I'm sick of Wesker's power

sluc16 Member Posts: 537

This BS keeps happening every time I face Wesker, you are literally around the corner of an structure and still you get grabbed. I'm sick of this crap, you just magically teleport to his grasp. Like his power is not OP enough now is even unavoidable.



  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,130

    Its not a wesker issue its a ping issue. Ping can affect both sides equally. People get hit around corners meanwhile my weapon just phases through a survivor while they are barely half way through the vault animation.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,337
    edited July 2023

    Getting hit further away than you should happens with every killer on ping wesker dash is just so fast it makes the issue look worse. The killer is getting old information compared to the survivor on low ping and the killer's information is trusted for the most part. Super high ping basically bypasses pallet stuns since on your screen when you swing and hit the survivor the hit goes through before on your end the pallet being dropped reaches you (speculation). If you've seen killers vpn they basically teleport through the pallet hit you and then get teleported back and sometimes get stunned sometimes not.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    It doesnt. if you read my second comment you'd know that the game goes off what happened first in real time. it hasnt favored killer since the game was p2p and killer hosted. The point of the first comment was to say its stupid to complain your ping is bad and pretend its an issue with game design. Not the devs fault someone has a bad router, they shouldnt have the balance for that.

    Sidenote how does wesker get handheld? He already has to predict you perfectly and sometimes urobend just to get the hit. Not like blight or nurse who have lunges to correct imperfection, if he doesnt play perfectly then he misses and loses distance. Thats why his hits are rewarded more with basekit slowdown since their harder to land.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498
    edited July 2023

    I have never gotten a benefit from the killer lagging not once, so idk about that one buddy.

    Also blaming people for the servers being terrible is a classic, I have 0 ping issues in any other game besides DBD currently. It is most definitely a dev issue they need to sort out.

    I don't find Wesker overpowered and think he's hard to play in higher MMR's but he has a negative skill floor and it is entirely due to his power.

    Two generous dashes in case you mess up the first one with giant hitboxes that also extend over vaults, free zoning without even trying, built in slowdown, great tunneling and camping ability, stagger is so minimal for failing his power that the majority of survivors will never be able to exploit it.

    Blight's power is way more skill-intensive for sure.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948
    edited July 2023

    It doesn't. Hit validation is still a thing. Only it happens very rarely.

    BHVR already tried to turn this completely in the survivors' favor and it was horrible. Killers were getting robbed off hits left and right with survivors screaming, blood on the killer's screen and sometimes even hit animations on validated hits. Needless to say survivor queues were 15 minutes long.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Dont know what you mean there. If the killers rubber banding, you can easily escape. their movement will be so screwed from teleporting around winning a chase is impossible. So yeah a laggy killer actually cant help you. Goes both ways, if your laggy than you are done for because your pathing is screwed. And hits that look like they dont connect will because according to the servers your a few meters back from where you're downed. Theres a pretty definitive difference between lagging out and just having worse ping than the killer. 9 ping will obviously take priority over like 30 ping. And of course if you have 9 and he has 30, he'll be missing hits since you feel closer. Or he'll down you with the scream and everything just to see you running away because you actually didnt go down. Happens all the time.

    Didnt blame people for terrible servers. The servers suck and all but if I can have a consistent 20 ping with a good router than so can you. Unless you live in antarctica or something. Sometimes the servers are just terrible but I dont think you'll deny that a good wifi plan will mitigate that somewhat.

    Disagree, relative high skill floor. The hitboxes are only as large as the survivors, in theory it sounds big. But in practice he doesnt have any mistake correction mid dash like a blight or nurse (those two obviously have more skill to express, but landing the hit itself is more forgiving). Those two tokens dont correct any mistakes unless you are out in the open and he somehow misses an up close dash to infect you. And even then you'll pretty easily find some geometry to run around, or just dodge it. In an actual chase his powers incredibly punishing. Miss a dash and you lost like 10m of distance, not super forgiving. Also the stun timer (for both hitting and missing) is actually longer than blights fatigue. Weskers is 3s stun while blights is 2.5s. So idk what you mean about it being too short for anyone to play off of. Also that built in slowdown is there because his power is harder to land and less versatile in chase than other chase killers.

