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Feedback and Suggestions

Why is HARDCORE TUNNELING still allowed???

WHY is a killer allowed to eliminate someone from a game without ever hooking anyone else? Do you think I enjoyed this match? Do you think people who get hardcore tunneled out of the game like this enjoy the match? I didn't even get the chance to heal myself when unhooked, because guess who was coming right back to the hook... It's too easy for the killer, because they only have to deal with 1 health state of the freshly unhooked, injured survivor.

We should not be forced to run DS (which is bad perk right now), or Off the Record, just for a chance to be able to play a match for long enough. I want to run perks that I want to run.

The first unhooked survivor should be granted invulnerability (1 occurence per match) until another survivor is hooked. There is no excuse for this atrocious bullying to be allowed in game and to go unpunished. This killer fortunately sucked, so other 3 people escaped. But in most of the cases, the killer gets a 4K, because after 1 person is erased from the game, the rest of the game is EASY for the killer.

The game should not award the killer for relentlessly harassing 1 survivor. Why is this still allowed in 2023??? Hello???

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  • Member Posts: 237

    Have 3 gens done in 60, 70s on the first chase is not fun as well

  • Member Posts: 691

    If you want to solve the problem then instead of running 2 gen perks maybe run 1 and OTR. Killer is the same way where you have to run some gen defense otherwise the game won't last long for those players to actually play. Looks like you are trying to rush your objective and the killer matched that type of energy.

  • Member Posts: 167

    Because, Like you can bring 4 BNP and instantly repair a generator, the killer can make one survivor not have any fun and get them crying on the forums when the other 3 most likely escape because the killer isn't pressuring any gens. Your teammates could have taken hits for you, your teammates could've healed you, you could have used more pallets maybe, either way it doesn't matter, move on to the next game, no point winging

  • Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2023

    Couple of points I thought were worth mentioning (mostly based on OP's post and image).

    1. While you were tunneled, you also were present MOST of the match since your team managed to complete 4/5 generators.
    2. You're using bond! From my own experience, bond is one of the best perks for avoiding being found from the killer, especially when on death hook. This is because, if the killer is chasing a teammate, you can see them running at you and either get a head start to runaway or hide.
    3. You're playing a character that literally glows and complaining about being tunneled out of the game. It is not the killer's fault that your character is easier to find than Feng, Jake or Leon.
    4. You say the killer only has to deal with one health state of an unhooked survivor. But, you have a mostly used yellow medkit and inner healing. Plus 2x injured teammates, most of this plus the fact that 4/5 gens were done, would infer that you had the time/opportunity to heal yourself atleast one of the times you were unhooked.
    5. The image shows what appears to be a losing match for the killer. 3v1 with 4/5 gens done and the last at 60%. Honestly, the killer probably would have had a better chance of winning if they hadn't tunneled. So, it seems the killer's choice to tunnel you may have lost them the match.

    Being tunneled to death sucks. But there is a vast difference between being the only one to die/be hooked all match, but still having a full match vs being tunneled out at 5 gens, less than 2minutes into the match.

    I'd be very interested in seeing the full video of the match.

    Post edited by SixShotOcelot on
  • Member Posts: 1,215

    I managed to escape the killer once, but only because Leon was a really good champ and took hits for me. But don't worry, the killer (Singularity) had cams all over the map and didn't take long to find me and commit to me again. Sadly I don't have a video from this match.

    Most of my survivor matches I bring fun builds, not really designed for genrushing. Like, I love running, wiretap with blastmine, or sprint burst with vigil, self-aware, blood rush, etc. During the event I like bringing Prove Thyself for the Objective Points, and Inner Healing for the boldness points. Overzealous just ties this nicely.

