Hex: Plaything need to be changed

Hex: Third Seal
Hex: Pentimento
Any hex perk in general
Knock Out
These are some things that swfs can counter
They also don't need to bring certain survivor perks as well.
So what exactly is your idea of changing hex: plaything?
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H:PT is one of the perks that help me combat SWFs lol. As Trapper, no less. SoloQ Surv... its still not OP. I enjoy playing with it active as a surv because it really tenses up the game for me lol. Need to make your own ways to get the blood pumping sometimes lol.
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you having trouble with plaything lmao
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That is how 95% of DBD is.
If you are in a SWF you have an absurd advantage over solo q players. Removing plaything won't do anything, it is a fundemental problem that probably cannot be solved.
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Why? You can literally see the totem aura to destroy
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not just swf, I ignore it when playing solo as well as it's very likely it's being run with Pentimento as well, so I don't touch the totems.
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What if they have devour as well? O_O
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Then as a survivor you remember which totems you broke, to ensure they're not relit.
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I play with friends and we don't ignore Plaything all the time. there's certain situations where it's best not to break it and I'd be doing that regardless of if I'm in a group or not.
there's always going to be advantages that come with being in comms, and unless BHVR adds an in depth ping system, the gap between SWF and solo queue will likely remain large.
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i agree with mandy the perk can be even ignored a solo player cuz it's often ran with pentimento so unless it's a case of indoor maps or certain killers i think you shouldn't cleanse it.
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You got me there, though I will say if you are solo Q and random people broke say 3 totems, might be tricky. That said I don't think the totem combos need a nerf or anything since plaything and devour are in my list of favourite perks.
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My brother in christ simply do the totem its not that hard