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Ghostface Buff Suggestion

RubberBrain Member Posts: 81
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Ghostface feels to be a favorite for behavior, however even with all the buffs he still feels slightly too weak, he is nothing more then an M1 killers with stealth and a chance to end a chase earlier, however that time that a chase ends earlier doesn’t make up for the time it takes to stalk them then then the distance they make, some people 99 and do the stalk mid chase however this doesn’t lower the time waste by too too much. The reason why the insta-down doesn’t make up for the time lost is because first, you have to get the stalk off and sometimes the lean mechanic doesn’t work well. However after you get the stalk you usually aren’t right next to them so they often get plenty of time to get to a nice loop, and possibly chain it (because again he is just an M1 killer and his stealth and and crouching doesn’t do anything on a short loop), now you could say just get closer before you stalk but unless the survivor is scarily unaware they will see you coming and can often uncloke you before you get the stalk which wastes more time for you because either you hit them, which removes your power, or wait for your power to come back which lets them get to a loop (unless you are indoors of which you can hide behind corners and get close).

People may try to defend his weak power by saying getting those insta-downs reliably or even just using his power as a chase power is overpowered, however Ghostface has no pressure or passive slowdown (unless the survivor is new and hides throughout the entire stalk time), he need to be able to have a more reliable chase power to make up for everything else.

Now here is where I would give my suggestion, there are many different things they could do but the most balanced, funnest and probably easiest inclusion would be a speed boost after getting a stalk much like one of purple addons (Drop-leg knife Sheath?) there are many different things they could do with this, such as just a one to one implementation of that addon as a basekit to his power, an increase or decrease in either time or haste percentage when activated or a combination of both an increase and a decrease. They wouldn’t even need to change the addon much instead just boosting the basekit (like most addons should do) much like borrowed time. Now I want to talk about my preferred version of this inclusion as well as uses for beyond a faster insta-down. First they could lengthen the time it is active compared to the addon, while slightly lowering speed, this doesn’t make him feel too strong and gives survivors still time to make it to the loop if they play it well, while maybe giving Ghostface a very small bit of extra time to play around the loop. Now outside of uses for insta-downing the person you stalked, this will also give Ghostface some power if you are forced to hit them (such as hitting when carrying which gets rid of your stalk progress or any other strategic reason) this allows Ghostface to have some threat and power if they are injured (especially with Made for this and how it is) a secondary use is getting the stalk mid chase, it isn’t a speed boost you can activate immediately and you still must work for it however it allows you to have more power mid chase to end chases quicker when you are mainly just an M1 killer. There are probably many reasons to use this that wouldn’t be too broken but would be fun and useful, such as stalking someone across the map because you know you can get them later to use the speed boost to get to a gen or using the retaining speed boost after a down to get to a hook better (or stalking someone near by and leaving them).

I do not believe this would make him all that strong either way but would make him much more fun and would make him better at what he is supposed to be good at (which he’s not good at)


  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 734

    That would be fine.

    I feel like it'd be cool as hell if he could have a single knife-throw after earning 3 or 4 marked downs (like in Scream 3)

    The whole "I can only chase you with a knife" thing is pretty mundane.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    ghostface's issue is his inability to capitalize off the marked ability. he lacks the follow-up to his instant down. gf would benefit greatly from having some mobility tool in his kit to gap-close survivors that were marked. prior to wesker's release, I suggested a dash that allows ghostface to dash and down marked survivors. Now wesker kinda has that type of dash ability. Drop-leg add-on is sort of his mini-dash in the form of haste.

    The main issue is homogenization killer powers. Wraith has speed boost coming out of cloak. if you give gf that type of speed to GF, then you get two killers two powers that are too similar to each other. it is same issue where if you give gf a type of dash similar to wesker, it takes away the uniqueness of another killer.

    Ghostface feels to be a favorite for behavior, however even with all the buffs he still feels slightly too weak

    he feels a lot better to play now. GF slight too weak problems is same problem that all m1 killer have issues with. lack of chase power. the wheel of creativity is hard to develop as more type of killer powers get added. I can't think of any creative power that would change him. Maybe he could throw his knife at marked survivors but that is not very original. he is fine where he is at.

