this is the worst event in dead by daylight history

the game is literally unplayable when killer can instantly break pallets without dropping chase. at least half my chases end with killer free breaking a pallet and i can do nothing about it because they don't have to stop moving even for a fraction of a second. meanwhile i get dream pallets and a 3 second window block in exchange. i cannot wait for it to be over.
-survivor main
The event really isn't that bad and it's not like survivor didn't have an event that favored them with snowmen being health states.
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Okay, if you main survivor and get immediately bodied because of a remote pallet break when there's other structures around, that is a skill issue on your end, man. I play both sides as equally as I can but I have been leaning into survivor since I was bored and I can see how easily telegraphed someone's movements are when they have that little hula hoop around them. Unfortunately, the event will be over before you can get better with countering that sort of thing.
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So... You hate knights? It's basically his power, but yes, killer in this event is god, break pallets, insta down with bloodlust and resistance.
-killer main