    Rather than you guys saying it's okay what this killer did, defending them, due to genrushing being a thing, how about you help me eliminate both of them from this game? Have you ever thought about that? 😉

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    So you are saying it's my fault for being tunneled because I was playing as a character I love, partially because he has cool glowing tattoos and is easier to spot? It's like saying to a claudette player it's their fault for being tunneled, by playing a black character against a racist. Come on, man. We should be able to play the characters that we love, whether they are black, or glowing. Neither of these justifies targetted harassment. If anything, the killers should be thankful that I'm playing a glowing character, rather than someone with a P3 or dark cosmetic, for the purpose of being easily hidden. I did not do anything to provoke the killer during this match.

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    2 gen speed perks, 0 anti-tunnel perks.

    1 gen left

    Like what do you expect? Killer should just open gate for you?

    When you get on 1/2 gens left, killer has two options kill someone or hold 3-gen.

    Some killers like Oni, Plague etc. can try mass slugging.

    3-gen is going to get nerfed, so prepare for more tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 121

    No! I am absolutely not saying that!

    WHOA! That was an extreme jump in thought process. I believe that comparison is a False Dichotomy, something used in arguments to incorrectly draw comparisons in a way that is not accurate. It's a type of logical fallacy. A logical fallacy is defined as "common errors in reasoning that will undermine the logic of your argument".

    Stating a character is disadvantaged because they glow (literally in the dark!), is not the same as stating a character is disadvantaged because of their race. If anything, characters models being darker (cosmetics etc.), are known to provide stealth benefits to make being found more difficult. This aspect (glowing tattoos) is separate from the killer player and their intentions.

    In your comparison, a hateful and racist individual playing killer is completely in control of the toxic and hateful intent.

    Summary: In your game, all players could have played with good intentions despite someone being tunneled out while no one else was hooked. In your "racial -based comparison", a player is NOT playing with good intentions and is purposefully trying to spread hate and bigotry. Absolutely not comparable!

    Bringing this conversation away from that topic, and back to the main topic, there are still 4/5 listed points you blatantly ignored.

    What I am saying, is there were actions you could have taken to mitigate the likelihood of the outcome you are so clearly upset by. So instead of blaming the game/devs, you could either roll with the punches and let it go, or adjust accordingly and make different gameplay and cosmetic choices. That's all! No, jumping to CRAZY CONCLUSIONS, or drawing RADICAL COMPARISONS.

    I said "what I am saying". If you disagree, that's fine. But, please don't twist other's words into something they are not.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    A survivor has to be killable at all times? Surely you didn't mean this

  • Member Posts: 501

    Why wasn't your team helping you? perhaps look to blame your team mates instead of the killer who was just doing their objective

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    BNP/prove thyself/potential energy, last one is actually not 5 seconds.

    For more consistent and realistic situations it'll be like 33 seconds with PT and 3 survivors, still hella quick though.

  • Member Posts: 937

    Tunneling is always the best approach to win. It's also brainless, anti-fun, and a major component contributing to the game's current stagnant state.

  • Member Posts: 376

    Still, killers these days could at least TRY to get every player hooked once before committing to one person.

    The person falling victim to a scummy killer does not enjoy the game at all. We all want to play to have fun, but in some cases that is quite impossible, especially if you get found first, and then tunneled the entire game.

    I would never play in a scummy way when I am the killer, even if it cost me a hook or two. It is much more fun interacting with every aspect of the game, instead of being a tryharding meta slave. That goes for the survivor side too. It's much more fun that way.

    Anyways, personally I think camping/tunneling/genrushing and such needs to be less effective for point gains and grade requirements. It is not fun to play in the sweatiest way possible

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited June 2023

    They can't even "try" to get every player hooked, simply because by the time they understand it's not going to work, everything is too late.

    If you want to force killers to hook everyone, game has to work that way even against decent survivors, it's just that game is NEVER designed to work without tunneling no matter what.