    Compare to blight for example, a pretty similar killer in playstyle. They both use a sort of bump/dash logic to setup for future dashes/rushes. Blight, while much stronger in chase due to having more tokens and being more forgiving with hits is focused solely on that injury. It does nothing else, landing a rush just injures them. Wesker power provides slowdown because its harder to land the hit. I want to reiterate, its not harder to use its just harder to get the hit off. Wesker has no way to correct a mistake while blight has 4 other rush tokens and a massive hitbox on this lunges startup. If wesker doesnt predict you perfectly he misses and you gain more distance than you would off blight missing. Since its less versatile and powerful in chase while also being less forgiving it provides a higher value. His power would be B-tier level if it didnt give slowdown.

    Also disagree about him getting free zoning. For one it takes 1.5s to charge so if you are withing 6m of that vault/pallet you are going to make it. With windows its probably closer to about 4m since he can hit you mid animation. On most loops you will definitely get there anyways. Shacks a good example of his zoning though. If you turn the corner and head inside and he charges up, you vault you die. But if you go for the pallet you also die. So your only real option is to try to bait out the dash/dodge it when he goes for it. If you outplay him then he loses distance and the loop resets entirely. Also if you bait the vault dash he just loses the chase, the vault typically helps the survivors more than it does him. He can only really get you with his zoning if he doesnt fall for your mindgames or if you run him to a loop where his zoning is powerful.

    blights way more skill intensive and all but its not like wesker easy.

    I should really touch grass I write too much

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,168

    That's honestly not even that bad.

    Like I'd still be upset that I got hit, but if that's one 100ms ping I see how that would hit.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    It does seem to favour killer at least when im survivor but favours survivor when I play killer.

  • Tiamat_Adara
    Tiamat_Adara Member Posts: 40

    i guarantee you, if it was a huntress' hatchet you would have been hit too, that is ping and latency, nothing else and it probably even looked fine from the killers point of view on his screen

    you simply can't put your trust to 100% in the visuals you get in this game

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    This is my favorite one. I dread that killer lag symbol.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Yeah this stuff has to go. I have a ping of 20ms and I'm getting sucked back I've palettes long after vaulting, pulled back over window vaults, die more than six feet from a vault.

    This is what's been making me play less and less. I play properly, however the game doesn't work or run properly. It's what made me stop playing a lot of games. This one is no exception.

    Fixing this should be a priority number one.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2023

    Because the opposite would make killer unplayable.

    As survivor, you have the option of giving yourself more leway and making safer plays that put you out of danger earlier, instead of waiting until the very last second when the killer is half an inch behind you to make your pallet drop or DH or whatever.

    You cannot as killer, anticipate where the survivor will be in the future, which is what you would need to do if hits were validated in the survivors favour.

    On the killers screen, you weren't around the corner yet, so he hit you. If the opposite was true, then on the killers screen, he would hit you because on his screen you are in line to be hit, but you wouldn't be grabbed and the injury would be rolled back, because you weren't actually where you were on his screen. It would be impossible to aim at survivors, because you would need to aim several seconds into the future, to where they might be in a couple seconds time. So you'd be aiming 5 meters in front of the survivor, you would dash past the survivor to a spot somewhere ahead of where they are on your screen, and then you would see the survivor, who is now behind you, magically teleport into your hands/onto the floor/get injured, and that would be the only way to land hits.

    It's known as 'favour the shooter' and is true for nearly all PVP games, but most PVP game are symmetrical so neither side is exclusively benefitting from it.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Yeah this isn't actually that bad, because survivor hitboxes when running are in line with the back lag (because the animation has you leaning forward, rather then extending your legs backwards), and hatchets are beachballs. Like so:

    So yes there's a little latency at play here, but not that much. There's only a few inches of clearance.

