Hug "tech" on Blight is an exploit and should be bannable.

ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133
edited July 2023 in General Discussions
  1. Has been confirmed to be a bug
  2. It's used for advantage(no one uses it "for fun")

BHVR It's about time you start doing this or fix this bug. I cringe every time I see player doing it, knowing that they are not gonna get banned for abusing it.

And on top of that he has the most busted addons in the game and I ask myself everytime I face them, is this really skill? Because playing Double speed, Alch ring + Crow, Vial + Crow, Ring + C33, C33+Vial, C33+Crow is easy af.

And people who say that only C33 and Ring are problematic are CLUELESS.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
    edited July 2023

    I understand the frustration of being exploited cause I had similar buggy issues in the past many times. I will also say that yes Blight does need some add-on rework for sure. But I don’t think banning someone using hug tech should be banned? Cause I feel that it’s not in the right direction.

    I mean it takes skill to learn the hug tech like 360ing for survivor which I heard is also a bug. And if again we banned people for using hug tech then we should banned people 360ing. I will also say like other mentioned in the past that if both got remove them will it make the better, I probably say maybe. But that’s why we test things to figure out which way is better. If I came off contradictory I apologize for that.

    Post edited by Robotfangirl67 on
  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    It's literally a game dude, I don't know what to say other than that.

    People use hug tech to conserve rushes, they use as a mindgame on short loops and there's plenty of counterplay, just run away if you see it on low wall loops, if you hear the blight bumping a lot, you can assume there stuck/trying to hug tech, and in either case, just run away.

    It is a useful tool some Blight's use to save time and close the distance faster, but the alternative is making the Blight very clunky and prone to getting stuck on random collision.

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    Hug tech:

    • relies on good ping
    • relies on a 50/50 collision tile meaning a tile that is both slippery and bounceable
    • only works against people who fall for it
    • helpful against bad tiles that are sometimes hard to bump logic or go through
    • every update changes collision and makes it harder to hug certain tiles you always used to be able to
    • some survivors will hide at a safe tile so it's fun catching people off guard
    • if you see a blight looking into something to bump off of, good indication they are going for a hug tech so just leave the tile
    • subjectively weaker than his add-ons, again, it only works against survivors who stand there instead of leaving

    Let's also complain about Wesker hug teching then and not just Blight. I could also bring up survivors abusing bugs against Blight. Why not just fix those bugs that hurt him? Why hug tech over his busted add-ons?

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I mean do they really NEED to do anything about it? It's not like the hug tech is causing major issues to the game. Plus if they did start banning people for use of hug tech, they'd have a lot of ######### on their hands considering the absurd amount of bugs people weren't getting banned for using in the past.

    And considering how this has been a bug for a while, it's widely accepted as a feature

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Brave Shroompy! What an awesome,balanced and exhaustive answer. Hurrah

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    it may be defined as a bug but they cannot fix this bug without changing the physics of blight therefore is it really a bug that can be simply removed? in my view a bug is something like the wake up bug which gave you bonus speed on everything instead of just the exit gate, now that's a certified bug because it's not supposed to do that according to the perk description. in blight's case and many other killers who have their own 'techs', it's generally due to how they are coded and shouldn't be unexpected.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Most of those bugs could be fixed if they cared to, and I'd argue most of those should be.

    Trap - I don't recall this, so it likely was before my time starting the game. If it was reintroduced it sounds like it is an intended mechanic now.

    Crouch - Bugged hitboxes are bugged, I coulda toldja that if you ever played against a laggy Huntress hitting through walls/around corners. Make the hitbox more vertical up and down and it fixes the problem.

    Window - I thought this only worked with Clairvoyance because it removes collision. Again, fix bad hitboxes, including collision walking hitboxes.

    CJ - Unintended consequence of the bad design of overmapping keys (AKA the Mass Effect Spacebar does everything). Allowing for each separate action to be bound to different buttons/keys would fix this.

    Vault - This is fair counterplay of mechanics, and as long as you aren't lagging out of your mind you can still interrupt the vaults with the pallet kick. It basically is a ping check of who is less laggy wins.

    Stagger - Definitely should be fixed, or arguably baked into Balanced Landing regardless of exhaustion state, since it is lacking in comparison to all other Exhaustion perks.

    Phase - Again fix the non-collision.

    Input Buffer Doctor - Also known as lag. They 'fix' and break lag every patch with different parts. Pallets used to be bugged and always get hit through the stun, then they made pallet validation and it worked for like 1 patch. Now if you 'perfect' time it, you can hit through the validation, but the 'perfect' timing is far too lax imo.

