I am so SICK if Wesker.

I swear he's all I face. His chase music gives me a headache. Every one of them hc facecamps and/or tunnels. Has bad ping. Is just generally annoying to play against.

Worst of all, DBD Wesker has ruined the REAL Wesker for me.

Please killswitch him again. That was the best time I've had in DBD since Wesker came out.

I'll even take Skull Merchant.

I'm desperate.



  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272

    I never said he wasn't. I'm just so absolutely bored of facing nothing but him. This game has other killers too. Let me face them. I've played 4 SM matches. I'll gladly face her more if it gets Wesker off my list.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,216
    edited July 2023

    The game has few other Killers that are fun to play as and aren't outrageously strong and are relatively easy to pick up.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    I think he would be fine if his tunneling ability get reduced

  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272

    Yup pretty much this. I wish DBD and RE never collided. DBD has pretty much ruined RE for me.

    Hopped on for a few games after this post. 5 games. 4 Weskers. Boring. Every one of them tunneling. I wish I could at least mute the awful chase music.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    I get that and all but theres no need to act like wesker existing is like being cyberbullied by the entire killer community.

  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272

    I have no idea where you're coming from with this. All I said was how I was sick of facing the same killer every day, there's no need to exaggerate.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    The Singularity was BHVRs opportunity to break the Wesker Cycle, but easy EMPs and handholding destroyed that opening and The Singularity is now burned down, squandered. Its not "one good killer every 12 month", like the happy PTB content creators told us, now it will be at least 16 month, so back to Wesker it is.

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331

    I would want to play trapper, but I don't want to get T-Bagged each time I get pallet stunned. Also, after trying out Pinhead and getting harassed by a sabo squad, and thus I think I will stick to Wesker and Blight for now.

    It is an evil cycle, I can only take so many matches where I try fun stuff while getting harassed, before I become the harasser.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,524

    Maybe bhvr should give players a reason to choose the weaker and less fun killers over wesker.

  • LittenKitten
    LittenKitten Member Posts: 51

    This is really weird because I never face Weskers for some reason. Sucks for you, but I guess you are just unlucky.

  • VoidOfMe
    VoidOfMe Member Posts: 416

    Guys, there is a way to deal with this, I won't say it here cause you can't say it here, but there is a very simple way to deal with wesker and SM. 😏

  • Glaive
    Glaive Member Posts: 107

    You need the complain to BHVR, they need to make more Killers that are just as fun as Wesker to play as, skull merchant is not fun to play as, I can clap cheeks with her all day but I don’t have fun doing it, meanwhile landing crazy hits with Wesker is extremely satisfying.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Unlike maps, they can't add a system that stops you getting the same killer twice in a row, because that would ultimately mean that popular killers get longer queue times, which isn't fair. You shouldn't have to wait in a longer queue just because the killer you like playing happens to be popular.

    Ideally they would balance killers more and give certain unpopular killers better QoL changes to fix anything unfun and clunky. That's the healthiest way to get people to play more killers.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I'd like to have some of these Weskers. All I'm getting are Wraiths and Huntress and I find them an absolute snoozefest.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    You’ll take Skull Merchant over Wesker??? I mean you do you I guess…

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    I want to see BHVRs current stats on how many % play each killer.

    That said they have done a really good job with Wesker! Making him so popular and balanced. Me when I play killer I can tell you I don't play him mostly Hag, Trapper and Dredge 😀 So I hold my head up high here!

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Wesker is not fun. Not everyone liked him. It’s ok that not everyone liked him or that he is popular but I am really tired of dealing with him in so many games. It would be nice if it was more spaced out with all his matches.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    what's the "whole point" again? you are upset that a killer is getting picked often and the reason to that is because the killer is healthy and fun, it's not rocket science is it? so what's the issue again? you just wanted to rant?

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    It also isn't fun to have to deal with any Killer 10 times in a row other than a brand new Killer. I don't think that is unfair for longer queues, as you know the risk when you queue up. Also a longer queue isn't no matches, just 3-5 minutes wait instead of 1-2. I 100% agree buffing or otherwise improving the playability of older/less played Killers. I still think there should be at the bare minimum Killer repeat prevention, but I would go as far as to give Survivors Killer bans at a rate of 1 per 5 Killers, while giving Killers map bans at the same rate.

    People already ragequit by DCing or hook suiciding against things like Nurse and Skull Merchant, so a ban system would just help prevent a DC from Killer pick alone.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    I ageee, may be the reason to take a good break from dbd. He’s not fun to play against when their servers can’tkeep you under 95 ping

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited July 2023

    Killer bans and map bans would only cause even -worse- queues than a non-repeat rule would. Now not only would Weskers have longer queue times but Nurses and Blights would never get games.

