Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

My boon rework

Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Sorry for my bad grammar, English is not my main language but I really want some feedback on this so feel free to give me your opinion.


After Circle of Healing nerf (no more self healing) I hoped BHVR would buff the others boons to compensate but they didn’t. 

Before it’s nerf, Circle of Healing was so strong it was a good idea to add Shadowstep, Dark Theory or / and Exponential to it, but now the benefits are not worth the time to set up. 

The goal of this rework is to :

  • make boons have more impact individually
  • make boons stronger for solos / uncoordinated teams by providing some benefits outside the boon radius
  • make boons more fun for both sides
  • create a new meta around a boon / support class instead of the same old 2nd chances perks


Boons blessing now have a long CD (something in the range of 60-90s) starting after the boon has been snuffed by the killer. This CD only concerns the survivor that did the blessing, they cannot bless any totem during this time.

This will prevent boon spamming, not only it is unfun for the killer, but it is a necessary nerf for them to be good. 


The chiming on the killer side is entirely removed. To compensate this, survivor will glow with power when they enter the boon radius for a very short duration (visible to the killer). This is meant to be short and subtle, noticeable during a chase but not from afar.

The boon thunder-like notification when the totem is blessed is not removed and a small visual cue is added for a short duration.

The blue radius is not removed for survivors, and still hidden to the killer. 

This change is done to balance maps (and bad totem spots) while keeping cues for the killer to find where to boon is (also an accessibility quality of life change). Boons locations are limited so I don’t think it is very hard for killers to find them with these cues, even without the chiming. 


It is now impossible to bless a totem with multiple boons. If a player has different boons perks equipped, only a single boon effect will be chosen randomly. 

Survivors will still get some value using multiple boons, explained in the next section.


This is the most important change : boons can stack up to 3 tokens. The more tokens, the more buffs the boon provides. All the buffs are cumulative, meaning that a Boon with 3 tokens will also provides the effects of the ones with 2 and 1 token.

How to get tokens ? 

  • Each boon perks will give +1 token to any blessing if their effect is not applied. For exemple, If a player has equipped two boon perks, only one boon effect will be chosen randomly but will be applied with +1 token instead of 0.
  • Overzealous : also gives +1 token to blessing (permanent)
  • Clairvoyance : also gives +1 token to blessing (permanent).
  • Small game (general perk) : also gives +1 token to blessing for every totem cleansed up to 3 tokens (permanent). Doesn’t matter who cleansed it, it can be your teamates. This is meant to be the better / most consistent / teamwork token farm perk because it’s free.
  • Visionary : also gives +1 token for every X seconds (something in the range of 20-30s) spent repairing a generator, up to 3 tokens (consumed after blessing).
  • Inner healing (general perk) : instead of healing into a locker after cleansing a totem you can chose to bless another totem with 3 tokens (consumed after blessing).

New boon effects :

Circle of healing :

  • No token : current effect (no change).
  • 1 token : also gives Empathy to survivors inside the boon radius. 
  • 2 tokens : also gives Kindred to every survivor, no range limit. 
  • 3 tokens : also gives Bond to every survivor, no range limit. 

Shadowstep :

  • No token : current effect (no change).
  • 1 token : also gives Calm Spirit to survivors inside the boon radius.
  • 2 tokens : also gives Fogwise to survivors inside the boon radius.
  • 3 tokens : also gives Quick & Quiet to every survivor, no range limit.

Exponential :

  • No token : current effect (no change).
  • 1 token : also gives Soul Guard to survivors inside the boon radius.
  • 2 token : also gives Flip-Flop to survivors inside the boon radius (won’t applied if boon is snuffed before pick up).
  • 3 tokens : also gives Tenacity to every survivor, no range limit.

Dark Theory :

  • No token : current effect (no change).
  • 1 token : also gives Self Aware to survivors inside the boon radius.
  • 2 token : also gives Windows of Opportunity to survivors inside the boon radius.
  • 3 tokens : also gives Any Means Necessary to every survivors, no range limit.