    Curving - This is just understanding current hitboxes. Arguably all hitboxes should match their visual, but then you get Bubba Tantruming on twigs in Eyrie. Mixed bag, but I would liken this to map knowledge and say its fine overall. If they made less garbage twig clutter they should fix map object hitboxes, but leaving them partially broken may be a necessary evil if maps are going to remain to be poorly designed.

    Flick - This is definitely bad, as the power's lethality is balanced around the limitations, such as Oni can only hit in the frontal 180 degrees during his dash. I'd be fine if they were made less lethal but all ranges allowed, such as Oni doing 1 injury state with a backwards rush swing, and Pyramid Head Deep Wounding injured Survs, and downing Deep Wounded Survs. It carries the risk proportional to the reward if adjusted in such a manner. Trickster doesn't just injure people with 1 knife, so why would a backwards swing Oni deserve an instadown? Risk should match reward.

    FL cancel - This is more like a combination of functioning as intended mechanics, that can be used for unintended consequences, like pallet vault spamming and CJ. This could be 'fixed' by not booting out of power when blinded, but I think both sides get something out of it in a fair manner in different scenarios.

    Locker Bend - I haven't seen this but I would want it fixed, along with more lockers on maps in general. They legit seem to forget about Huntress/Dredge/Trickster with Toba Landing/Borgo, and every new map. Heck, even his own map has a distinct lack of lockers.

    Nemmy Drag - This is a hyperspecific understanding of the programming in order to use it in a different manner. Arguably the tentacle could have been programmed to hit all 'lines' at once, but since they go sequentially, it appears to be intended. I'm fine with it either way, because it could be the intended design as it was intentionally programmed that way.

    Urobend - I both like and dislike this. Wesker has sketch hitboxes all over the place. Sometimes you get slammed on an invisible wall, sometimes you throw them into a wall and they remain uninjured. This can help make it more consistent, but can also scam false hits that would have been throws into the open instead. If they plan on locking the camera mid dash to force it to work as intended, I would hope they also fix the uninjured wall throw problem as well. Sadly higher skill Weskers can abuse this to always get an undeserved scam hit, so I'm leaning more towards fixing it than leaving it in.

    Skybilly - This one is a crime against humanity. Every other bug has the potential to fit the in-game description for 'competitive advantage'. This is legit the only bug that has no such potential for 'competitive advantage', yet they 'fix' it?!?! That just makes me think some devs are allergic to fun. Especially every dev that adds invisible walls on 2nd stories. If I saw as Billy/Bubba, Rush as Blight, Shred as Demo, etc. (other than Wesker, he SHOULD stop at heights as designed) I shouldn't bump on invisible walls. If you put a legit bird cage around the Garden of Joy's 2nd story I won't complain, but hitting the open air shouldn't be a thing.

    360 - I'm surprised you didn't mention this one. This (along with corner wall hits) is a bug in regards to how 'aim-dressing' or autoaim works. If there was simply a menu option to turn off autoaim (as it arguably still helps new players more than it hurts), it would pretty much be fixed, and I wouldn't get scammed swinging around corners either.

    I usually hate bugs that give an advantage, especially on the stronger Killers like Blight and Wesker, but I'm more lax if say the Wesker vault grab bug (teleporting Survivors to the wrong side) happened with Doctor shocks instead. He is weak enough that such a bug might actually make him 'playable'. Even then, I think it would be better if they gave him mechanics that are functional from the onset.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Blight mains will go out of their way to defend hug teching by saying that it's only for fun and is 50x weaker and more inconsistent than bump logic and yet play with the strongest addons imagine able and slug for the 4k and hardcore tunnel at 5 gens while still doing it. Like if it's so weak and inconsistent but you're very clearly playing to win why do it at all?

    Also reminder that tech is just a snazzy name for exploit you don't want fixed.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    It's not that it's not good, it's just most of the time playing normally is simply better. Hug tech has far too much counter play. It's best use is mitigating rush usage and making unplayable tiles playable to an extent(cold wind tiles with nothing on up to three sides come to mind). Although it makes some filler tiles very blight favored.

    Everyone else. You literally can't have a conversation with op, he just ignores everything you say and says "alch ring exploiter".

  • Nomade
    Nomade Member Posts: 132

    If they actually ban people for hug teching but not for being astoundingly toxic and unsportsman then BHVR should be ashamed of themselves and need to take time to get thier priorities straight. The general toxicity in the game is a huge problem and it often chokes the fun right out of playing the game. It is a far more pressing issue.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,053

    Thing is most of these arent bugs, most of these are working just as intended.