    Fun is entirely subjective really, "tunneling is not fun" isn't even correct for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I've yet to hear a viable solution to this problem that 1.hasn't already been implemented 2. wont impact normal gameplay 3. is fairly easy to do because bhvr is lazy and wont do anything major

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Rework BNP to deny fast early gens and create more perks with BBQ like tokens so killers have reason to focus multiple survivors.

    You don't always have time to hook everyone. If you got screwed and each survivor spawned alone near gen, it's not that hard to finish 3-gens before you get hooked (depends on killer). At that point killer either need to try fast tunnel or 3-gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    If only you read my reply above, where I said I brought Prove Thyself for points mostly. Good luck getting a lot of points as a survivor in general. And I brought Inner Healing + Overzealous for a nice combo, but especially since I get boldness points for cleansing totems. But guess who didn't get a single chance to look for a totem this match? Yeap, me. I also wrote that I mostly run builds that don't have gen perks in them, and still get tunneled. Also, the killer started tunneling me at 4 gens left. He managed to lost me once thanks to Leon, but as you see, he didn't bother downing and hooking Leon. He instead started searching for me again. The killer can bring Pain Res and Jolt if they want to, and get a nice value from hooking multiple people. I'm fine with that. But I got relentlesly targetted and didn't get to enjoy the match at all. That's a whole different thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,215
    edited June 2023

    I did not ignore your other points, I just didn't write a comment 'cause I mostly agree with them. I just commened on the one I disagreed with. And yes, the killer probably lost because they were relenetlessly pursuing me. He lost me once thanks to Leon. I got the chance to heal once. (but honestly I bring the medkit for teammates mostly nowadays)

    But he had cams all over the place and didn't take him long to find me. And as you can see, he didn't bother downing and hooking Leon, despite Leon taking a hit and the killer losing me. He ignored an easy hook (Leon) and went out of their way to find me and remove me from the match.

    Sadly, in most of these scenarios I don't have such good teammates, and we all die with multiple gens left to do. I am FINE with BNPs gone, and gen perks / toolboxes nerfed. But even then, killers will go for tunneling, because they are not punished for it. And it's sad you guys are defending the tunneling. Do you really want this in the game?? Have you never been tunneled like this? Are you that lucky as a survivor? Maybe you always play in SWF and don't have to do with poor management of solo q? Or do you just play killer?

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    Anyway, I give up. Almost no-one shares my sentiment. Almost everyone defends and encourages tunneling in here. BHVR listens to what the majority wants, and you guys have spoken: YES to tunneling! Sad, but nothing I can do... I'm glad that I at least tried.

    I won't bother with this thread anymore. May as well close it, devs. You guys win, tunneling got defended successfully and won't leave this game ever!

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Sure, if you want to play fair and you have those perks, then Jolt and pain res can be valid.

    Jolt only on M1 killers.

    But base killers simply have no reason to hook multiple survivors. It's better to just slug everyone else and focus hooks on single person.

    Nerfing every other strategy is not going to prevent tunneling for sure.

    You are going to see it way more so get used to it.

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    I pointed out that seeing someone who has had a lousy experience and walking in and going "But what about me, I'm the real victim, as I suffer more..." is just pathetic. What does gen rushing have to do with that?

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    They may have bad experience, but some people deserve it.

    Some players play in a way that creates bad experience for others, then complain when it backfired. Why wouldn't we point that out?

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    Sure, some players are obnoxious and deserve the attention. But are you seeing that loadout and deciding that they deserved to get hard tunnelled for the entire game? They don't even have a toolbox. I can only assume that you find that loadout to be unfair or toxic, given the "some people deserve it" part. In which case I would disagree.

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Unless they share gameplay you can't also straight blame killer for it.

    Based on information we have, he died on 1 gen left. So it doesn't mean as bad decision from killer to do it. Alternative is lose the game.

    We don't know builds of other survivors...

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    4 gens got done, I think it's safe to say the killer didn't benefit from this.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Learn to loop

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    It's funny when most players would consider that really a good game, but for some people, it's death = bad game...

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