  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87

    From a killer and survivor perspective I personally think he's fine and doesn't need changes but the movement speed after exposing someone could be cool and fun 👍

  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87

    Knife throw base kit rework could be interesting 🤔 maybe something like you have 1? Throwing knife which either does one health state (similar to huntress hatchet) or it would apply deep wound effect but worse in some way.(would be inside the survivor, they would have to remove it in some fashion,then it would drop on the ground and aura of throwing knife shown to Ghostface, so he could retrieve it). And maybe while you did/or didn't have the throwing knife (Ghostface) you could/or couldn't stealth/stalk. Not sure which way it should be(if you can stalk/stealth while you do have or if you can while you dont).

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I think Ghostface is somewhat like Nurse in that it requires an entirely different playstyle in order to play the game. People see Ghostface is a 4.6 M1 Killer, instead of seeing that as a tool in his kit. 4.6 is merely there to limit his ability to instadown people. That's why when I see people prioritizing chasing Survivors, I pejoratively call them 'ChaseFaces' instead of Ghostfaces.

    The best way I can describe it is DBD as an RTS. Some Killers are more micro, or chase/lethality focused, like Deathslinger forcing different interactions at common loops since he can drag you to the window. Some are more macro, or stealth/map mobility/slowdown/Intel focused, like Pig with stealth and traps for slowdown. Some are both, like Wesker having chase, lethality, map mobility, intel and slowdown. Ghostface too is both Micro and Macro, but he doesn't change how you chase, he has lethality AND stealth. The problem is people treat the Lethality as chase altering, instead of taking advantage of the stealth to combine the strengths.

    To an extent he functions similarly to Legion and Plague, in that all the Survivors can be treated as 'injured' or 99'd then mark downed. However, since they are healthy while doing so, they fail to get value from any 'while injured' perks like Resilience or MfT, and also mostly wasted their time healing. It costs you time and effort as Ghostface though to set up multiple stalks, like a farmer, you cultivate your animals for a future slaughter. If they remain injured, you can sneak up from odd angles, and only a Sprint Burst can reasonably save them, making Fearmonger practically a free-win perk against those who stay injured.

    Most people crutch on multiple slowdowns as Killer in order to slow games down enough to win, but that backfires and hurts Ghostface. You don't have the map traversal speed to apply gen kick perks multiple times, so Pain Res is basically the only good slowdown. Instead Lethality and Intel serve you far better. Bamboozle helps prevent the rare busted windows from being a problem, although I must admit it is a comfort pick for me to prevent those negative extremes. Lethal Pursuer is arguably the single best perk, as you want people to go on gens so you can stalk them from a distance. Unlike Corrupt, it forces an early chase, which is NOT what you want. Remember, Myers has a distance penalty when stalking but Ghostface doesn't. The further you stalk people from, the better, and don't let them know they are 99'd. Allowing a gen or two to pop in the start is worth it if you get 2 or 3 unknown to them 99's. Then get an instadown, and use your knowledge of how you would play Survivor to cut people off. If you have BBQ or Iri Cam add-on, you can keep track of most players and always be a step or two ahead of them.

    I hate to say this, but the greatest weakness for Ghostface is the same as Trapper and Hag, which is the lowest hook Survivor stalking the Killer and deleting their power. If Trapper/Hag has no traps, and Ghostface has nobody 99'd, they swiftly (or sometimes slowly) lose. Allowing for the Survivors to 'bully' you out of power is the worst thing.

    By saying 'Ghostface has no pressure' show a lack of understanding that Lethality IS pressure. It is even more powerful pressure when your opponent doesn't know that you are currently lethal to them. The basic pressure formula of a hook being 75% slowdown shows that. (To be clear, by 75% slowdown I am referring to the hooked Survivor unable to progress gens, the rescuer not progressing gens, and if that rescuer gets marked or otherwise harried by a strategic 'chase', then another Survivor has to be the rescuer instead. That leaves for only 1 Survivor to do gens.)

