View teammates perks in pre-game lobby

So you can synergize with your teammates? Could also help with closing the gap between solo and swf
I did suggest something like that, but mid-game.
There were concerns that people would do lobby dodging if they saw ''bad'' perk combination or players with tier 1 or tier 2 perks or no perks at all.
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Last second swaps already exists for killers. They can work on your teammates too.
The important thing is, that you would be able to strategize - see someone bringing boil over? You bring breakout. See that someone brought inner healing/overzelous - you don't bring your boon exponential then. That would help soloQ quite a bit
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I second 'mid-game only'.
Just as you can hit options to see everyone's ping and see which offerings have been played. This screen should display perks of other survivors. You can then take the time to see what other survivors have if you want to.
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That would take away the synergizing part though, which swf does have. If people don't want to play with 'new' players they will dodge low prestiges anyways. And maybe new players should play with new players instead? And if you really think someone is dodging you because of your build you could always swap it last second. But I think these are very rare cases
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And what if people don't want to play with No Mither or Sole Survivor? Are survivors just not allowed to run these perks anymore?
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Ofcourse they are, you can just swap your presets last second if you really think not a single player wants to play with you. Or maybe make it so anonymous profiles hide this feature. There will be a solution for no mither players, dont worry.
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But having everyone's perks visible mid-game would be more beneficial than loading into a lobby with everyone set to hidden because they don't want to be dodged...