or a sacrifice ( camping and slugging)
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If made for this gets nerfed then that's most likely it for me. It's just nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf and no buffing. Buff killer perks, buff survivor perks, give us other solid choices besides the same stale meta.
If I bought a character for a perk (again, like CoH) and it gets nerfed, there is no point in bothering anymore. I'd just feel like I'm wasting my time and money.
Funny thing is I don't really use MFT. I use PTS which they're ruining, bond, we'll make it and distortion. I survive just fine.
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Bloodlust 1 is a bandaid for bad map rng, but without any true infinites in the game anymore there really isn't any need for BL2 and BL3 as they just reward you for playing badly.
A lot of the killers people say are weak is simply a case of them not being good at those specific killers. "Weak" killers aren't losing interest because of MFT. They were losing interest before MFT because killers like Wesker, who are infinitely more fun to play as and against, exist.
And yeah, strong killers don't need bloodlust but is that any excuse when they benefit from it all the same?
1 -
I think BL1is fine, BL2 & 3 are the problems that give bad players a crutch for their mistakes. I don't think this is a hot take honestly.
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Made For This is PERFECT. It needs 0 changes. I play both sides. It is 3%. 3. It is not like a survivor gets a jet pack. A capable killer will have no problems. Period. 🦅
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Bloodlust exists to help with terrible map rng and balancing.
MFT exists to take that RNG and typically balanced maps and make them nightmares.
One is a bandaid fix to bad design. The other just is bad design.
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Blood lust 5% after 15s
assuming you don't use your power break a pallet get stunned hit a surivor Lose them
Mft permant 3%
aslong as your not exuasted its a lesser bloodlust