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I get a wierd feeling about the Lore of the Clown. Am I Overeacting?

Bobitslapis Member Posts: 87
edited July 2023 in Ask the Community

I bought him alongside Kate as whilst i was only trying to buy her, the DLC was just set on Sale, so i thought "Why not?"

I tested him out a few Times, played through his entire Tome and Rift and must say, that he is by Far one of the Most "Enjoyable" Characters i have ever played as.

The BP Gain is there, the requiring and rewarding Skill is there, his bottles are easier for me to throw then Huntresses hatches, his Perks to me are Top Notch and his backstory explains most of his crimes, but also hints that most people were Evil in Human form anyway.

Now, a few weeks ago, i stumbled across something i can definetly call "Wierd".

Of course, most Clowns are there to entertain childreen, may it be on a circus, or somewhere else.

However, one description of a cosmetic of Clown called: "Childreen's Party" just tottaly makes me feel negative towards it.

The Description reads:

"Hi Kids! Who want's a Baloon Animal? No one? How about Another Trick? This one will require a volunteer..."

The Sudden Change of tone. The Mention of the Kids and the hinting where it may ever hint to just to me is a directly negative crossline.

Also, Considering there's not a: "This one will require a SPECIAL Volunteer, a Grown-Up..." Or something along the lines, it also means that you can't shrug off his sentence as: "He Means a Grown-Up Volunteer."

I know that he's fictional and that it shouldn't be taken serious considering no IRL Act has been comitted, but to me, as soon as there is a indicator that a Child is being bruttally Murdered or Harrased, im out.

If it's domestic Abuse like in his story, or traumatization through other means, then thats not great too, but not as Fatal as hinting towards literal Child Murder and whatever, it may hint too.

I tried to google it to find claryfication, however, this didn't end well either as most Posts even went as Far as to Say that the Clown seems inspired by an American Serial Killer that has a VERY Controversial story.

Considering this is Horror and just Fictional, i wont make too much of a Scene or declare some kind of War Contract against the existance of Clown, but to me its just wierd. Not in a "Making it super obvious" kind of way, more like a "Im trying to be ignorant" kind of way.

Am i Overeacting?

Best Answers

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    Answer ✓

    I mean, it's not unheard of kids getting hurt or even die in horror.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Still, children getting tortured would still be considered part of horror though, personally i don't really see why it's any worse than any other horrifying act of harm.

    In fact, i specifically remember one particular torture scene from the movie Doctor Sleep where the True Knot tortures a kid to obtain his shining steam before killing him.