    Things like trap buffering are a strong tool Survivors have but it requires teamwork and being in the right place at the right time, which in the grand scheme of things promotes healthy gameplay.

    Hitboxes, they aren't bugged they just aren't very representative of what you'd think. A Survivors hit box is actually fairly large and this is especially apparent when injured. The hitbox remains the same but a Survivors posture is lower and leans more forward. This makes their hitbox be much further behind them then you'd realize. When you pair that with a "favor the shooter" mechanic, you get dodgy looking hits.

    Crouch tech as well is just taking advantage of how they made hitboxes. They do actually work on normal basic attacks as well, the only reason why it doesnt work 99% of the time is because unlike Billy, Blight or Demo's special attacks, your camera isnt locked in place. You can actually get a hit as all of these killers if a survivor tries to hug tech at the very beginning of your attack, as long youre looking down directly at the survivor

    Also you say curving is "understanding current hitboxes" when that is literally what Hug Tech is. His collision while rushing works exactly like a basic attack. Try it out for yourself, things you can swing at and whiff despite being right next to it will make you slide right off of it as Blight. The reason why Blight can do it while Billy or Demo cant, is Blight can look up or down to manipulate how he bumps into things, similarly to basic attacks.

    Doc's shock not taking priority is intended and works exactly like everything else (well, most) in the game. If an action is already being performed such as a vault or pallet throw, nothing interrupts it. Even the powers that lock the Survivor in a specific animation/stagger them. Such as: A normal basic attack, any special attack, EGC death, Deathslingers harpoon, Pinhead's chains, Pig's RBT, etc.

    Nemesis' drag is actually a necessary evil thanks to how his power is. If the hitbox of his tentacle wouldn't move with him, his range would actually be much shorter since part of the distance the tentacle would of covered, he just covered as well.

    Urobending doesn't give "undeserved scam hits". Its main purpose is throwing some one out of position which most of the time is towards the edge of the map. If the Survivor you're going after is healthy, getting a hit from a throw is much better than from a slam since you can still adjust yourself while the Survivors speed burst goes off.

    To say sky billy had no potential for a competitive advantage couldn't be further from the truth. Of course not many people played it that way, but I've seen a few Billy's use it to their advantage and it was/is the most abusable tech by far. Shutting down multiple loops, improving his mobility, and having a top down view of the map are just a few things sky billy allowed you to do, and when put into the right hands it could be devastating.

    360's mess with aim dressing, but not actual hits. The times you see it attempt to adjust your camera for a hit wouldn't of gotten you the hit even if aim dressing didn't exist. Its just a common misconception that's spread around because its easier to say: "I'm not the problem, the game is!"

    Now, saving the best for last; Your very first sentence: "I don't recall this, so it likely was before my time starting the game. If it was reintroduced it sounds like it is an intended mechanic now."

    For one, it was reintroduced and was even mentioned in the patch notes. This was all the way back in Summer of 2018 when Trapper received his mini rework.

    Two, what makes you and anybody reading this think that this is the only case of an unintended mechanic becoming an actual thing? Some of these have been in the game for literal years now, and there hasn't been any news from BHVR that they have any plans on removing these. Most of these techs are ways to express skill and just add that extra layer of learning to people who already have thousands of hours. I myself am sitting at over 5.8k and still learn new things to this day because of fancy little techs that I either am on the receiving end, find out by pure accident, (input buffer trapper) or the occasional youtube video.

    Now as for the actual main topic being Blight, I can guarantee you Hug Tech is likely on the bottom of the list of reasons as to why you got downed. People just need to wake up and realize this guy has a busted basekit with add ons that are WAY too overtuned.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,053

    I mean not necessarily, as said in my first post on this thread some techs have been in this game for YEARS and have never been fixed. Hell one of the main reasons the Survivor movement update didnt go through is because moonwalking was harder to do and looked funky as hell.

    Most techs are just fun little things that can help you distinguish a good player, from a veteran player.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439
  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    If it's been labeled as a bug and exploit it needs to be removed yesterday.

    Most games do emergency maintenance for this. What is going on here? Is it not a bug/exploit? I'm confused.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Did we banned anyone utilized locker save? if not, then no.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    I don't think it should be bannable. Exploits should only be bannable, if you cause physical harm to other players or actually break the game.

