Why does Trickster have 60 knives?

There is no way to counter this. You are in a open area, with no form of protection around you? Sucks to be you, cus you are dead. Is he too close to you, and he pulls out his knives? Again, sucks to be you. Is there a reason for the 60 knives, or is it just to be annoying?
he has 44 knives. he has more knives because you have more hit points to make mistakes in side-steping knives. 11 hitpoints.
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He has 44 knifes and is literally one or the worst killer in the game
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He has to hit you 6 times to deal damage and 12 times to drop you from healthy to dying.
Not to mention these hits decay if you drop chase or he hasn't hit you in a while.
Besides, practically any killer catching you in an open area where you have nothing to use will get a hit on you.
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Trickster feels like a very unbalanced killer, but it also depends on the map and area you're in. In the open you're basically helpless because dodging the knives feels like an impossible task. He throws them so fast you can find yourself in the dying state in no time. The fact a killer can do this from a long distance feels like too much power. Huntress hatchets have more of a risk reward feel to them because they require more precise aiming. It doesn't matter if it requires multiple knives to hit you to change health states when they're able to be spammed as fast as they are now.
The knives should not be able to continue to damage you for a short moment after changing health states. The speed boost does little to help when the damage can continue without a delay like a basic M1 attack. Apart from that, I think he throws them way too fast. Being chased by this killer is not a fun experience when the only thing that protects you from him is objects.
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He doesnt have 60, its 44, and he struggles hard around tall loops.
For starters, dont get caught out in the open or around low loops.
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That is not possible in most situations. Relying on counter spots to this specific killer to deal with his power means attempting to keep him in very specific locations for the duration of the match. In my experience the Tricksters I go against rely heavily on the knives and are able to end chases too quickly.
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Rely heavily on knives.... maybe cause thats the only way for him to down people reliably? hes an 110% killer with no speed power.
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If Trickster is downing you from long distance, they deserve to. His power does not lend itself to long distance shots, so their tracking was either very good or someone was running in a straight line.
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he has 44 knives, not 60. He gets 60 from using addons. And if you get caught out in the open, thats entirely on you for being there to begin with. Just use sprint burst, its one of the bet perks in the game and has innumerable uses outside of just safety.
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You missed the point entirely and are trying to divert blame entirely on the survivor. This power is too much because it can be spammed with a high number of knives with only requiring about 1/4th of a full reload of them to hit. It doesn't matter if you don't run in a straight line when all the killer has to do is move slightly left or right when you do. Besides that, the recovery from the hits takes too long so unless you're able to dodge most of the knives in a full reload you're going down despite the fact you dodged most of the knives. Killers are rewarded too much whereas survivors are rewarded with too little in situations like this.
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You're talking as if the majority of survivors are experts at running killers for long periods of times. The Trickster is effective at minimizing chases because of his power. Getting downed in under 10 seconds is not fun. A power that makes doing that consistently easier because it can damage you at long range makes this happen too often. Running from the killer should be engaging, not annoying or feel like it was hopeless to begin with. And like I said, its situation for this killer. Outside maps favor him whereas indoor maps don't. A simple change to balance this is to basically make his knives do less damage the farther away he is.
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Landing his knives at long distances isnt even easy, it has a lot of recoil, and he needs several of them to even injure, unlike Huntress.
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He can down you in open area?
Oh no, killer can use power to injure/down survivors. So broken...
It's definitely not something many other killers can do better than him.
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trickster's does have engaging. you have to sway side to side and predict where his knives are going to land. your not expected to dodge every single knives. just majority of them. your not even required to deplete his entire knives count most of the time because putting objects is so easy that you can often deny any real gameplay from him. he has engaging gameplay but its likely not your cup of tea.
This power is too much because it can be spammed with a high number of knives with only requiring about 1/4th of a full reload of them to hit.
You would very surprised for how limit his ammo pool is when playing him. aiming survivor that are tricky to hit is no joke.