    I was against the reduction of his power from 24s to 20s, but only for the higher end match potential (not tournament level highEST end, but normal matchmaking higher end). It might be the kill-rate stat buff needed for lower skill brackets. For a buff to both lower skill and higher skill brackets, maybe part of OP's knife slowdown/intel idea applied to when you hit someone with 50%+stalk (when forced like carried hits). The best buff though, would be making leans be client sided instead of server sided again. He was designed with a client sided lean, and when they swapped to servers that screwed over the lean mechanic that has only partially been addressed. (Heck they even nerfed it so you couldn't toggle crouch without breaking the lean at one point. I don't know if that still is the case only because I have him down to muscle-memory, so I can't actually tell you what inputs I do when playing, just overarching concepts.)

    TL:DR Ghostface IS his power, with M1 framework to help, not M1 framework with his power to help.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2023

    the greatest weakness for Ghostface is the same as Trapper and Hag, which is the lowest hook Survivor stalking the Killer and deleting their power. If Trapper/Hag has no traps, and Ghostface has nobody 99'd, they swiftly (or sometimes slowly) lose. Allowing for the Survivors to 'bully' you out of power is the worst thing.

    when that occurs. that is very annoying. those are definitely the less fun matches for GF. what would help there is some chasing power. there is no fear factor in bullying m1 killers.

    Most people crutch on multiple slowdowns as Killer in order to slow games down enough to win, but that backfires and hurts Ghostface.

    information is super important for ghostface because it lets you plan your attack. I personally use BBQ and flood of rage. a long time ago, I used to gearhead just to see yellow gens.

    Ghostface IS his power, with M1 framework to help, not M1 framework with his power to help.

    I think most killers play him like an m1 killer with his power as side effect. a change that would help for people that play ghost like that is for m1 attacks to not reset stalk meter. stealth killer are ultimately not that rewarding in dbd. as a result, the idea of putting effort into a killer that is not very strong. The result is that killers take the lazy route.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Reveal bullied - I understand wanting to get a chase mechanic for him, but I almost think a reveal revenge mechanic might fix this in a 2 birds 1 stone type of way. They already have some (mediocre) add-ons to do this (10s exhausted), but maybe a basekit Clown strength hindered for the Killer Instinct duration (or the pre-buffed 2s, with the Killer instinct duration add-on increasing this hindered duration instead of both) would be all right. This could also function as a chase mechanic to disincentivize looking back in chase for too long at the risk of being hindered. Also an important mechanical factor is you can't reveal Ghosty while marked (barring laggy frame-perfect reveal+mark timings), so he wouldn't be able to double-dip and have you both exposed AND hindered, at least with his power. Thematically it could be the Survivor scared they ticked Ghosty off, as honestly his annoyed sighs like when pallet stunned are some of my favorite aesthetic aspects to him. It's just so unnerving that you stun this normal sized dude, and he isn't hurt or put into a blind rage like Huntress, he is just like "ugh, now ... you're dead". The main reason this could be bad though, is lower skill brackets might find the lose-lose nature of it unfun. However we already have lose-lose mechanics with Deathslinger and Pyramid Head holding power at loops to zone, or Artist existing at all, so I don't feel like this is a new type of unfun scenario, as the counter is not looking at him for too long, almost Slenderman like. Heck, the 'don't look at the Killer' as a mechanic was already asked for, so maybe this could be how it's implemented.

    Info - Yeah I love Floods because everyone expects Pain Res, but they all too often forget about Floods revealing them. On nearly every Killer I love pairing the 2. I only am not using Floods for the most part right now, because I have Iri cam to essentially do its job in place of it, so I put on Gift of Pain for the lose-lose of instadown without stalk due to injured, or slowed gens and I can still mark and instadown you.

    Not reset stalk on hit - I'm not sure about this being a buff on the high skilled end. I like the idea of counterplay, and the main time people are able to take an unmarked hit is while a Survivor is carried. If you take an hit while carried that just means you're injured near the hook, so he can either take a quick chase with the partial value of a proxy camp (followed by the potential of a popped 99 on the other would be rescuer), or you can follow up on the injured Surv later from stealth unless they get healed. Even then, them getting healed feels like it helps you in terms of slowdown (usually 32 gen seconds, 16s from 2 survs) and injured perk denial (Resil for gens, MfT, DH), and you can easily re-mark them. Overall I think this would be a nerf to Ghosty rather than a buff, at least in my games.

