What are yall thinking with MFT?
Survivors get free movement for the killers doing their job? Seriously bhvr? Stop sacrificing gameplay for sales just so you can nerf perks after everyone buys your content. You think we don't see it but we do. Poorly designed perk. No interaction on survivors end and does way too much
Remove the Endurance, it's weird and doesn't fit with the perk, and then the perk is fine imo.
Just seems like whenever either sides gets a new usable perk, people are upset. Sometimes, there is merit to it, most of the time there isn't.
16 -
Surivors gets injured
entity. heres a free sprint burst and a permanent lesser blood lust
Killer gets looped for 15-30s
Entity here's a speed boost
Killer breaks a pallet
Entity you shouldn't of done that "removes bloodlust"
Here's how to rework mft if a surivor vaults a pallet or drops one mft deactivates for 15s see how often it bloodlust is actually used against you
11 -
Killer Main here and my opinion with MFT is mixed.
I wouldn't necessarily say that this perk needs to be killed, but all I would do is to change it's activation requirements.
It's fine with the boost as is, but should either be time limited or/and require a more specific activation.
Either limit it like Lucky Break, where you get X amount of running time, but you can restore the time by doing some actions.
Or I'd propose for MFT to be active when on death hook (or after every hook, but for a limited time). It would make it still playable, but not as frustrating
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normally i do agree with pulsar , but not this time , this perk is just terrible designed buddy , just go into a custom match with someone experienced a try playing a 1v1 on many maps , is not that hard to notice how much distance you are gonna lose over just breaking a pallet with a m1 killer or missing a hit barely just because of MFT.
only mobility killer powers and specific addon combinations should not be the way to counter such a strong perk like this ,
yeah lets keep a perk that hurts m1 killers even more meanwhile the S / A tier killer are gonna be just fine , what a logic.
"Remove the Endurance"
or they can just buff that to 16 seconds and remove the extra 3% movement
13 -
Value feels iffy. Very good against 110%, but reminds me of dead hard for distance in that it's bustedness depends on the map and how stupid it is by itself.
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Respectfully, that change sucks. It's just better WGLF and the effect is bad.
Anyways, a 1v1? Really? Can't wait for people to hotdrop every pallet on the map.
No, the perk has no been impactful to me. There have been one or two Survivors who I feel have gotten good value from it, but that was easily remedied by not chasing them for the whole game. MFT doesn't do anything if you don't have anything to loop.
8 -
MFT doesn't do anything if you don't have anything to loop.
get hit ..... hold W , idk what else to say really . you gain 24+ seconds by running in a straight line and if you barely reached a loop ; there you go MFT value for free , you were injured , just 99% your bar.
I personally as survivor or killer I find the perk really boring to use or go against but thats just my opinion i guess.
that perk is like overcome 2.0 to me , but it works all the time when injured , and once you remove that perk from your loudout , you forget how to loop without it.
Post edited by MB666 on9 -
I play both.
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Like someone has said in a previous thread, MFT and Bloodlust are incomparable.
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Ironic how you're complaining about MFT rewarding survivors because the killer did their job when you were defending NOED a while back, as if it doesn't rewards the killer because survivors did their job
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Dead by Daylight is a 4v1 game, not a 1v1.
Believe it or not, a perk or ability can be strong in the 1v1 yet weak in the 4v1. Survivors have never really had anything like this before, at least not with such strength that the community wants to talk about it, but Killers have been familiar with this concept for years (i.e. Deathslinger).
A Killer is not forced to chase any one survivor, and if said Survivor's perks + surrounding area render them harder to catch, the Killer should respect that. Most of the Killer roster has an ability that lets them get free first hits on Survivors by catching them in unsafe areas or simply getting the drop on them when they least expect it.
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Don't know what to tell you.
I'm not having any issues with it.
It's the first meta changing perk for Survivor in a year.
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Except that bloodlust is not a perk
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I didn't say anything about what you played.
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Just because you play both doesn't mean you're equally invested in both tbh.
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it needs a set total amount of time it can be active, like lucky break. currently it's unnecessarily free. and i really wonder who thought the haste wasn't enough and suggested adding an endurance effect.
5 -
Your right mft is better
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And blood lust is rarely active
0 -
Hot take:
Made for this is overrated. Those 3% make little to no difference compared to people using actual exhaustion perks to their full potential.
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There's nothing fun about it. It just happens and that's it. It's not a well timed dead hard or something survivor has to work for. It's especially detrimental to 110% speed killers who have to sacrifice an add-on slot for exhaustion
2 -
Survivors get free movement for the killers doing their job?
I don't really have an opinion on MFT, but this isn't really unique. Relentless, no way out, deadlock, etc.
It also makes a lot of sense. If perks rewarded players for completing their objectives, the game would become a stomp
4 -
MFT is extremely broken against most killers. I knew it when i was playing killer, i did not have the perk yet but seeing how busted it was i wanted to try it out by myself.
So i have bought Gabriel Soma and used this perk mixed with Resilience + WOO and well, most killers drop chases against me now, they are loosing so much time...
I do not say it is 100% of the time as sometimes i do a mistake but if i do not (most of the time i play really well), they cannot catch me.
I haven't tried it combined with Hope... but i guess it breaks even more the game (i have faced it as killer and LT are pretty much infinites even if you have bamboozle...
That is funny to see such OP perks and the fact that when you combined them (MFT + Hope + Resilience) they are even more OP during the End Game, End Game that devs have designated as the Momentum of the trial, where the killer is supposed to win or loose the trial.
Well, i hope that MFT will get nerfed to the ground.
