Does anyone else NOT use killer addons?

It seems like every killer I face or watch almost always have addons on, even players that dedicate themselves mostly to one killer. I'm not saying people shouldn't use addons or anything, I'm mainly wondering if anyone else feels kinda bad when using them.
Personally, using addons feels bad because they're a consumable. I really don't want to train myself on certain addons just to run out of them, and I don't want to continuously pump bloodpoints into a killer I play a lot because I don't really care about Prestige past 10. My goals when I play this game are to unlock everything I can, have fun, try to win, and try to improve. Using addons would make it easier to win, but harder to improve as I'm relying on something I won't always have.
It also irks me a bit when everyone's making videos showcasing perk combos and such while always bringing in a decked-out item. Like, I get that Mettle of Man is good when you have 2 self heals on your medkit. I'm sure Prove Thyself is carrying your team, nothing to do with your brand new part or anything. But ESPECIALLY that Ace in the Hole video. Why would you bring an item in when you are scavenging for more you're not even showcasing the "you keep addons on escape" feature you're just throwing away your inventory
Anyways, if you know anyone who makes DBD videos and doesn't constantly use really good addons and items all the time, I'd love to see it!
Do I feel bad for using addons? Nope. Not even a little. You not using them is just hindering yourself but you do you. :)
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Personally i just use brown and yellow addons, anything more than that feels like a crutch to me, but obviously that is just a personal choice
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They add variety to a game, so I can't say I have any issue with them when I face a killer or am a killer (unless overpowered).
However, as to whether I use them or not depends purely on whether they come up on the randomizer system I use.
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I tend to pick addons that do very little or nothing with my playstyle. I keep hoarding those I'd find actually useful.. for the day when... umm... maybe... I don't know. When I'll really want to win or something.
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I generally try to stick to green and below addons as my core usage so i can ensure that i always have the available. The purple and iri ones can sometimes be hard to get unless you pour a ton of bloodpoints into the character.
There are a few exceptions where the killer is just terrible without those addons, but generally that is what i try to do. I don't do it as a way to "handicap" myself or "be nice" its simply economics. If there is some challenge i need to do that an addon would help with then i'll use something different.
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I used to not use addons on all my killers but then I just hit a hard celling where my killer powers were good, but not better than the tool survivors brought. I soon ended up running franklins and stressing out because my mistakes were always punished more heavily without addons. Now, I am at the point where I try not to run better then greens unless a killer needs it <Trapper and Singularity>. Currently, I recommend using addons because you can only get so good with some killers basekit power.
TLDR Use addons because you will eventually hit a hard cap of your basekit killers power.
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depends on the killer I play. Some of them barely have a difference in gameplay and some of them are extremely addon dependent.
I do not really like using addons/items overall, because i'm a hoarder.
I'm absolutely fine not using addons on Trapper, Wraith, Nurse, Huntress, Plague, Pyramid Head, Artist (PH and Artist only because their addons are all pretty dog, so no reason to use any)
But i'd feel handicapped if i were to go into a match as an addonless Billy, Myers, Bubba, Doctor, Freddy, Wesker, Knight
I don't play any other killers so i can't judge how addon dependent they are
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I dont use any since i bought the game.
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Basekit wraith 👍
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I don't use add-ons on my main but some add-ons are nice of you want to get better. Like huntress for instance the one for more hatches allows you to throw more hatchets thus quicker learning. I'm sure there's other killers that have similar add-ons. I wanted to master main completely so I don't use perks or add-ons. Most are meme able and fun for the most part while others can be game breaking like iri head huntress, or blights top three.
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I use yellow and brown add ons, use green ones occasionally, purple and pinks I use only for specific builds
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I try to avoid any addons that are overpowered. I like some of the Iri addons that have clear tradeoffs - example are the Pigs, give up two traps for an aura reading, but mostly just run browns and yellows. I wish all addons had some level of pro/con to them instead of feeling like a difficulty slider.
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I mostly play with non because I like to stash. I like big numbers xD. When I do play with add ons they are mostly brown, max yellow. The only killer I can think of where I play green add ons is Myers so I can tier up faster.
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Yeah, I'm having the same mindset as other people here.
It's sort of like a habit to collect things, you know?
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You're up against 16 perks and potentially 4 items with 8 add ons. Nah don't feel bad for not using them at all
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I need my omnibell wraith. Fits my playstyle more. His base power gives himself away. Not really great for ambushing them
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You know, that's a lot more different opinions and outlooks than I expected! That's super interesting! I get where u all are coming from, I'm just the kind of person that uses like 3 items in a 20 hour RPG
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I mostly do the quality of life addons that should be basekit imo.
Like Artists' severed hands addon or Dredge's Haddie's calendar. But addons that do mangled are nice too and free's up a perk slot.
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I'm honestly the same when it comes to the Knights "Map of the Realm" and "Call to Arms" addons...the former should absolutely be basekit.
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I won't use epics. Just feel wrong using addons that drastically change the way killlers performs something. On Oni I use both greens and Knights best are brown and yellow.