  • Tiamat_Adara
    Tiamat_Adara Member Posts: 40

    there should be a limit to the max ping or max ping difference in a lobby ... that could help, i guess

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,486
    edited July 2023

    I need a trigger warning on some of these pictures. Like, I'm salty for y'all 🤣. How does that hit!?

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Yea… my screenshot still baffles me. 20 feet away… facing the entire wrong direction… still hits.

  • SantaKlawz1
    SantaKlawz1 Member Posts: 192

    It doesn't happen to me. Only with Wesker and it's been fixed in the PTB. No amount of gaslighting by you will convince me that he hasn't been broken for weeks. It didn't happen before the last update so just stop.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    I see all these replies blaming people for their bad connection when this is literally a server problem. I have fiber internet yet have been getting consistent 90+ ping lobbies since the event started. Getting hit from miles away is a regular occurrence. Maybe I should just buy better internet?? /s

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2023

    No one is blaming you specifically for cases where you get these issues. Simply pointing out that they're caused by latency, by poor connections. Whether that's the connection between you and the server, whether the fault lies on your end or the servers end, or whether it's the connection between the killer and the server, etc.

    "My internet is fine" doesn't matter, it's still a latency issue.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,086

    Ha, that's about the size of it.

    I play both sides, and I see latency impact games from both sides. As a killer, I've been robbed of hits/grabs/interrupts just as often as I have as I have been screwed as a survivor. There are just certain situations where it's really obvious (around the corner hitbox shenanigans and egregious window/vault hits are the most pronounced).

    A surv main might only recall when they've been hit when they (from their end of the connection) shouldn't have, but are probably completely unaware of all the times they should have been grabbed but got away with a hit, or stunned a killer with a pallet when from the killer's end it should have been a hit, etc. And vice versa.

    As usual, people feeling their side is being slighted largely a perception issue.

    All that said, the servers/latency during this event have been as bad as I can remember, but again, I've seen it on both sides.

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 435

    Honestly same, I've had Weskers grab me with their power and teleport me back to the opposite side of a pallet/ window after my feet touch the ground on the side away from him. He needs kill switching again and fixing, he's very broken.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    This is a ping issue. The other day I went against a Freddy whom I stunned, but he STILL got a hit on me despite me stunning him and being literally 2 metres away from the pallet. It's sometimes the most BS hits ever.

    But the issue seems to be with the servers. Usually, I have between 20-30 ping, since the last update every lobby I'm in, regardless of the time of the day, I get a red bar/my teammates get a red bar, rubberbanding is back and bs hits apparently.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    I get that latency issues exist and in most platforms and genres but DbD’s server issues shouldn’t be so noticeable and acceptable. The fact they still haven’t addressed how over half the lobbies this event are having everyone at 90+ ping and how matchmaking is somehow putting me against Korean players when I’m literally in a different hemisphere is wild.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,337

    You're gaslighting yourself little bro so if I hop in a custom with a vpn and play this same scenario out with demo or any other killer power the person won't get hit around the corner? Even if this is a specific issue with wesker that happens with low ping it won't change the fact high ping will still cause the same issue.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,337

    PTB actually removed him getting grabs at pallets/windows he does the proper smack animation now will still result in unfair hits on ping either way. If you get grabbed while dropping a pallet or something similar that's because there is a bug that lets you drop the pallet while you're already grabbed.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    @sluc16 You’re correct; It’s not “Ping!” this time, friend.. but they’ll say it is, every. single. time, to the extent where it just sounds like some talking point or cliche excuse.

    Wesker was released w these sloppy ‘after-vault’ and ‘around-the-corner’ hits. Just a design flaw adding to his top tierness, which may never be polished.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    dead hard validation got fixed years ago. I cant see a single reason we should nerf weskers consistency because players have bad ping.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    wesker has a high pickrate because hes fun, dead hard had a high pickrate because it was uncounterable bs. pretty big difference there. Wesker doesnt needa ny nerfs and if you think he does thats a you thing.

