

Tierlist of how strong killers would be in a fight lorewise. (Open for debate)

Member Posts: 280

these fights are based on the killer vs an average human, the Human has very little to zero prep time (adrenaline and fear is gonna start kicking in), guns are not allowed for the human, killers are at their normal strength IRL (not entity strength boosted).

Quick context on the tiers:

Death: you could not beat this killer at all.

MAYBE: if you get very lucky or happen to potentially get the upper hand.

50/50: decently equal chance of either winning.

You’ll probably win: chances of beating this killer are decently high.

Mystery or depends: abstract killers that i have no clue how you’d be able to interact with them or killers that are very dependant on the circumstances.

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  • Member Posts: 618
    edited June 2023

    Singularity is ten times stronger than a human. For context, a gorilla is six times stronger and can quite happily turn you into person-jam. I don't see that being a maybe.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Im pretty sure bubba would kill normal human. He killed like 20 people on the bus in latest movie on netflix and is very durable and big guy.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    The average person is not surviving any of these. The only one I think that's up for debate is Legion if you're taking on one of them, and then I feel like Joey and Susie wouldn't even need to be fought if it were them. Otherwise nah we all are dying.

  • Member Posts: 280

    I mean understandable, i just thought because it’s a robot, you could expose it or atleast attempt some kind of strategy against it. Because it’s also hard to pinpoint Singularities strength compared to other real world animatronics because a lot of them currently aren’t very durable, but this one’s from the future.

    judging singularity is such an awkward cookie because he only killed 2 people from direct attacks, his other 7 kills weren’t even physical attacks.

  • Member Posts: 280

    That netflix movie was really stupid. It’s one of my favourite horror movies because of how ridiculous it is, but nobody in that movie was smart.

    DBD bubba is also based of the original (if im not mistaken). IIRC he doesn’t really take any severe hits in that movie, so it’s hard to judge how durable he is in there.

  • Member Posts: 280

    Let’s pretend these average humans actually have fighting capability 🤷

    Pig is legit just a lady in a pig mask, the worst she’ll do is maybe get a lucky throat slice or sedate you.

    Twins are probably more scared than you are.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    In that case then maybe Twins could be taken on, so could Nurse if you avoid a blink. Amanda could be as she's far from the perfect disciple of John Kramer and is quite rash in how she approaches things.

    Then there are some that are complete easy if we take away their entity powers. Spirit without her entity powers is dead. She called on the entity to keep her alive. So is Plague as she called out for a god to save her from dying. Then there's Legion who's stronger without the entity as they can all be together and a four on one isn't in the ones favour in this case.

    I've a feeling without the entity controlling some killers, some of these wouldn't be fighting us. Deathslinger clearly has morales in his own lore. So does Billy, and potentially Wraith and Trapper depending on how far they are insane.

    Then there are some like Trickster and Ghostface who the average person is hopeless against cause if we are being lore accurate, they're stalking you before fighting you and they'll get you when you aren't ready.

  • Member Posts: 280

    characters like Ghostface can definitely surprise attack you, but they have the weakness of having nothing going for them if are able to react fast enough, bulkier characters are a bigger threat or Skull Merchant who’s weapon is nuts strong and her drones make it basically impossible to see her coming (or for you to surprise her).

    also understandable that quite a few of the killers wouldn’t attack unprovoked, but it’d be interesting to still guess how you would fair.

  • Member Posts: 54

    I think in his lore they say that he's made out of a material that is more resistant and lightweight than anything on Earth, so I dont think he could be easily diassembled

  • Member Posts: 280

    suppose that’s true, although it’s still a bit messy because i’m unsure if the fusion with organic Human parts actually changes some of his attributes.

  • Member Posts: 280

    they have strength yes, but they’re probably going to be a lot more scared than you are plus with the amount of trauma they’ve built, if you even manage to find a weapon you’ll probably scare them off. Although Charlotte is definitely not weak, she’s a very capable survivor with what her tome lore mentions.

    so i’d say she might eventually just back off and nobody dies. But they still definitely have tricks, although Victor would be very weak without the entity buffing him (or he’d just be dead) but they have some tricks, like how Charlotte jumped on top of a witch hunter and just bit out his throat.

  • Member Posts: 937

    I'd say PH is the best.

    He's unkillable, and he exists just to kill, although I won't spoil SH2 since the remake is coming out, but since PH came into the entities realm of his own accord, all he does is kill and he can't be damaged in any way.

    That being said, stunning him shouldn't happen and certainly not blinding him. If he stuck to his true lore he's basically invincible. I want to say more but don't want to spoil stuff from sh2 :)

  • Member Posts: 113

    why is Dredge in "maybe or depends"? its a flesh puppet piloted by the physical embodyment of negative emotions. even if you were to slice its head clean off, it doesnt matter since thats not even a real part of its body. not to mention it could have a ######### ton more parts hidden inside itself that it could pull out and attack you with, and thats not even considering the teleportation and the mori

  • Member Posts: 338

    Are we forgetting billy as super strength? Plus hag is literally just a stick lady. Death Slinger is fair though if he misses, you probably end him before he reloads, but if he hits you your dead.

  • Member Posts: 280
    edited July 2023

    Death slinger’s gun is non-lethal lorewise, so MAYBE if you’re strong enough to take the bayonet or break free, you can beat him (especially since he has a leg brace).

    Billy has super strength yes, but he isn’t very smart nor is he extremely durable.

  • Member Posts: 128

    i would disagree with skull merchant. She isn’t very strong without her augments

  • Member Posts: 3

    not really. Killers are picked based on their potential and this potential is unleashed in the trails. This means that legion now is one of the best killers that could exist in the trail so there's no surviving them too. Also pinhead can be sent back to hell with box in the original film but in dbd The Entity probably changed that for the trail purpose

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