Made for This has got to change

This is personal. I don't like being gaslit by a perk. I don't like not being certain why some hits don't connect when they would have normally, and having to consider whether it's latency, cheating or this perk. I don't understand why being injured in DBD should be a condition that makes you better at everything than an uninjured person: Made for This discourages survivors from healing, provides a long-lasting and incredibly powerful buff for literally making a mistake or 'losing' a chase as a Survivor– giving the Killer a hit. What's more, Made for This has unhealthy synergies with a bunch of other perks, especially endgame ones, which effectively punish the Killer for not tunnelling Survivors out of the game before gens are complete. Adrenaline is already a slap in the face for a Killer that didn't do this, but coupled with MfT it's like a slap in the face and a kick in the shins. All the Killer perks which increase movement speed are highly conditional: they either require a lot of work to activate (kick 2 different gens and have the 2nd one be finished before you kick a 3rd; break something while chasing the Obsession without hitting them or losing chase etc.) or are relatively easily lost (cleanse a totem, hit a survivor etc.), and rightly so: messing with movement speed messes with the core structure of the game's pacing and map geometry.

And all this is not even considering the second effect of MfT: giving a Survivor Endurance for completing a healing action. There's already so many sources of Endurance in the game– like OTR, WGLF, Buckle Up, Dead Hard (yes people still run that perk) and the proliferation of syringes you see in medkits thanks to Bloodweb changes– that I don't think another perk should give Survivors a free additional health state for doing something that would otherwise be the bare minimum if MfT weren't incentivising remaining injured.

The worst part about all of this is that Made for This isn't even a big deal if you're playing a top 3 Killer: if you can teleport or move at 180% speed then 3% means nothing against you. It's all the weaker Killers who already struggle to keep up that get victimised by the perk's horribly annoying feature.

I would remove one of the effects of Made for This, perhaps giving it to a weaker or reworked perks elsehwere and probably nerf the one that remains. The speed boost should have a limited duration after being injured, like Overcome (e.g. your movement speed increases by 3% when you are injured for 20/30/40 seconds). Instead of Endurance, maybe some other kind of benefit could be applied for healing another Survivor, though I'm not sure what wouldn't end up being useless like Better than New is.

I'd also consider more broadly how speed perks synergise: perhaps only the highest speed buff should apply at a given time, rather than having each of them stack multiplicatively. Using Hope and MfT to be as fast as some killers in the Endgame is just gross, and it shouldn't be possible. I'd say Adrenaline should also be nerfed into the ground for how well it works with this perk, but that's a separate post.


  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605


    I 100% agree with this post.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It's not even mistake or losing, it's literally a inevitable that will happen no matter what, and that is actually kinda worse.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    as a former MFT defender this perks power has thoroughly traumatized me

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    The constant 3% speed should really be attached to 'No Mither' and I completely agree that there is way too much endurance in the game right now. Scoring hits with M1 killers against seasoned survivors can be some tough #########, and having hits (that you busted your ass to get) just straight up not count all over the place is the epitome of lame when playing killer.

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    The fact that they didn't even acknowledge this perk in the latest update is an embarrassment

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730
    edited July 2023

    Now the perk is gaslighting you? I’d say I’ve heard it all but then I’m sure someone else would say something even more ridiculous. Resilience and Hope are the only two perks it has great synergy with and Hope is endgame. The only other perk you mentioned is also endgame and a one-time use.

    PS. You want survivors to not remain injured to get the boosts from perks like Made for This and Resilience? Maybe you all shouldn’t have complained until healing was nerfed into being near useless. The current meta of “genrushing?” Killer mains created it when they decided healing was an issue. You wanted more chases? But survivors can’t have something that benefits them in doing so? Guess what? You’ll get even more genrush meta. Learn to stop complaining about EVERYTHING.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    I didn’t forget it. It’s a waste of a slot if you’re trying to get good value out of MFT. First, you have to unhook someone which we know isn’t rare but can still be negated by being tunneled or not getting the save. Secondly, it works for half a second which means you have to time it just right… not too hard to do but still easy to screw up. Third, it causes exhausted which then deactivates MFT so now the perk you’re trying to get extra value from won’t benefit you until after this chase is over with. Lastly, it’s a one time use so once it’s done it’s an empty perk slot. Also, glad to see you mentioned my other points,

  • VaporLion
    VaporLion Member Posts: 386

    the only thing i see broken with this perk is the combination with other perks like blood pact / power of two / hope. Its broken to be able to outspeed the killer so in my opinion, they should make a maximum speed a survior can have ( 7%).