    Overall I personally really like where Ghostface is right now, and I just don't want to see him buffed to the point they nerf things about him that don't need to be nerfed. That's why I partially pushed against the 24s->20s CD on his power. Honestly if they do add the 'reveal revenge' hindered concept, I'd hope they pre-emptively bump his CD back up to 24s to be on the safe side.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    that hindered idea is similar to add-on idea that I had where a survivor becomes automatically marked whenever they reveal ghostface. if you pair both add-on, you could expose someone for a weird reverse GF build. That idea might be funny if it was meme bloodpoint add-on that disables stalking.

    lose-lose mechanics. lose-lose mechanic are not inherently bad in my opinion. you can have situations where there is lose/lose but what matters is how well you mitigate situations that put you into a lose/lose. a skill-cap of a lose/lose mechanic can be how well you manage to avoid/mitigate the effects of a lose/lose mechanic. I imagine if you gave -15% hindered for 2.5 seconds, inexperienced survivors would reveal at times where they would be punished while experienced survivors would reveal you in places where they will not get punished.

    That's why I partially pushed against the 24s->20s CD on his power.

    my assumption on the change is to reduce down-time to go into night-shroud after hooking a survivor. The change as side effect avoids those awkward situations where someone is near fully stalk and you can m1 hit the survivor but your power is on cooldown so your just waiting for cooldown to get the expose hit. I agree. I like his state in general even if it is not super strong.

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81

    Yea so many killers need some sort of chase powers, I would love Ghostface to get one mainly though because he’s popular, I find him fun, and he seems to be a favorite of bhvr anyway. But there are plenty of killers that probably need a buff more then him, such as trapper (although not lacking in a chase power he’s lacking in too much else), legion because he can’t down consistently and is nothing more then an M1 killer (with Ghostface still having some chase stealth that every now and again works), and Sadako who I overall believe is getting a nerf with this next PTB and if they are going along with this change she desperately will need a chase power

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81

    If they were to buff him of course I pray to god that they don’t nerf him as well but I do think he needs a buff, I find him to be below average slightly in killer strength and in the grand scheme of things against survivors that is very weak, people like to forgive or give backlash to weaker killers or blight or anything else in the game because of games they win or lose, them winning the game against a blight doesn’t make the game survivor sided, a legion winning a game against a SWF doesn’t make the game killer sided or make legion a strong killer, all those games come down to skill and maybe a bit of luck, however if you were to pair an equally skilled SWF with someone just as skilled with Ghostface then the SWF would probably win under most circumstances. Personally I believe there are still a lot of balance changes they need to go depending on where they go to balance it because personally I see the game as either balanced between two killers and an equally as good SWF or maybe with two killers being slightly stronger then the SWF (Nurse and Blight, Nurse maybe still a lot stronger)

    Done talking about balance but I wanted to say that I really like the idea of punishing the survivor for revealing Ghostface. However I do believe it would have too easy of a counter with no enough downsides if you don’t look at him, much like not healing or cleansing against a Legion or plague, Personally I believe it could work however it may just bully newer players wish I’d never what a power should be for.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Tbh I think Ghostface is fine. He isn't "just" a M1 killer with stealth, being able to expose survivors is kind of a big deal. I don't play him nearly as much as I play against him, and he's only easily beatable when the killer doesn't use his power, which a lot of ghostface players seem to do.

    The only thing I think he needs is for the reveal mechanic to be made better or at least more consistent.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,434

    The only way I could see him getting a mobility power that's fair is by tying it to Night Shroud.

    Maybe once you've marked a survivor, you get +3% haste, as long as you remain in Night Shroud. This would then cancel once you hit them, whiff an attack, or once someone reveals you. This would require teamwork to counter Ghostface, which serves as slowdown, as it's one less survivor on a gen.

