Can I DC if killer slugs for 4k?

I mean, you’re free to do so, but it seems like a waste to just DC when you get a few bloodpoints and then go find another match after you’re finished, I guess??
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nope, bannable for rage quitting I guess
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Maybe afk then?
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Afking is ok, DCIng is a bannable offense
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You can DC any time you want and you won't be punished for this unless you do it constantly. This one time is nothing, so feel free to do it.
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Exactly what @Master and @Hoodedfengm1n said.
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no ones stopping u. unless u do it like a million times, then BHVR is stopping u
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AFK is definitely ok. DC-ing is not in my opinion, especially with the purpose of giving the hatch to the other guy.
I'd say though, if slugging takes too long, I can't blame you for DC-ing. It's about the most boring part of the game.
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Ok thanks.
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It's rude to leave someone on the ground for upwards of 4 minutes when they could be in another match having fun, but devs are fine with whatever crappy tactics killers use to 4k.
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If it keeps happening try running unbreakable for a few games and see if you can get the use out of it.
It is boring to be slugged I agree but it's a strat that we have to live with due to the hatch, if it happens too often and you dc each time reaching the unknown limit you will be temp banned.
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That's a good idea, I don't use perks atm tho.
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That's cool, unbreakable is like running no perks in most games anyway :D
Try WGLF also as it gives no advantage and simply increases your bloodpoints for each save or hit near a hook up to four, 100% extra points is always nice.
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It feels like the forums have become your private Dear Diary, heh...
You said yourself you have been here for a while, you already know the answer to this, but it’s okay if you want someone to talk to I guess.
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Thanks for another irrelevant post. :D
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There should be a suicide option after being left on the floor for 2 minutes, slugging is the antithesis of 4 D-strike survivors in a game
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I think the tactic may justify the game play. If you have a squad of 4 ultra alutrisic teammates who bring in flashlights and are lined up at every pallet along the way the counter is to slug and leave them on the ground because you know they are going to come save their teammate.
However, i can agree with you that the tactic is crappy if you are by yourself, no other survivor is close and the killer runs across the map to find another. That is poor gameplay on the killer's side.
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Have a video ready to watch or something. 😊
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I play solo only and often with other solos and it just wastes my time being held as a hostage slug, while the killer and the last survivor get to play the game. In four minutes I could be deep into another game doing something interesting.
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Only if ya wanna swift ban
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Not unless you want to get banned. Just go AFK and do something else for four minutes. Of course don't let your screen out of your sight so you can continue playing if you get revived.
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So then, you're not really AFK.
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The problem in this game, is not all DC's are alike. I don't like DC'ing, but if I'm in a survivor match and the killer is being a complete ass, like slugging you and shaking his head yes while camping you on the ground. From the start of the match. This is not someone trying to play the game, this is someone just trying to grief other players.
WTH should I stay for that? Why should this behavior be rewarded? BHVR has to realize that some of this taunting goes beyond simple game play. It is one of the top reasons I stopped playing survivor. Toxic survivors are easy to put up with. Chase them out and it is over. Ignore the salt in end game chat and no worries. Killer is the only reason I stick with this game. Most of the survivors I played with quit a long time ago.
EDIT: BTW, I did not DC in that scenario. He even waited for me to be almost bled out, then hooked me and face camped. Keep in mind, I don't teabag, and if I'm looping, it is only to get away. I looped him for about 45 seconds. Had no item on me. I've faced this guy several times, he does this to whoever he faces. Pretty good job so far....
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People forget that slugging was nerfed recently. You can pick someone up in like 2 seconds now from the ground if they fully heal.
Also... unbreakable if you're paranoid...
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It takes everything in me to not dc when they slug for the 4K before even 2-3 gens are done. Looking at you billy.
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Some survivors try to make the killers game boring and unfun. Is it okay for the killer to DC?
There is a reason why killers slug the 3rd survivor. It's to avoid the very unfun/unwinnable hatch standoff.
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I've seen plenty of killers DC for less - like nurses who maybe get one or two hooks after three gens got done. Or killers who did not like the map offering or had their ruin destroyed.
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If you are being slugged it is for 1 of 3 reasons:
A: The killer happens to know the location of someone else and is going to chase them. You will probably be hooked when he's done and gameplay will resume as normal
B: The killer has a slug build. Yes you will be on the ground for awhile but in the meantime the game is not over. Find someone else and get healed or die trying.
C: The killer is avoiding the hatch stand-off. This is annoying sure, but it also isn't the killer's fault. The solution from a design standpoint is to make the hatch less frustrating for the killer so he doesn't need to slug in the first place
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Give the players less reasons to DC and they won't
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I made some hatch suggestion changes in the balance forum that you should check. I would like your feedback.
TBH sluging sucks to be on the receiving end but I have had to do it for the 4 man. The hatch just needs a tweak which is what this post is truly about.
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I don't want to be slugged...but I also don't want to use Unbreakable, No Mither, Tenacity ect.
Or don't get down in the first place, DH, SB, UE, BL, Lithe pick your poison.