    However, I agree that Hug Tech should be removed. BHVR created precedent that they are willing to remove exploits for being exploits. Blight should not be treated different. If they are going to remove exploits regardless of how impactful they are they have to follow through even on the golden child. Everything else is inconsequential and will look like hypocrisy. Hell, it looks like hypcrisy already. Forever ago they announced that Hug Tech would get fixed but we haven't heard anything since. As compared to other exploits, that were fixed without any warning.

    And yet all of these 'techs' fit the definition of an exploit. An exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use of intended features to work in unintended ways. If you want BHVR to officially add Hug Tech as a part of the Blight's kit, you can say so in Feedback and Suggestions. But claiming that these techs aren't exploits is factually wrong.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Most of the 'working as intended' facets are when 2 disjointed mechanics clash with strange or incorrect compared to the expected results. IIRC specifically for Blight, McLean said on one of his streams, that bug tech is specifically from how when they changed his crotch height camera to a normal camera, it broke the 2 checks (body and camera) to allow for bug tech. If Blight went back to crotch height camera, it would actually fix bug tech overnight, at the cost of an annoyingly low camera angle. I played and got used to Blight with that release crotch height camera, and think he is certainly powerful enough that reverting the camera wouldn't hurt his results enough, and would fix enough of his bugs, that it would be worthwhile to do.

    'Bugged' hitboxes - Yes I apologize for inaccurate phrasing. If I am a human character, I don't expect my hitbox to be a cylindrical pill shape. Also if I am leaning forward, one would reasonably expect the hitbox to match the newly leaning character model, however it remains the same location cylindrical pill shape centered around the character's waist. Just because visually, the hatchet clearly exploded 12m behind me, doesn't mean programmatically it isn't working as intended with the Huntresses' 1200 ping and the favor the shooter code. That being said, 'working as intended' looks horribly inaccurate, and misleads all too many players who haven't viewed the hitbox demo video. It would be far more reasonable to at the very least, have the injured hitbox lean like '\' as opposed to '|' still. Similarly just because someone is crouching, doesn't mean the attack hitbox shouldn't also extend from the Killers' feet to head (still blocked by windows and walls), in order to prevent silly misses on hills. For most of the things, if it was made wrong, that doesn't also mean it is working as intended, just working as programmed.

    As far as Wesker turning mid dash to scam hits, yeah it most certainly is a scam. If you dash in a line, the throw/slam should follow the dash's line. If I run in the middle of a jungle gym, and Wesker dashes once in the gym to the wall near the pallet, then dashes again to hit me when I am in the middle of the pallet, he should go parallel to the standing pallet and presumably throw/slam me into some debris outside of the jungle gym, or thrown into the open if there is no debris. He most certainly shouldn't turn 90 degrees and slam me into the pallet, nor should I slide off the rock unijured should he throw me into it. If there was no debris in the back drop and he slammed me into the pallet, that was a scam hit. If I would have hit the rock uninjured, but get slammed into the pallet, it prevented him from getting scammed instead.

    Sky Billy Advantage - I mean theoretically yeah, they could have spent 3 minutes to get on top of the main building of Dead Dawg, but I feel as though the spending those 3 minutes negates all possibility of it being an advantage when they could have been chasing, downing, and whittling down map resources. Especially in comparison to the majority of other bugs/inaccuracies listed.

    Autoaim/Aim-dressing - Then lets allow it to be turned off and we can find out if players such as myself are actually delusional, or are actually getting scammed hits that Autoaim ended the lunge early to hit the corner of the wall instead of the Survivor, or not letting me lunge in the open against a spinning Survivor. I learned to swing to the side after the first time I got 360'd to ensure it would lunge hit them instead of stop the attack early only to miss, so it can be worked around, but disabling autoaim would be far less annoying.

    As far as Blight in general, I too think he needs nerfs both to basekit and add-ons. In my ideal DBD there would be no S or D tier Killers. That would necessitate nerfs to basically the top 5 (maybe more) and buffs to the bottom 5 (maybe more). I specifically hate bug tech on Blight, because an already S-tier Killer is getting more tools in their kit. The kit is already friggin' overloaded in the Killer's favor, why does he need more, yet Pig and Myers doesn't?