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    They changed that from the PTB for the DH nerf and you get the perk once you are unhooked.

    MFT makes the DH timing much easier since DH under pallets doesn't have counterplay and MFT puts you in that scenario much easier. You would be using DH when the chase is already over which means it doesn't matter if it turns MFT off. You basically get all the value with MFT and then hit the killer with the DH to extend the chase even longer. DH makes staying injured not that big of a deal and there isn't much reason to heal if you get a mini SB, +1 loops, and easier DH's. DH, MFT, and Hope seem to be the best 3 perks to be running currently.

    DH+MFT is a stronger combo to run rather than MFT+Resil.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842
    edited July 2023

    I'm not against a change to Made for This, but if that change is gutting the perk to the point of uselessness, then the discussion isn't constructive or reasonable.

    I think that it would be for the best if the endurance aspect were removed from it, and a downside were added to it that incentivises survivors to heal. Example: Whenever you are in the Injured State, Made for This activates and you benefit from the following effects:

    • Gain a 1/2/3 % Haste Status Effect while running.
    • You suffer from a 5/10/15 % penalty to Repairing while injured.

    Alternatively, a token system would also work where for every x amount of seconds spent injured while not in chase, lose a token. Once all tokens are gone, the perk deactivates for the remainder of the trial.

  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 147

    A little late to reply but whatever. I clearly elaborated on what I meant by gaslighting (an admittedly flippant use of the term but one that served a point to demonstrate how weird it is to deal with): survivors moving faster than they should can be a sign that they are cheating or have bad ping, but now it can also be this perk, and there's no reliable indicator of which until much later in the game. If a perk can make me think my internet is crapping out or my opponents are using cheats then I'm not wrong in calling out as confusing at the very least. I called out Hope and Resilience because they're the easiest and most common perks to use in conjunction with it, but better Survivors than I can find other strong pairings with it. To dismiss Adrenaline, currently one of the most popular and powerful perks in the game, simply because it's an endgame perk or one-time use is also very strange. A perk that strong doesn't need to activate more than once to be game-changing.

    I didn't personally make the decision to nerf healing (a necessary if not well-handled one in my opinion: 8-second heals were ridiculous) and I don't know why you seem angry at me personally (or perhaps me as a representative of Killer players?) about changes that I didn't control and haven't affected things much anyway, since I still see the same amount of medkits in my games, just with more styptics and syringes and bring other healing or utility perks than Circle of Healing. I'd remind you that BHVR actually rowed back on their original plans after a wave of complaints from Survivors. Additionally, the genrushing meta is also enabled because several of the most powerful stalling and slowdown perks got nerfed or changed without compensatory buffs to other perks that needed it– I'll never understand the logic of making CoB useless but buffing Pop even further– so the average killer, i.e. the one most harmed by MFT, has even fewer options for pressuring gens. All this does is encourage camping and tunnelling: if leaving an injured survivor off-hook is just going to make things harder for you, why let them off the hook or back onto generators at all?

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Let's be honest. That's how this community works on both sides.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Why not simple limit how long you get movement speed bonus since time you get injured.

    You gain 3% movement speed bonus for 30 seconds after each time you get injured.

    It would give this perk a counter play and just try hit&run on survivors you notice this perk.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    That sounds like a death sentence for this perk, and it's not as if you need to worry about MFT after 30 seconds anyway because you'll have bloodlust by then.