    That said, I don't really agree this is necessary. Ghostface is already powerful enough with the ability to expose survivors. What he lacks in chase power, he makes up for in only needing to chase survivors for a single health state.

    I main Ghostface, and while it can be hella frustrating when I can't get my power off and I'm forced to play bare bones M1 killer, it feels super cheap when I get back to back exposed hits on unaware survivors.

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81

    That would be a fun addon but there is no way they would do it sadly with how strong it would be. Also I believe if they were to add the hindered effect it wouldn’t do much and woks just bully newer survivors (Also giving the killer speed instead of slowing the survivor seems a lot more fun for everyone in my eyes) but more experienced survivors would be in control of when you get your boost and if it’s done during a pallet stun or if your revealed at a pallet, it either wouldn’t do anything or very very little, and those are to fairly common places to be revealed, also if another healthy survivor reveals you that wouldn’t do much either because you were likely chasing a stalked or injured survivor and that hindered would be made up for with the boost of speed when injuring and any exhausting perks they may have (which again this is a very likely occurrence)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,434

    that hindered idea is similar to add-on idea that I had where a survivor becomes automatically marked whenever they reveal ghostface. if you pair both add-on, you could expose someone for a weird reverse GF build. That idea might be funny if it was meme bloodpoint add-on that disables stalking.

    I've wanted exactly this for the longest time.

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81

    I agree with many of your points but with how the game is played you can get only hidden downs, you are not invisible and survivors will see you even if you lean, and if you stalk from far a way then just pre-run, you say sprint burst is the only thing that can really stop that (as well as a really nice window or pallet which could also lead to lithe) but then you mention fearmonger, sprint burst is not an uncommon perk and if you need fearmonger to get downs there’s a problem. Even then I don’t think my suggestion would be that crazy for that playstyle with how some maps and angles are on gens or survivors it could allow to close the gap easier if you mark from far away or if they’re just about to make a pallet

    Also as you mentioned there may be one survivor constantly removing your stalk, luckily with GF it shows who removed your power, however in that situation you would need to get into a chase.

    Also of course downs equals pressure, there isn’t a person that doesn’t know that, it’s why nurse is so powerful my point is he doesn’t have passive slowdown or movement so he needs to apply pressure with those downs, allowing him to get downs a little bit faster wouldn’t be crazy (along with all the other benefits i mentions and some I didn’t). And no matter what unless you are facing really oblivious survivors you are often going to get in more chasing then your going to get hidden downs and when those chases inevitably happen then you don’t really have a power. And to pile on top of all this something I didn’t even mention is if you face a bully squad; you can’t play your stealth playstyle and you may have three or four all around you taking hits, and such again with only being an M1 killer it makes it much harder to outplay them (I never found problems with bully squads so it may be fine but that’s just something I remembered) But even if you don’t have a problem with something some newer players might, I don’t want this game to continue to be something that you much start off incredible at to play is, and often time it isn’t however because of how their powers very a newer killer may give up while trying a weaker killer, people might use the excuse that he’s paid as to why people won’t play him immediately but people forget he might be the reason people are playing at all, to play as their favorite Licenses. Now I want to say I do not believe Ghostface desperately needs a buff, there are plenty of other issues that deserve more attention such as Twins, Myers, Freddy, the top two killers, and survivors as a whole, I more made this post because Ghostface seems to be a favorite of Behavior (Probably because it’s only partially a license and they have full control over it) and it would still be very nice to get a Ghostface buff as he’s someone who, although not desperately, still probably needs one, so I was just suggestion one he would benefit from without being too crazy

    Lastly I wanted to say you said only pain res is a good slowdown perk on Ghostie but I’m just going to defend another perk saying that Jolt is still amazing.

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81

    Yea I personally think he desperately needs a buff (only because there are more important things) but Behavior seems to love Ghostface and it would be fun. But to defend why they should do it is just because of how the game works, you are almost always going to get in a chase and he is just an M1 killer if you can’t get the stalk, I find him to be below average so it’s a bit easier to beat him, and because of how many Ghostfaces people find, people are going to be beaten by some which ends up making him look balanced (when it isn’t actually equal skill level most often some of those ghostfaces are worse or better then you and your squad)

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81

    I do not believe he desperately needs a buff (mainly because of more important issues) but as he appears to be a favorite of Behavior (and I agree I find him to be slightly below average, however in the grand scheme of things that makes him a fairly weak killer) I just wanted to suggest something that could be fun for him and he could benefit from.