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I know how you feel. I also don't run addons in a vast majority of my games. For some reason there is a small part of me that fears they might run out eventually. Although, that really isn't going to happen on my main killer. I have the brown addons more 2000 times. Even if I wanted, I could never use them all.
I sometimes use addons when I commit for a meme build or when I play Freddy. Freddy is awful either way but I prefer running dream pallets over snares.
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People do play without them, but there is a limit to how well you'll do without them vs with them.
Technically all killers are balanced around the use of addons, but should also be viable when not using. In practice some killers are borderline unplayable without addons for varying reasons. Addons also facilitate alternative play styles by altering the way your power can be used and some playstyles are just more fun than the base way the killer functions. You can find a lot of no addon challenge content on youtube, but I don't know any specific creators who never use addons.
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I refuse to play wesker without jewel beetle + unicorn medallion
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The only add-on I use as killer is rat liver for Demogorgon. I don't use anything else.
I also don't use items as survivor.
And after the meta shake up I didn't use perks for about a month.
I'm just lazy. I know I would have a much easier time with add-ons or items and they're kind of a very important part of the game, it's only normal that the large majority of people use them, they're not supposed to sit in your inventory forever.
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I main Trapper and feel I could do well without addons. But I often bring Trapper bag and Tension Spring, both purple addons.
I dont feel they hinder me or make me rely on them. I like the drawback of trapper bag being not picking up my traps when set. Makes every set trap meaningful and I better know my trap knowledge lol. If anything, I feel some addons require the player to learn the killer before they can effectively use some addons.
Post edited by Spare_Them_Mori_Me on0 -
Don't use them because I can't be bothered reading what they do.
I don't care enough about winning or losing.
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I basically never use items/addons/offerings. I main blight and I think I used 5 alch rings in total
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Can you hug tech?
If so, could I interest you in some custom time? I really need a good Blight to see what the fuss is all about with Nurse/Blight being OP. He's mid tier at best imo.
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As a surv, I am a cheap, I hoard everything and never use them
For example, I got 200+ party streamers (it's not an addon but you know what I mean) I'll never use, because each time I've brought one (as asked by a random), I either get facecamped at 5 gens, or 2+ surv dc'd...............
same goes for toolbox or medikit (I only bring them when I do a challenge)
But I feel it's mandatory to bring addons on killers, like on GF (Philly or Matchbooks) whom I sort of main or with knight and the ones previously mentionned, I hoard every addon on every killer but I refrain from using better than green ones addons
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Back when addons were useful, they were wasted on survivors being bad, dcing, or giving up early.
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I only use the weak ones or none at all.
I never use exposed or sweaty addons with any killer, I don't enjoy going against ridiculously sweaty killer builds so I don't subject others to them either
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I used to not use any since I tend to be an item hoarder in games but lately have taken to using common ones that I have a ton of. I do wish I had more Anxious Gasps for my nurse though - I love that add on and keep running out.
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I didn't use add ons for 5+ years in this game, other than as a special treat. I've very much got RPG hoarder brain and it prevented me from using them, especially since the old system stole them from you three times if you prestiged. Plus, since they're limited, I didn't want to come to rely on them because going back to a base power could be a problem for some add-on reliant killers.
Interestingly enough, the prestige system rework is what changed my mind. My previous bp philosophy was to get a character to level 40 to get their perks unlocked, and get the ones I liked to P3 and get all perks unlocked. After that, I was content to never spend a bloodpoint on them again.
Not losing items on prestige, prestiges being forced, and unlocks tied to prestige changed that a bit. Now when a new killer comes out I've got hundreds of their add ons by the time their perks are on other killers. I felt like there was a point to spending anniversary bloodpoints on killers that had all the perks for cakes, and got a nice buffer of add ons that way. My current plan is to finish P3ing the survivors, and then focus on getting such a big buffer of my preferred add ons on my preffered killers that I never need to play without them again.
Still refuse to use add ons on Blight though. Basekit is fun and balanced. Add ons...less so.
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I used to feel that way about blight’s addons. I wouldn’t run alch ring without black ward. Now I have close to a thousand of them so I run one every game without thought.
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I rather use weak or no addons, idk if it's because of challange, one of the killers was necessary because on Nurse I didn't want to be reliant on range addons,
idk why I don't really want to use expensive addons, I guess one of the reasons is I don't have a lot of them, which I don't even know how when I never use them
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I mostly play survivor, once I have all the perks on my survivors, I dump all my points into the killers I don't mind playing.
I will always use add-ons because unlike survivor, you cant die. The match will never end early and survivors can and often will toy with you if you are deemed not a threat.
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Yes i can hug tech, but I don’t really have a lot of time atm so probably can’t show it to you in a custom game. But he’s definitely s tier even without the hug tech
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So Ive heard. Would rather see it. Thank you though!
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I reset every once in a while. I'll run nothing for a week and then only yellow speed for another week. Then a combination of c21, yellow speed, vigos and a little green speed. No habit in dbd has been harder to break than green speed for me.
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I use brown addons with the exception of Myers and nemesis. I will use yellow for them.
i don’t use addons with hillbilly usually.
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I play a lot of no addon killer.
Unless I'm building for a specific thing I often don't bother to equip any addons.