    One of the issues that I can recognise with MFT, is that if survivors start running early, they can delay the start of the chase, and thereby delay bloodlust. Only a few seconds, but it's a delay nonetheless, added onto an already longer chase. So maybe a healthy change could be that it only triggers while in a chase to prevent this.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    Because you’re abusing the term gaslighting. Almost any perk can be blamed in that way either from the killer or survivor side. People use cheats to achieve things perks can allow without having to use them. It’s why I like to look at what everyone was running at the end - to understand why things were happening and to learn more about the vast majority of perks, powers, and add-ons that exist to alter gameplay mechanics.

    Am I angry at you specifically? Or killer players in general? No. I’m upset by the group of people who specifically have to blame one thing that isn’t as consequential as they all make it out to be. It seems everyone that plays this game has to scapegoat and it’s getting so old and frustrating to hear about all the time. And they do it with just about everything! I never once stated that healing in general wasn’t in need of a nerf. The problem is that most people aren’t satisfied until certain things they don’t like are made useless or irrelevant. That, in turn, creates more things for them to complain about as I stated because people adapt their gameplay as they should. You should be trying to adapt your gameplay rather than just blame a perk that isn’t breaking the game.

  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    This senseless crying has got to stop. 95% of survivor players can't use this perk effectively, you are not being outplayed by a perk, you would lose to the same survivors whether they have the perk or not.

  • durag_demon1
    durag_demon1 Member Posts: 76

    Right.. survivors had to adjust to patch 6.1,flashlight nerf,self healing nerf but 3% is the worst ######### ever 😆

  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    I'm sorry my friend but this sounds like you struggle as a killer in general, this is not the type of perk that you put on and find instant success with. If you are not a really good looper as a survivor, this perk will at most save you a couple of seconds in chase, which is the equivalent or worse compared to Sprint burst or Lithe (and most people don't even make use of the secondary effect which is really good too).

    Now don't get me wrong, this perk is really scary in the hands of a survivor who has mastered their looping, but that excludes 95% of survivor players as previously mentioned. This perk has created a placebo in many killers thinking that this perk does so much, I dare anyone to actually play survivor and use this perk to see how much difference it actually makes (it will make none, they will still lose chases just as fast as without the perk)

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    Nerf bloodlust then you lose because they outplayed you not because of made for this you guys are such cry babies honestly if made for this gets nerfed I’m already p100 so when texas chainsaw comes out this game will honestly be dead to me killer mains go on so pathetic it’s ridiculous

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    20% longer chases in a straight line, the game isn't that simple. You can cut survivors off, or mindgame them.

    Considering that any chase an M1 killer is making that reaches that maximum threshold should be activating bloodlust anyway (which eclipses the 3% from MFT) It's not an issue, unless you're not performing well in chase. If that's the case, you're likely losing chases anyway.

  • durag_demon1
    durag_demon1 Member Posts: 76

    How is dishonest??? So survivor didn't have to adjust to those heavy nerfs?

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    How you cut off survivor from single line?

    Especially when they get this after having speed boost from being injured.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    You didn't understand that at all.

    Single line chases don't exist.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited July 2023

    Dishonest about displaying survivors as the only side that needs to adapt and they are not really good at it anyway.

    I haven't seen survivors adapt to kick gen meta, or 3-gen in general...

    I haven't seen survivors adapt to cleansing all totems against NOED, or Undying...

    Surprise, all perks for this got nerfed and will get nerfed more.

  • durag_demon1
    durag_demon1 Member Posts: 76

    If you think 3 gens and kick gen meta is fun for anyone you are weird my friend.. 45 min games just kicking gens.. thats cringe at its finest

    Also cleansing is a counter to noed and undying they're many ways to counter mft is 3%.. 🤣

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,716

    This happens everytime with every perk that is too strong from both sides of the game.

    People just don't want their strong toys taken away from them.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited July 2023

    Since when?

    You have many loops where running straight is only option to catch survivors.

    Lot of main buildings are like that. No alternative path, otherwise you waste more time trying to mind game.

    Space between loops is straight line.

    Running away with Iron Will from loop is straight line. You just got 20% more distance.

    You never have a moment where you simply hold W as survivor?