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    Relies on good ping


    Only works against people who fall for it

    So are you saying that Eternal / Elysium players are bad players? Because I just watched tournament yesterday and it worked against them, the Blight would never get hit without the exploit on some of the tiles. So your claim is literally false.

    helpful against bad tiles that are sometimes hard to bump logic or go through

    Meaning it's used for advantage. :)

    every update changes collision and makes it harder to hug certain tiles you always used to be able to

    Good, maybe players can play the Killer the way he was intended?

    some survivors will hide at a safe tile so it's fun catching people off guard

    yes yes it's fun

    if you see a blight looking into something to bump off of, good indication they are going for a hug tech so just leave the tile

    One of the worst takes ever? You know that Blight has 5 rushes and can just rush to you when you leave the tile lmao. I feel like only PUB Stomper Blight mains have this argument.

    subjectively weaker than his add-ons, again, it only works against survivors who stand there instead of leaving

    Ah yes, so stay at the tile = get hit thanks to exploit, leave the tile =get hit because of his busted addons.

    Let's also complain about Wesker hug teching then and not just Blight. I could also bring up survivors abusing bugs against Blight. Why not just fix those bugs that hurt him? Why hug tech over his busted add-ons?

    Could hardly care about wesker hug tech, you mean crouch "tech" ? That's one of the most cringe "techs" in the existence of DBD, anybody who uses it doesn't know how to loop billy, blight, demo.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2023

    Pub Stomper Blight take : Just run away, you know that the Blight has 5 rushes or? And can just rush towards you because of double speed or vial + crow. Go equip your ring and crow and abuse this childish exploit on survivors and stop defending it.

    This is what happens guys when you watch video called : Removing the Hug tech will BUFF Blight

    Ah yeah btw this same person created discussion that Blight doesn't need nerfs, not gonna reply to you anymore.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    Trap Buffering

    No idea what this is.

    Crouch Tech

    This is something that I want to be removed or bannable.

    Window Tech

    Could be removed, not as impactful as crouch exploit or hug bug.

    CJ Tech

    This works only against baby killers.

    Vault Tech

    Can't really be considered exploit also your take with sadako is wrong, unless you're talking about PTB cuz while demanifested she gets into chase so the window blocks

    Stagger Cancelling

    This is something that needs to be fixed, it's just BS.

    Phase Tech

    Doesn't work with map anymore, should also be fixed.

    Input Buffer

    This is something that has been changed later in the game, if you played against the OG doctor, he canceled your vault, even if you were in animation.


    If you slide because there is no collsion I see no problem with it.


    On ONI this is an exploit I can say that for sure, the oni has 90 Degree hard cap on his flick, this should be fixed or be bannable, this is not even possible to do on console. It's literally the same exploit that Blight could do long ago.

    FL Cancel

    Intended mechanic.

    Drag Tech

    This is kinda stupid but also is intended.


    According to ingame stats, this is intended, however in the PTB it does not work anymore, maybe they decided to remove it.


    Is a term which is basically dead since they removed the speed when you're not on the ground. Skybilly/Spacebilly the only bug that wasn't used for advantage unlike Crouch "tech", Hug "tech", Surpassing Oni 90 degree hard cap.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    Using hug tech and doing 360 takes skill? It takes like 2 games to get hang of it.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    It's a game with RULES and using exploits for advantage is against the RULES.

    Right so you just said that It's used for advantage. GUYS JUST RUNAWAY, Surely the blight won't be using C21 to know where you are or double speed to catch up to you because you left a loop.

    Tell me you main blight without telling me you main blight.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    They already made collision detector for Wesker for example, when he is near wall, no matter if he looks up or down he can't rush, pretty sure they can implement it to Blight.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133


    Also remember " Removing Hug Tech will BUFF Blight " famous words by Blight main that abuses it every game. xD

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2023

    You literally can't have conversation with Blight mains, they repeat the same thing.

    Also you use Ring and Crow with BBQ and Shadowborn and say that you play for fun or? XDD

    Lmao I was right, alch ring bots 💀

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    To tryhard.

    They think they are on a competitive match every match. Because yes it's a shame for them to not 4k with Blight.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Yes. Its a bug. Even said so by a former dev who developed blight. But he left before he could do anything about it. And the new devs dont really care much anyways

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    I’d also like to add:

    • F11 tech: mostly used on Wesker or Demo, pressing F11 to frame cap as you M2 allows you to get outside of a map (mainly RPD) or literally “lags you out” as an advantage to dash farther – much worse than hug teching and exploitable
    • Gesture teching: can be used for distance (especially at the exit gate or a pallet), hell, you can even do this while in chase to gain a few extra steps.
    • Vacuum tech: a lot of killers accuse survivors of cheating for this but vacuum teching is manipulating your movement and the prompt to vault or drop which allows you to literally suck yourself into a vault or pallet drop
    • Pluto tech: mostly used against Blight, also works against Wesker sometimes but this bug makes both of them slide off you when you run at them in the start of their rush/dash.
    • To add to crouch teching: it also works against Deathslinger & Victor
    • Linger/Drag/Slide tech: as Shroompy mentioned, holding & dragging Nemi’s tentacle gives him a wider hitbox
    • while rare but can happen: the WGLF bug that literally allows you to vault or do actions 100% faster

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    Things that make the game more enjoyable to play should never get removed unless it's completely broken. I'd much rather his stupid add-ons got reworked rather than removing something that expands how Blight players can play.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,648

    Can we nerf his addons first?