    With the creativity of the power I will say that’s something I didn’t consider and is another reason why I don’t think it’s a big deal because I’d rather them take time to make something that’s good and improves him then make a weak for now such as hindering survivors when GF gets revealed. But also to defend my change I want to say wraith has enough else to him to make it a good change such as the speed while invisible and his collection of a amazing addons allowing for tons of fun play styles (And despite what people may say, basekit he isn’t a stealth killer, which also furthers my point that there are enough differences to make this a change). Also I think it would still be a good change for the same reason they gave it to wraith, because without it wraith can’t benefit much from his speed it allows him to overcome the drawbacks from ringing the bell, and I believe it would be the same with Ghostface as he is obviously slower then cloaked wraith anyway Ghostface also has the other slowdowns I mentioned in my post (and some I didn’t) such as getting the stalk, finding a good angle and many things that may make them pre-run such as seeing you or a fat away stalk and if they do pre-run your going to want that speed. Also with this change it rewards you for getting a stealthy stalk which is what he should be good at as a stealth insta-down killer.

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81

    With how the game runs I do believe he need a buff (however it shouldn’t be top priority) I was mainly saying this because GF seems to be a favorite of BHVR and it wouldn’t be that crazy to give him this buff however I agree whatever his speed is should be tied to his stalking or his night shroud for many reasons. What I really wanted to say though is that that constant three percent when getting a stalked and clocked would be incredible in some situations overall I don’t think it would do much thought because of how many survivors already counter GF (assigning one survivor to hover around him removing his cloak) but besides all the ways to remove cloak it would be an amazing change that isn’t that crazy with MFT now existing

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81

    I win more games then I lose but I don’t believe it’s because Ghostface is a good killers (not bad thought just slightly below average) also yes he in an M1 killer with stealth, Although the stalk is a big deal when it works as someone who plays both sides equally there are plenty of time to run before hand to a good loop and with him only being an M1 killer in chase, outplay him the whole time still his stalk meter is down it’s not like the change in suggestions is that crazy it would mainly be used to chase if the stalk doesn’t go well (sometimes because unless you can lean because of the slowdown that even slows you down) or just to get some value of your stalk because really if GF is right next you the survivors fault that don’t mean GF is incredible and if he ain’t usually they can run and get to a pallet on stalk, pre—run if they see you and for sure make it or maybe use a sprint burst to make it no matter what, And in those situations my change wouldn’t make up for it but it would close the difference and every single second matters, also considering other perks such as adrenaline, lithe, MFT, resilience, and many other chase perks.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Well the issue is you have to not look at him, which allows for him to sneak up and mindgame better in chase by taking a weird angle or route. The reveal is almost like the Billy Overheat mechanic in that it builds up and slowly peters out, so they have to let the reveal 'cool-down' and not look for extended durations, or have pixel-perfect camera placement (mid-chase to only look with the corner) that could force them to run into walls or mess up their movement. I already have plenty of fun and success with crouching along medium height loops they can't peek over due to the crouch. This would just let me approach from the wrong side in many loops to success because they don't have a clear camera angle on me at all times.

    2.5s Hindered - I think the current KI (or the Nic Cage PTB KI time) is 4s, so 4s of 15% is massive, if only usable once. It basically means you need to reveal at dropped pallets, but if they mindgame the kick, then the Survivor gets punished. Again, not sure if the Hindered for the full (4s?) KI timer would be too powerful in practice or what, but it would be neat to try in a PTB at least.

    Jolt - I get it, but I have negativity bias where Survivors who are marked tend to run away from the gens. Every time I try to use it I remember the matches with no value. Don't get me wrong, any indoor map its an easy S-tier, but I feel like I don't need any more help as a Stealth Killer on an indoor map. I need help on the big outdoor maps.