    I completely understand that playing against the same killer frequently is annoying but BHVR is never going to create slower queue times EVER. It's a strict stance they have.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    "Now Nurses and Blights would never get games": I see that as a feature, not a flaw. Unenjoyable facets of the game shouldn't be forced on the playerbase in the hopes they don't get a garbage match, regardless of which side is forced to endure. People will learn to play more than their 1-trick, people will ban the next newest Flavor of the Month, and the cycle will repeat so that everyone (at least in the top half of effective Killers) is played.

    Match quality is far more important than queue times, as most of the playerbase seems to think when I go against a 3gen Skull Merchant and my soloq teammates DC instead of play it out, or they DC on the first Nurse blink being heard. After that the remaining 4 players are forced to slog out an unplayably unfun match. Even after DC bots are added, that doesn't stop hook suiciding being a problem instead.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited July 2023

    It sucks. I'm sick of Wesker too, but I get why his pick rate is astronomical. They've released one killer that is fun to play and has a high skill cap in the last 5 or 6 chapters.

    Knight? Literal AI killer. Skull Merchant? Press button to deploy a drone. Singularity? M1 killer with Fire Up. Dredge? Noob stomper. Sadako? M1 killer.

    The devs have, for whatever reason, moved away from making even moderately mechanically demanding killers. Wesker is the one killer they put out in the last year and a half with any real depth.

    Wesker doesn't need nerfs. They need to get back to designing killers that are actually fun to play with deep mechanics. This isn't meant as a slight to console players, but it really feels like they are trying to design killer kits solely with an analog stick in mind. No mechanical input is built into these killers beyond basic M1 stuff. It's boring as all get out.

    Look at what they did in 2019-2020: Spirit, Plague, Pyramid Head, Blight. Compare those kits to what we're getting now. We've gone from "killer has a ranged attack, carves trails in the ground that inflict a status effect, puts you on a special hook, etc" to "killer deploys a drone by pressing a button and all power effects from then on are passive". Killers are being designed to do so. much. less.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,216

    You definitely cannot play SM.

    I had a daily and figured why not go for it, had three games where people DC'd instantly upon seeing me.

    I cannot condone it or encourage people to do it, but I get why they would do that

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    his ability is too ez to hit survivor, the infaction is way too overpowered, look at the ######### posts about MFT +3% ​​speed is "the worst thing bhvr brought into the game" but -8% perma once the infation is full, is fine all right he withdraws survivor from the vaults, His red addon as an example, the people start infected (corrupt + Lethal) if the survivor are fully infected, the exposed ones, everything requires tunneling while a PH doesn't get the buff because then "he can tunnel easier" right now PH can't just tunnel only if people are infected :)) bhvr understood the game, bhvr's understanding of the game like when bhvr says "we want to change the meta" and pop buffs (no one asked for it) 10/10

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    What about else wesker?

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Someone who only plays one killer... - As does the 4 Survivors who also purchased the game. Are they forcefully conscripted into that player's power fantasy? It also would prevent the people playing against them from quitting immediately, giving them real matches instead of boring slogs of 1v3s or fewer. You later say you don't punish someone who did nothing wrong, yet somehow don't recognize that is exactly what the Killer player more often is doing to the Survivors who despise that Killer. This would solve the problem you too are complaining about. Some people have emetophobia, or fear of vomiting, and cannot play against Plague at all. This has the pleasant side effect of allowing other such players who can't handle a specific theme of Killer to play the game. Having a longer queue time at the cost of having real matches without hook suicides isn't a punishment by the craziest stretch of the imagination.

    As far as the newly released Killer concept they could disable the feature for the first week or two after a release. They said they do the same with map repeat prevention not working (or rather being turned off) when releasing new maps, so the concept is easily translated over. Alternatively they could just not allow for banning the new Killer during that timeframe. Plenty of games with ban features for characters have already solved this non-existent problem.

    Again, having 6 (1 per 5, we are above 30 below 35) Killer bans is a personal choice, but I would make the argument that if the exact same 6 Killers are banned by the entire population then they clearly are a problem in dire need of fixing. By allowing the diseased wound of a problem to fester, you risk poisoning the trust of the playerbase to the point of killing them off. Also, the devs said less than half of the playerbase even utilized the Beta Wiggle skillcheck system when that was being tested. Most people don't look in the options, so this wouldn't significantly impact matchmaking even if hypothetically everyone banned say Nurse.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,064
    edited July 2023

    I'm tired of it as well, this game has zero variety. All it is are Wesker matches and then throw in some Knights and Blights. Nothing else. It's boring facing that all the time, especially when they use VPN's and such to gain hits they shouldn't have gotten, it gets on my nerves.

    I really hope that they add a system where you don't face the same killer all the time, kind of like the map system they made to prevent going to the same map, they should do that for killers.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    I guess I mean killers are doing less mechanically now by design. Dredge has a loaded kit, but it's mostly window dressing and low impact stuff. He's not nearly as deep to learn as Huntress whose only power is throwing hatchets. And there's a lot going on with Skull Merchant, but it's really not that deep to learn or become good at. It would take a few hours for an experienced player. Compare that to Wesker who takes quite a bit of time to learn.