Notes : 

  • when a boon with tokens gives perk-like effects "inside the boon radius", it means that any survivor standing in the radius will behave as if they have the perk equipped, even if that perk can reach outside the radius (exemple : aura reading with Empathy).
  • when a boon with tokens give perks-like effects without "range limit", it means that every survivor remaining in the trial will behave as if they have the perk equipped, as long as the boon is not snuffed.


  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87

    Ok so in simplest terms I think the overall idea and direction of those chances are really cool but the balance is way too strong. They would have to be adjusted/tested heavily and probably have all of the perk affects tomed down significantly, and lots of testing done. Like I said tho, that's such a cool idea.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 376

    I have a much simpler solution to the boons

    Killer basekit: Killers can now permanently break boon totems that has stayed active for at least 40 seconds, and reveal the aura of any Survivor within the Boon's range. - Basically making Shattered Hope basekit. This would encourage killers to actually break the totem. The killer can replace the broken totem if they have Hex: Pentimento, but that will also allow Survivors to bless it again.

    Boon: Circle of Healing - Allows Survivors to heal each other 100% faster, and themselves at normal speed. Grants a +100% bonus to Survival or Altruism bloodpoints depending on the healing action done. - Does not apply to med-kits.

    Boon: Shadow Step - Survivors within the range of this boon will not leave scratch marks, blood pools, or grunts of pain while this Boon's effect is active. Additionally, all aura reading is blocked.

    Boon: Exponential - Survivors can fully recover from the Dying state, and they recover 150% faster. Crawling speed is increased by 50%

    Boon: Dark Theory - Survivors gain a 5% Haste status while inside this boon's range. Additionally, generator repair speed is increased by 15%

    Not only does this makes the boons stronger, since the added risk of the totems being destroyed must have a counterbalance to it, but now the killers are able to permamently disable totems, prompting survivors to boon another, or just leave it be.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105
    edited July 2023

    Thanks for the feedback, I know these changes seem like a huge buff for boons but imho, none of these boons would truly help SWF that much, with the exception of Exponential (but a good killer would notice the boon in the first place with the new cues so there is counterplay).

    Any tier 1 or 2 of my changes are nice little additions to the base effect but nothing huge, simply because it’s not that hard to get 2 tokens (permanent) with my Clairvoyance + Overzealous. Both of these perks are also nice for solo and beginners because they promote a healthy playstyle giving aura reading without the need the use items (Clairvoyance) and gen progress without being broken (Overzealous).

    To get 3 tokens and have access to the "ultimate boon", you need either to

    • spend time repairing with Visionary or break a totem with Inner healing, both of these perks consume tokens which is balanced imho because it’s only 2 perks slot overall : boon + Visionnary or Inner healing leaving room for exhaustion / survival perks
    • get your team to cleanse 3 totems and have Small Game leaving only 2 totems to be blessed (you get 3 permanent tokens but less choice to boon)
    • or have 4 boons equipped, you can bless right at the start of the trial to tier 3 but it’s random.

    So it feels balanced imho for how much work is needed for each tier. I was thinking about a new iri addon for the map item that would give a free +1 token to blessing but that would be unbalanced lol.

    Now on the strong part of each boon (3 tokens), is it really that strong ? Giving Bond, Quick & Quiet, Tenacity or Any Means Necessary (even with the other cumulative buffs for each boon) to everyone without range is not really game changing because you have to use either a lot of time or your own perk slots to get there anyway. It’s completely different that allowing everyone to self heal for exemple for a single perk slot out of 16.

    My problem to giving a flat buff for each boon perk is how they can stack on a single totem currently.

    So you either have to balance with the idea that you can stack them and each boon perk has to be underwhelming on its own or you set up a boon limit.

    Post edited by Murgleïs on
  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 376

    My idea was that the killer could be able to permanently break boons that has been active for a small amount of time. Hence making the initial effects stronger, to balance out the risk/reward.

    In short: Buffing the boons to give good effects, while also giving killers the perk "Shattered Hope" as basekit.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    boon effects are pretty strong. they don't need effect buffs. they just need bigger radius. I would recommend 35-40 meters. all boon perk could be viable though I doubt there is any interest into making them popular.