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    It is an exploit, but I don't think it should be bannable.

    It needs to be fixed and removed from the game. I don't know why Blight has such thick plot armor.

  • TheRealConsent
    TheRealConsent Member Posts: 248

    You're saying this but I bet you spend your time laughing your ass off after vaulting behind Weskers, lmao.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329
    edited July 2023

    its only in dbd a thing xD that community... abusing bugs and glitches and call it as a "tech" hehe what a joke! in other games you get banned if you abuse glitches too often

    Blight is difficult to ban for it, cause sometimes you dont want to hug tech at all but you just glide past structures, but as an example Wesker, that cant happen "accidentally" it's only intentional, as an example: imagine the survivor can glitch through a bug in pallets where the killer cant catch them (first the killer has to destroy the pallet) and we then call it "pallet tech" sounds a lot nicer than exploiting bugs and glitches

    What really "techs" are are things that are in the game itself and have been named like, cj tech (towards killer vaulting), or by hexy dumby tech (get stunned as killer but have enduring and draw killer while vaulting the pallete) legal things that are in the game these are techs... and not this exploit abuse bs...

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
    edited July 2023

    I didn’t know that cause I kind of struggle with that on PlayStation 4? But that just means I just need more practice with Blight and a survivor as well which is fine cause everyone learns differently and that’s okay no matter what platform they’re on.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554
  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
    edited July 2023

    I guess I can see why it should be fixed. But I don’t remember 360’s increasing movement speed. So if that’s the case then yes they probably should fixed all the bugs.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,337
    edited July 2023

    In 90% of situations going for hug techs is just worse than playing blight properly you're trading a 100% down for a gamble. It's most useful for navigating bad geometry and certain tiles.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,823

    What's hug tech?

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308
    edited July 2023

    As blight if you touch a wall or something and look down you can rush even though you shouldn’t be able to. This allows you to slide along some objects.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,053

    Yeah you're right, majority of these techs can be classed as exploits. But do you have any idea just how many things are a staple to today's game that are now just considered "normal" despite very well fitting that exact same definition? Yet no one bats an eye.

    Best example is also probably the Survivor movement update which may I remind you, was reverted because of one of these exploits, being moonwalking was harder to do and also looked a lot more janky

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,053

    As some one who played a ######### tone of Blight at release I can assure you, hug tech was still very much possible with the bugged camera height.

    Working as programmed is working as intended

    I can assure you that 99% of the time a Wesker that Urobends to get a hit would of most likely gotten the hit anyway. One of the most common places its used is along shack and a good chunk of them have some sort of debris or even the edge of the map around it. So even if you didn't get thrown into said debris along the side he would of either A: Slammed you against shack wall or B: keep going forward and slam you into something else

    Sky billy being "theoretically" an advantage is again, just wrong. And btw, I didn't even mention Space Billy which is a whole other can of worms. Just for an example, this is a clip from 2 years ago and this spot in particular I learned to get 99% of the time, alongside several other spots on other maps (Ormond main and some of the hills just to name a couple more)

    I'd be down for auto aim to be disabled for the sole reason of proving every one who complains about it wrong. Quite literally been playing for years now and I can't even remember the last time I've been spun. Even on times I challenged myself by using a controller (which btw, I don't use for any other game) I still wasn't getting spun.

    Trap buffering is when a Survivor runs over a trap because some one else is disarming it. Its literally just input buffering and could of just been thrown into that category when I was explaining them but its more of a known thing on its own.

    As for the rest, you're picking and choosing which of these exploits you want. Can't have it both ways.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,053

    I wasn't even aware of that last one, good additions tho 👍️

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,139

    The secondary collision system didn't exist when Blight was first released, and hug tech is only possible because of a bugfix BHVR applied to the secondary collision system.

    Before the secondary collision system was added to the game, Blight would just do nothing if he tried to hug tech. Therefore, hug tech was not possible before his camera PoV was raised.

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