    And best example is yet to come. Chase in straight line doesn't exist? How Midwitch works for this?

  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    I mean its fine if you disagree, but you already said earlier in the thread that you get looped around rocks, so I hope you'll forgive me for doubting your ability to accurately judge how effective a perk is.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    you think getting looped for 5 gens is fun?

    Sure, cleansing is counter to NOED and Undying. Yet it was nerfed, because survivors can't be bothered to find a totem.

    Best way to counter MFT is to play killer that doesn't care about 3%. I don't know about you, but perk that makes me stop playing certain killers don't seem to be well designed.

    If you are fine with "don't play that killer" (Plague, Legion, Doctor), then "just play SWF" becomes valid too.

  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    Because you don't even understand what MFT does or how much that 3% speed increase is. When MFT is active, a standard speed killer is still 0,48m/s faster than a survivor, meaning that they catch up to a survivor who loops a single point in less than 10 seconds. MFT doesn't even make a difference in the slightest in that scenario, you are just buying into the hype that the perk somehow makes the average survivor an uncatchable speed demon when that is not the case at all.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158
    edited July 2023

    Until you take into account other things.

    The obvious one, hitbox size, survivors are smaller, which allows them to run around loops tighter than any killer can, add the speed boost from MFT, and this becomes A LOT more noticeable, specially against the slower killers.

    Then we can add other factors as well, Hope and Resilience.

    Hope and MFT makes you as fast as a 110% killer, thats should never EVER be a thing, which is also why i firmly believe Hope should get toned down as well, since its permanent during endgame, before it was limited which justified the huge speed, but not anymore.

    And the worst one, Resilience, remember what Spine Chill did? it increased Vault Speed, and it was a problem, cause these two were combined to make really fast vaults, making looping stupidly stronger, thats why Spine Chill lost that buff completely, and now we have its replacement, MFT, while it doesnt increase vault speed, it does increase movement speed, its basically the same thing in a different way, this "looping build" was nerfed for a reason, and it needs to be nerfed again since they brought it back.

    And thats without mentioning the second function of this perk, the Endurance after healing someone, which is quite a strong effect, even if its rare.

  • durag_demon1
    durag_demon1 Member Posts: 76

    If you getting looped for 5 gen then that's a skill issue

    Mft does not stop you from playing certain killers you choose to stop playing certain killers... skill issue once again

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Ah now you know I feel dying magically after I stunned a killed, being pulled back from a vaulted palette and/or window and dying six feet from a window! It's great!

    I never know if the person is cheating or something very wrong is going on. I've a ping of 20ms. No clue what is causing this but it's so bad i had to take a break.

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 456

    It should simply be changed to a utility tank perk, faster healing speed while injured and keep the endurance.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    The perk might be too strong, but it doesn't warrant the hysterics it's getting. The absolute meltdown it has caused is ridiculous.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Getting looped for 5 gens don't have to mean single survivor.

    With 4x MFT and map offering, if you don't have good killer, there is not much you can do. You will end up with 1-3 hooks, you got thanks to bloodlust.

    If MFT is main and only reason why I have stopped playing certain killer, it made me stop it.

    Did I have to? No, I could continue torture myself.

    There are simply killers who are affected way more by MFT, that's a fact.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    The way you went from "the perk shouldn't be made useless" to suggesting nerfs that would make it useless in the same post is admirable

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Not really, seems fine to me.

    Depends on numbers of course. 100% bonus healing speed wouldn't really pass.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Wouldn't make it useless. It'd define it strictly as a chase perk. The perk currently provides the following effects:

    Whenever you are in the Injured State Made for This activates and you benefit from the following effects:

    • Gain a 1/2/3 % Haste Status Effect while running.
    • Gain the Endurance Status Effect for 6/8/10 seconds after completing a Healing action on another Survivor.

    My proposed nerf would remove the Endurance status effect and replace it with a downside to incentivise healing. The most common complaint about MFT is how survivors aren't healing while running it, which leads to it always being active.

