Boil Over Build Feedback

I've gone against numerous teams at this point abusing a build centered around No Mither and Boil Over. The most favored map offering with this is Ormond, although any map with a second story building and no nearby hooks suffices to make hooks nearly impossible. The idea behind this insipid playstyle is this:
1) The entire team's set up consists of similar perk loadouts as detailed before, plus either sabotage toolboxes or the perk saboteur.
2) The survivor team brings offerings for distant hooks, a killer shack basement spawn, and an Ormond map offering.
3) Upon loading in, the survivor team rushes to Ormond's main building, and hides in a location where downing and hooking them is a near impossibility, which turns into an actual impossibility when one in their team breaks down the closest hook.
4) The game then becomes a battle of attrition where the Killer bleeds everyone out on the floor or the survivors finish gens over the course of thirty minutes or more. Unless you're playing Pyramid Head, of course, but if the only decent counterplay to this playstyle is playing as a licensed killer, then it isn't really a worthwhile counterplay.
This cannot be allowed to be a playstyle in the game. You reworked Skull Merchant because she had the propensity to make games last longer than they should have, this is the exact same issue. Here are some fixes I can come up with off the top of my head:
1) Place numerous hooks on the second floor of every multi-storied building.
2) Make the perk Boil Over decrease a survivor's bleed out timer. People who use this perk only use it to abuse it, and they have no intention of getting hooked at all. It stands to reason that if the only way for the survivor to die in this scenario is leaving them on the ground, then they shouldn't have the prolonged amount of time to make that trade worthwhile.
It’s literally a guaranteed win. Would you rather face that team or a 4xBNP gen jockey team?
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I would rather not waste time with a group of survivors whose only goal is to prolong how much it takes to kill them. Yes, I would rather a gen jockey team because at least that match is short. These matches, win or lose, take excruciatingly long, and the only enjoyment that can be derived is from the trolls propagating it.
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Well I’m going to play devils advocate. It’s a fun way to play for survivors to mess around with their friends. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it needs to go.
If you’re going to complain about that play style, then you can’t slug, camp, or tunnel. Survivors don’t like that play style.
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This is as much a playstyle as Skull Merchant placing drones around a three gen was pre-nerf. It's only extending the game and it's tedious. I don't know about you, but I don't play this video game for tedium.
EDIT: And for the record, I don't slug unless there's two survivors left, I don't camp unless it's endgame, and I don't tunnel unless the survivor off hook is giving me hits. These are all tactical choices meant to finish the game as quickly as possible. They're a far cry from drawing a game out just for shits and giggles with friends.
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I kind of agree with this. It is an alternative playstyle, but it is not an "effective" playstyle since the Survivors almost always lose when they do this, that's why BHVR hasnt changed this.
With Skull Merchant, you could camp a 3-gen and win with a 4K after a full 60-minute stalemate. It's obvious that it was not healthy since players got actively rewarded by doing attempting to do it.
The difference here being that Survivors who do that are going to lose, and according to BHVR's POV, it is considered perfectly fine since the Bleedout Timer is an alternative to Sacrificing a Survivor on a hook, therefore it still technically progresses the game for the Killer at least.
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There's a lot of round robin talk in your post, so let me be blunt. I don't like this playstyle because it eats up my valuable time. I don't care if I'm going to win if I play along with their playstyle, it still eats up at least a solid thirty to forty minutes, and that's just not tenable. I don't see any reason to defend a playstyle whose sole purpose is to make my day drag on while I play video games.
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Likewise there are other things which "waste time"...
Why do Survivors sit in the Exit Gates when they can just leave?
Why do Killers bleed out Survivors when they could just hook them?
Both things are still in the game, so "it's wasting my time" is such a non-point when BHVR barely care enough to do anything about it. Regardless of how much you criticize it, BHVR has gone on to state that it's basically all fair game at this point, and by their history of actions, they wont do anything about it regardless of what you say.
(INB4 you mentioned the "basekit Unbreakable", you have to keep in mind that the Finisher Mori was put in place first, and the basekit Unbreakable was put into the game to provide more counterplay for the Finisher Mori, basekit Unbreakable was not originally designed for countering being bleed out or general slugging for pressure, BHVR even said this when announcing the stuff for the PTB when testing it.)
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Survivors are prevented from sitting in exit gates indefinitely by the end game collapse. The longest they can remain at most is roughly a minute and a half, and even then the killer can chase them outside with ease.
BHVR has been implementing anti-tunneling measures over the last several patches now which makes the bleeding someone out on the floor playstyle harder and harder. Believe me from how this discussion started, I am intimately aware of how hard it is to bleed someone out. That's not to say this style of play isn't toxic, it is, and should also be rectified somehow.
Just because problems are still in the game doesn't change the fact that they're problems. However, the ones you mentioned can lengthen someone's suffering for a couple of minutes at most. The playstyle this discussion is discussing can drag a game on for dozens.
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Just stand on them while they are downed and as soon as they wake up hit them again,done.
They will eventually abandon the high grounds to do some gens or end up the game on the floor while you practice the attack button ahahahah.
The real problem here,at least in my opinion,is related to the map offerings,I even said it in the past,these should not be a thing in an asymmetrical game like dbd,they ruin the random aspect of the game and let players take full usage of their perks in a controlled environment.
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it is mostly problem because bvhr never bother to balance slugging so you can keep purposely slugging yourself as survivor and the survivor takes forever to die so everyone can do gens while other guy is untouchable and wasting time. The counter to slug builds is just slugging and waiting for survivor to bleed out but yes it is tedious gameplay mechanic.
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The only defense of Map Offerings I can get behind is that they're necessary for certain killer builds. Imagine a Shytt-Yourself Myers trying that build in the corn, or on Red Forrest!
They are absolutely not necessary for Survs to play well on. Even Balanced Landing builds are very rare these days. That said if one role cannot use those offerings then they all should go. I've also seen around here the idea of making them lessen the chance of maps, but I don't really like that one either.
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But at least you can hook them unlike those dirty Boil Over bringers. It's not like gen rushers would ever choose to play as stealthily as possible and avoid chases entirely right? (just a little sarcasm)
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I like when survivors do this, they are just messing around and try to have a some fun in their way, like they are not doing gens, I just mess around together and have a good break
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Teams literally do this to bully killers, then complain about 3 genning, tunneling, camping, slugging and just the killer being in the same match. Boil over needs to be removed/reworked, or BHVR needs to put more hooks in the buildings. If you don't like the 3 gen master's aka Knight/Skull Merchant, then you shouldn't like another playstyle that is literally meant to hold a game hostage. Which is against TOS by the way.