Find some way to make killing yourself on hook more difficult.

As of current, there's a solid chance one of the survivors in my games will throw a temper tantrum at some percieved unfairness and give up outright. DC Bots are coming but realistically they only solve one form of giving up, and the other - Hook Suiciding, remains to be entirely unpunished, at least in the short term.
Every time a survivor does this they lose their team the match. They are sandbagging game after game after game because the killer they're up against is one they dislike or they got caught first and ragequit on hook. And to be blunt, it makes playing survivor a complete waste of time.
I'd even be okay with flat-out disabling self-unhook attempts. Even if they go find a locker to AFK in, they're providing the illusion of four survivors being in the match, or they spend some of the killer's time going to get and re-hook them.
The intended effect of making this harder is to get these players to actually step away from the game when they're mad enough at it to begin to sandbag matches.
They should remove the skill checks so at least if they do try to 4%, they may actually get off. And if they don't,then they will have to wait out the timer, and may be saved before they actually die.
The skill checks serve no purpose except giving the player an option to go next. I mean, how often do you actually miss those. Almost never.
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There's situations where you want to ######### on hook to give your remaining teammate hatch. That alone makes it to where they couldn't program it in a good way. They probably wouldn't disable self unhooks due to the few perks revolving around unhooking yourself and luck perks/offerings.
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Problem with removing skill checks is afk players. If you don't try 2 skill checks in a row the game auto kills you to deal with afk people. Bigger issue with it is if one other survivor is alive off hook. They'll have to wait and have less chance of getting the hatch escape.
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Not to mention... if a teammate wants to kill themselves on hook... If they are unable to, there is a good chance they still won't help your team. The suicidal survivor is done with that match... why would they become an active member of the team after being denied their suicide? They will either do nothing, or just let the killer take them out again with chase. They wouldn't go hide in a locker... that would be wasting their time. They want out of that match and to get into another one as soon as possible. There is no work around for attitudes. Just accept that the match is no longer a real match after the suicide and have fun with it.
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This is a double edged sword though that causes killers to not bother hooking if they want the 4k. If hook unaliving wasn't a thing we probably wouldn't see nearly as much 4k slugging I would think.
I would personally really appreciate the removal of hook unaliving for the reasons the OP listed as well but I doubt Behaviour will ever change it. I think the DC bots will be mostly useless because this is the way that most people get out of games they don't want to be in and it avoids any kind of penalty too :/
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they're providing the illusion of four survivors being in the match, or they spend some of the killer's time going to get and re-hook them.
I'm aware they're not going to play along with the game. But they'll at least spend more of the killer's time providing an illusion of a 4th man.
I feel like you could make it so if:
- you have deliverance, and it is active
- you have slippery meat, or a luck buff is in play
- one survivor is not on hook
You can either make unhook attempts, for the first two, or intentionally remove yourself from the match, in the last one. The amount of times that comes up is relatively few.
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Yeah. You should always get a penalty dc-ing but they should put in the capability to reconnect. It's been a thing on mobile as long as I can remember but behavior hasn't done it with the main game 🙄
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That might actually work well enough 👍. Definitely be an adjustment period if they made those changes.
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Okay, so replace AFK players with bots as well. If there's no inputs in a certain amount of time, your kicked and a bot comes in.
If the survivor doesn't attempt the skill checks on hook, replace them with a bot too. At least then survivors can see them trying to off themselves, so they can try to get there in time to at least pull the bot off the hook.
I'm so tired of hatch, they should just get rid of it. Or make some serious changes to how it functions. I don't think offing yourself on hook so some can potentially get it is that healthy for the game. Same with refusing to save so you can potentially find it.
Edit to say that in both scenarios the survivor should receive a DC penalty.
Post edited by JonOzzie16 on0 -
I'd just make it take a little longer to take your chances.
Currently each one can be taken virtually instantly and removes 33% of a hook state (20 seconds). Instead, each one should take 10 seconds and then remove 10 seconds of the hook state.
So after 10 seconds on a hook, you can attempt to unhook yourself, 10 seconds later, take your second attempt, and so on. You could wait 30 seconds and then take all three chances, but either way, it means you're on your first hook state for a minimum of 30 seconds wit the option to cut that time in half.
30 seconds for first hook state then 15 seconds for missing two skill checks in your second, and you have a minimum of 45 seconds on the hook. This is still quick enough for those who want to quit for any reason, legitimate or not, as it's quicker than any other route out of a match, but long enough that those determined to rescue them will have a chance to do so.
It would also help in cases where hooked survivors act too hastily, thinking their team mates are leaving them to die, so they take their chances only to be rescued in good time anyway. It would give them 30 seconds of buffer time to preserve their second hook state. I've been guilty of this myself. I've been hooked, noticed the other survivors are all together on the far opposite side of the map, they stay glued to the gen, 10, 20 seconds go by, so I take my chances because it's pretty obvious no one is coming for me. Then the killer finds them, they scatter, and one of them reaches me before I die. Great, now I'm down a hook state.
Deliverance would be an exception, allowing you to take your chance at any time.
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People giving up at the first sight of difficulty is part of the problem and, for me, it's the most major reason why solo-queue is such a hassle at the moment.
I do agree that changes should be made to make solo-queue more bearable but because those changes are more wide-scale we should be dealing with parts of the problem whenever we can.
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If someone wants to die on hook for any reason, there is a chance they could sabotage the game or simply afk once removed off the hook.
Some folks just have short tempers and little patience, don't realize when they need a break and continue trying to play, when something goes wrong they just are like forget this and bail via hook.
Often times they do it too because their own teammates aren't being productive while they just kited the killer for a long time and all their energy and effort was for nothing. You never know...