    A build centered around MFT would be something like Resilience, Made For This, Hope, and Windows of Opportunity. Resilience provides you with up to 9% increased Action speeds. WoO shows you the locations of Pallets and Vaults. Hope activates once the exit gates are powered and provides you with up to 7% haste. Stacked with MFT, that makes you equal to a 110% killer, which is absolutely busted.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited July 2023

    Strong perks that activate while injured are popular right now because healing got gutted, they're not staying injured for MFT & resilience, they're using them because in the current meta survivors don't heal anyway, unless they bring a syringe.

    Also, Hope is busted on its own, the extra 3% from MFT is just for show.

    Perks that include a debuff for you / a buff for your opponent are all unpopular for a reason: they're bad. And most of them don't include a debuff to your main objective. The only one that does (off the top of my head) is Scavenger, and it's only for 30seconds yet it's enough that i've never seen anyone using it. Now, why on earth would anyone use a perk that gives you a whole 15% slowdown when injured, in a sloppy butcher meta, for a mere 3% that you don't even get if you're exhausted ?

    The only scenarios where someone would use it would be in a 4ppl swf where one of them is in charge of looping and doesn't have any intention of doing any gens, or swf on comms where there's a dedicated healer so the survivors are always healthy out of chase. So basically, it wouldn't change anything for organized swf but would absolutely murder the perk for solo q and casual swf, which in my humble opinion is a terrible idea.

    MFT has enough conditions already, the only nerf that wouldn't kill it would be to delete the endurance effect.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2023

    The downside to MfT is that you are injured, you are downable in a single hit. If that's not a downside, why is No Mither not meta?

    Hope has always been 7%, which has always been enough to outrun a killer for as long as is usually necessary, unless the killer chases better than the survivor. So why is MfT the problem here and not Hope? It's because hardly anyone is complaining about MfT + Hope in endgame, because it's barely any different to just Hope in the endgame, and because an injured survivor in the endgame is usually fairly useless, they can't bodyblock, they can't make saves, etc.

    The only thing people are complaining about is "muh loopz", well, if you loop for 15 seconds (not even a long chase) you get 5% bloodlust and completely cancel out MfT. As soon as you realise "oh they have MfT" stop using your power and don't break pallets, and you will catch up. (unless your power happens to be effective anti-loop that will work better than bloodlust of course, then MfT isn't a problem anyway)

    And that's only if you can't outplay the survivor at a loop anyway. Most survivors running MfT will still go down because they don't have lightning fast reactions and perfect predictive ability. For the same reason Hope has never been a problem with more than twice the added speed, neither is MfT if the killer chases better than the survivor.

    The only issues I legitimately see with MfT, and these are more from a mathematical, theory-crafting perspective and not based on any real issue I've actually seen, are:

    • Boon: Dark Theory has a lower haste value, despite being more limited. It only works in one, maybe two loops so you can't chain loops or run the killer for very long with it, and if the killer doesn't want to play they can easily snuff it out, because it's right next to them. I'd be more than happy for the 2% of Dark Theory and the 3% of MfT, to swap places.
    • Theoretically, with added haste from MfT (and any haste effect in general) you can start running before you enter chase, this prolongs the start of the chase, which in turn prolongs the killers ability to trigger bloodlust. (whether just 3% makes a significant difference here I can't say, but lets assume it does) So I'd be more than happy for MfT to gain the caveat of 'only active during chase'. This would also allow killers an additional counter of breaking chase and then out-positioning the survivor to catch them off guard, which I think would be a legit and fair counterplay.
  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I mean tbf they stated they had no plans to change it at the moment

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Lol, you just want MfT to be garbage meme tier perk if you have to bring No Mither for it to work. Jesus.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Omg, thank you. All those proposed changes do is make MfT garbage or lock it out for solo survivors, who need the most help anyway.

    I also forget how meta drawback survivor perks are atm (obviously sarcasm): Calm Spirit, Iron Will, Pharmacy, Aftercare, Self-Care, Autodidact, Blood Rush, Object of Obsession, No Mither, Potential Energy and Quick Gambit.