3 -
MFT is stronger than Lithe or SB during the whole trial.
If you get chase 2 or 3 times by the killer, thanks to the perk you get 2 or 3 extra loops that can be transformed in a total of 5 to 6 more loops if you have WOO equipped and a good RNG.
The time you gain with MFT is way bigger than with any exhaustion perks but visually it looks less impressive.
6 -
Bloodlust is entirely within the killers control. Think you're up against MfT, then loop for 15 seconds to activate bloodlust, you negate MfT and make up additional speed on top to make up for the time you spent gaining it.
Does it still extend a chase? Of course, it's meant to, it's an exhaustion perk. But it's by no means too strong. Sprint Burst is still far better.
I play exclusively M1 killers and I don't have a problem with this perk at all. At most, I could see it dropping to 2%, purely because it's just odd that Dark Theory has a lower value despite being a more limited effect. So then Dark Theory would be buffed to 3% instead.
I guarantee everyone having a problem with MfT is just refusing to use bloodlust, either because they haven't worked out that it is a guaranteed counter, or just out of principle because they want the perk nerfed. They're probably intentionally throwing all their games in protest.
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Do you read what your saying surivors have blood lust that's entirely in their control just dont heal, and using blood lust means your getting rolled
Dark theory is in a limited range and can be snuffed
And you can use exuastion perks with it you can still use dh or smash hit they are both weaker than normal exuastion but still existent
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Agreed but hwr3s the problem we swapped an injured meta for an alternative injured meta
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Survivors have +3% that requires them to consume a perk slot, forego exhaustion perks, and be injured and therefore vulnerable. Killers have basekit bloodlust which is +5% to +15% and activates in 15 seconds. A 15 second chase is nothing.
"Just don't heal" yeah that's gonna help you when you need to take a protection hit or get out positioned by the killer.
Dark Theory: Yes I know, that's my point. ???
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You forgot devour hope
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The perk is wildly overrated. I think survivors only like it because it's a chase perk and chases are what everyone thinks is what makes the game fun.
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You realize you just described old dead hard
surivors have a .5s endurance that's requires a perk slot and forgoes exuastion perks and be injured There for vulnerable
Yes killers have basekit blood lust that's 5 to 15%
assuming they don't use their power
Hit a surivor, get stunned break a pallet or lose chase for 5s
Just don't heal yeah that did work for dh and it works for mft
0 -
The WHOLE GAME is balanced around 100% survivor base speed, from Killer power design, to loop length, from palet and window positioning to distance between loops. There should be NO perks that in any shape or form gives survivors a speed boost for longer than 3-4 seconds!
7 -
Based take for a based username
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It's the same thing we saw in 2018-2019 after the first healing nerfs.
Healing becomes worse, Survivors decide to push gens until healing is more viable. Spine Chill, Resi, DS DH was the meta back then and I distinctly remember not being happy with it because I was a new Killer at the time.
Same thing now. MFT, Resi, Windows and Hope or some variation of that.
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Would you be ok with deadlock getting nerfed since it gives killers free slowdown for survivors doing their job? I ask because based on your posts you seem pretty biased towards killer..
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Simple math proves you wrong...
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Exactly and neither of them are good
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How would you nerf it it dose 1 thing 4 times a game?
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It's fine because just like MoM and CoH it'll be nerfed into oblivion.
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I mean, at this point why not just bring a perk that gives killers 1% movement speed per every generators finished? with all those 3% doesn't matter/only good loopers become good logic it wouldn't be a problem really.
1 -
A Nurse’s Calling - heal and get your location revealed
Bitter Murmur - finish a gen and get your location revealed
Make Your Choice - unhook a teammate - scream and become exposed
Hubris - pull off a stun, become exposed
Call of Brine - hit a good skill check and reveal your location
Noed - do all your gens become perma-exposed and give killer 4% speed boost
Coup de grace - do your gens, improve the killers lunge
Deathbound - heal a teammate and become oblivious
Discordance - cooperative repair? Give your location to the killer
Rancor - do all your gens and screw over the obsession
Fire Up - do your gens and increase the killers action speeds
Forced Penance - take a protection hit and become broken
Pentimento - cleanse totems and have repair, healing, recovery, and opening speeds reduced
Tinkerer - repair a gen and reveal your location to an undetectable killer
I could go on and on about perks that reward the other side for doing what they should be doing.
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Lol yeah it's 1% I'd dosent add much I mean hope dose 7%
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can we all move on and just agree MFT is perfect the way it is? main killers used to complain about survivors using the same perks always and always, and now survs are using new builds and ppl still complaining?
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People don't care abt the Endurance though
It had always been about the movement speed
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I think any "free" movement speed bonus for survivors that isn't super obvious like an exhaustion perk or have strict conditions isn't good design. There will be moments where survivors barely reach safety when you wouldn't expect them to or you barely whiff which mess with consistency. Also now how will you know if a cheater isn't just adding a few extra % and running the perk claiming it's why they're faster.
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And please don't come up with straight line calculations now because that's not how you play killer. You don't brainlessly walk after survivors in a straight line.
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I think that would be a cool change to it. Giving it a way of charging up. What popped in my head was healing downed survivors bc it would synergize with the perk.
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It's in line with other exhaustion perks, not a big deal.
6 -
Flawed logic.
The game isn't balanced around any one control, because every game sees a new killer on a new map against different survivors, running different perks, different items, different add-ons, and different levels of experience.
The game is DESIGNED around 100% Survivor base speed, but it is BALANCED around variables that are far more fluid.
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Sure, but BHVR thinks that movement is fine.
There is absolutely no reason for this perk to have second part.