why is automatic purchase only for prestige ?

i dont get it. why cant you automatic/ randomly purchase stuff within prestige 0 ?
Guess they want to make it harder to unlock their perks on all other survivors. Other than that I have absolutely zero clue.
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According to Behaviour, they did it to avoid confusing newcomers. My explanation? It's likely because they couldn't program it differently for newcomers and those who have already unlocked other prestiges.
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To force new players to look at everything and read what they do is my guess. The thing is survivors should only be one time as they have everything killers make more sense because they don't have the same add ons.
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It's honestly silly.
I can kiiiinda see a point for it for the first prestige of the account, to allow new players to learn how the bloodweb works... but as soon as you have P1 on any character, you should be allowed to do the auto purchase on any other character
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They said it was to ensure players get to familiarize themselves with contents of that character’s bloodweb before being able to use auto-purchase.
But it’s silly, because survivor bloodwebs are all the same and killer bloodwebs only vary in the specific addons for that killer. Imo it should just be that you can use auto-purchase once you have done at least 1 prestige for any character of the same role.