    Stealth in general - I typically take the time to go super far out of my way to approach from odd angles. Against clueless Survivors you don't need to, but against middle to high skill Survivors it helps a lot. When you go against the god-gamers that know when you step on a twig I just bruteforce the stalk mid-'chase' and save them for when they are forced to act, like rescuing someone on hook. Alternatively I pop it to force them to sit on gens for the next 60s. The vast majority of matches have enough 'weak-links' in comparison that I can still beat most god-tier aware gamers.

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81

    (I this way of answering, thank you)

    Reveal Penalty - I would love to see a good reveal penalty however more often then not it would probably be implemented in a way where it would bully newer survivors and more experienced survivors will have no issue at all. Also with this your power would be in the hands of the survivors and if they outplay it you have no difference. I like the idea of a boost when stalking because you are also in more control of when you activate it, I believe it could also add more to learn with Ghostface which is always welcome in my eyes.

    Jolt Response - Yea that’s all fair, for me for some reason the range feels longer then it used to be and only time I don’t get any value is when they go edge map, but overall Pain Res is definitely much better and there are much more fun perks to have then a gen slowdown perks

    Stealth - I do the same thing with his stealth and it’s always nice to sneak up and scare survivors however again I don’t think giving him a small buff such as making one of his addons basekit (preferably the speed one as I keep saying for me 🙏) would make him overpowered and there are too many uses for too many do them and I don’t feel like typing everything again or writing a bunch of the things I didn’t type.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Reveal Penalty in the hands of the Survivors - See I don't quite agree. In this hindered theoretical, if they reveal you they get hindered, and if they don't then you can stalk and mark/99 them. That seems like a win-win to me. Hindered is mutually exclusive to the Marked condition, so even with newer Survivors they at least get 2 hits still in bad cases. New Survivors would already be marked and 1-hit down, so a 2nd hit gives them a far greater chance.

    Stealth response/other buff - I'd almost prefer the buff be on when you down a marked Survivor, rather than helping you down someone you marked. In my experience against bad Ghostfaces, if they pop the mark early, they tend to overcommit in chase. Any Survivor worth their salt can essentially burn through every pallet for a minute in order to stop a down. That being said though, I really like Oblivious when marked add-on just because even if my Shroud isn't up, they don't know if I'm about to jump them after I leave them. That permanent paranoia is so fun to inflict. Looking at his other add-ons, I don't find any value from 3s reveal on downed/hooked outside of camping, but that shouldn't be incentivized. I'd much rather a new add-on or two in their place.

  • RubberBrain
    RubberBrain Member Posts: 81
    edited July 2023

    Debuff to Reveal - Although it does sounds fun if what your saying is true then it sounds like it wouldn’t even be all that beneficial towards new survivors (which is better then it only being beneficial towards new survivors but then it would also feel like a useless inclusion, and although it would be better to stalk in chase with there are still plenty of things survivors can do such as forcing hits to remove stalk, taking hits or still just out looping or making you get no value from that stalk. If you hit then then you just get no value from the stalk and you have to follow up with a second hit, if you do stalk it’ll either just go away when you down them or if you let them go well give you no pressure because you have let a survivor you maybe could have down. Also it would likely do nothing and just enforce one of the best strategies against Ghostface which is keeping your eyes on him in chase while your healthy to remove insta-down potential then loop normally, again doing nothing against experienced survivors and still probably bullying newer survivors they whole way through, especially if they are below average loopers

    Other buff - I personally find getting stalks on other survivors to be fine, that’s mostly because stalks aren’t that hard to get only taking like three seconds when leaning and it’s even faster with an addon, however again I do really like the Idea of rewarding you for getting the down, I don’t think it would be as good because in my eyes what he’s lacking is a small bit more chase power and because of the other uses if the buff was centered around getting the stalk, also if the buff needed you to get the down there is also, yes the issue of what buff to even go with, Although I do think some aura reading on everyone after a down would do him good if you used it well because of how Ghostface benefits from that information, it could yes leading to camping HOWEVER they are creating that Anti Face-camping system which would probably make that a better inclusion if they were to ever consider something like that