  • SantaKlawz1
    SantaKlawz1 Member Posts: 192
    edited July 2023

    Lil bro, lol. I'm old enough to be your daddy, maybe grandpappy. Boy. It's been fixed in PTB. I am definitely not joining you to do anything because I know it's a problem that's been fixed. You live in denial like a stubborn child.

    Post edited by SantaKlawz1 on
  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Did everyone forget when dedicated servers didn't exist killers used to host. Meaning that If the hit looked OK for the killer it was in injure even if you were on a different floor

    I'm pretty sure this is the issue Knowing dbd Spegati code it's probably still active

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2023

    It's funny people just don't realize it when ping favors them, and notice it when it favors killer, so accuse those systems to "always favor killer".

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Crazy how some people are trying to justify it even though it's being fixed and confirmed bugged

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Comparing wesker to pre nerf dh is one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. dead hard was instant distance with zero counterplay. Instant. Wesker has to actually charge up his power, then not miss the hit. And missing actually punished him. His gets a 3 second stun when his power deactivates. And dont say "but his second token erases mistakes!" Sometimes it does, yeah, but you can still miss that token. And most of the time you get the hit with the second dash with the first setting up for it, so theres no room for error.

    Zoning =/= original dead hard. Zoning has charge up, counterplay and cooldown+stun. Dead hard happened instantly with no charge up or cooldown or counterplay. You cant dodge a DH, they still made distance. You cant wait out a DH for distance. Contrarily, you CAN dodge a bound. You CAN outplay him. Not to mention you are gaining distance while hes charged up, so he needs to use bound to injure you.

    If it had 0 charge up and 0 endlag it would be old DH. Simply click button, win chase. but its not, it has actual limitations and counterplay set on it to prevent that.

    Sidenote dead hard absolutely needed a nerf. Maybe not the one it got, but it definitely needed changes. Sure on vaults and deadzones it was the most interesting and rewarding mindgame in DBD with lots of skill expression... but you just couldnt do anything at pallet loops. Swing? DH. Dont swing? Pallet. Gain distance either way. And even if you didnt know they had DH, they'd still get value from its existence because killers wouldnt lunge at an injured survivor. Because it was extremely easy to just DH it. nothing should remove a whole game mechanic just by existing. Not to mention how braindead easy it was to DH every single killer power. idk what they could have done to it but it needed something.

    Yeah people used DH because it was fun, but also because it was so broken. That 30% pickrate isnt enough to warrant a nerf yeah, but it should at least warrant looking to see if it deserves one. Not all highly used perks do ofc but some perks are highly used bc their just busted. I dont think there are any examples ok completely broken perks in the game right now though, except maybe MFT.

    Getting strange hits around corners is because the servers are bad, not because he needs nerfs. Thats like saying that survivors should vault faster since killers sometimes get underserved hits because of ping. I could maybe see wesker getting some hit validation, but its really not that big an issue.

  • Nomade
    Nomade Member Posts: 124
    edited July 2023

    an extremely well timed pallet drop can stun him out of his power and cause him to not vault the pallet.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    The invulnerability was 0.5s, and DH validation guaranteed that almost every single DH would land if it did on your screen. Yes, the killer could outplay DH on the vast majority of tiles and honestly was super fun to play against. But as I mentioned it was a lose-lose at pallets, and was mostly uncounterable when used on killer powers. Like I said the issue with dead hard was those lose lose situations.

    Yes, I agree. Wesker has a very high pickrate and thus should be looked at. Look into the reason why something is used and balanced accordingly. If it turns out hes overpreforming, nerf him. That goes for anything in dbd. At the very least they should investigate why things are picked a lot instead of just nerfing them because they are. I really dont think he needs even looking at, the general consensus is that hes that magnum opus of killer design. I'd say the same for something like lithe or adrenaline. Very highly used but I dont think they need any changes.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498
    edited July 2023

    Uncountable bs and yet it's nerf didn't actually change the way it worked just the frequency of it lol.

    I get that you're biased towards Wesker but let's not pretend he's immune to getting nerfed just because he's popular and well liked.