Whats the point of BPs cap?

Like why? just let us hoar a massive amount of BPs.
And does it really matter if people save them for new chapter? everyone can do it, and most people already save around 2 million, which is enough to get a good amount of addons and perks on a character, essentially max out if you have all the teachable perks already
I believe it was to stop hackers back in the day...although obviously they could work around that.
I've no clue if there is any good reason for it to exist now.
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Because cheaters would get a lot of BP....which is a concern for some reason?
I never understood why would that matter its just BP
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To fight against hackers and to stop people hoarding an unreasonable amount of BP.
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Why would that matter tbh?
Sure, its cheating, but all you get are items or addons that everyone can already get.
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Cheating is cheating and it matters. I’m not saying I agree that bloodpoints need a cap, but don’t dismiss the severity of cheaters.
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I think they could definetely increase it to like 5 million cap.
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Once you unlocked all perks for your chars (prestige 3) there is no real reason to keep leveling.
For me prestige is just a number which shows how much time you wasted in the bloodweb.
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I mean if this is the reason, it's stupid to keep cap for BPs. Because there is cheat which allows you open all perks, items, offerings and add-ons on everyone.
Cheater would not bother himself with BP-hack, they would use item-hack.
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They could honestly make it that each devotion level increases your BP cap by like 1 mil. I still don't know why the cap is as low as it is.
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i dont think they have any viable reason or response that would make sense. the theory they dont want people to just have everything when an update drops doesnt work because people do that with 1 million blood point per character anyway. This isnt like other games where you can buy in game currency to "get ahead". just no valid reason a cap exists in this game
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That wasn’t my point. I just don’t like seeing cheating taken lightly.
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1. Hackers.
2. So you don't just atay in one match farming BP indefinitely.
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They've said its to do with combatting cheaters but a smart cheater would just not go above the BP cap. They can already give themselves thousands of items and addons anyway so it doesn't really matter.
More likely the reason is so people don't hoard enough BP to insta p3 new characters and then stop playing for ages. They want people playing more reguarly and a cap I guess might help with that.
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I didnt meant removing the cap of BPs earned per match, i mean the max amount you can carry total.
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This content has been removed.
Oh that's to stop you from hoarding enough BP to max out a character the moment it's released.
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I like this idea a lot.
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It was never about cheaters. Back in the day cheaters could just use Cheat Engine to effectively have infinite BP, or save edit to give themselves however much bonus BP they wanted (since bonus BP has a different, practically unreachable cap) as well as items/addons/offerings/perks without even touching the bloodweb.
McLean said in one of his streams years ago that the point of the cap is to keep people from saving enough BP to max out new characters right away. That's all it is. A way to prevent players from burning through new content too quickly.
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they want people to actually play the game when the new DLC comes out
allow hoarding BP: people can max their characters without having to actually play the game.
with BP cap: you can get some progress, but you need to play if you want the character immediately unlocked
I think most people who care that much about the game to max the new character immediately would be playing it anyway, so i think it's a bit redundant, but that's the best reason I can come up with
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I can definitely say that it is not a measure to stop cheaters. It might have been an extra hurdle to make it a bit more inconvenient way back in the early days of the game, but this is not why the cap exists today.
These days, the cap exists to pace progress when new content releases. Having goals to work towards helps keep the game interesting, and leveling up the new characters to unlock their perks & add-ons is a goal that most people aim for without even thinking about it. The cap is there to limit how many Bloodpoints you can stockpile so that you can't instantly max out all the new characters the moment they are released.
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Okay but I dont think anyone finds it fun to have a soft cap on what we can do in the game. Like when the rift is over or I max it out and I hit the BP cap its just like...okay I guess we're waiting til the next chapter.
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Does anyone like artificial progression? If it isn't to prevent cheaters just don't have a cap
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Who cares if you do though what does that even hurt
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Still do anyway. The only time I don't have new content maxed within 24 to 36 hours is if it's 3 characters. Most of the people I play with do the same. 4 cake matches bring 150k to 200k bloodpoints per match. With 2 million saved we only need 15 to 20 matches and it's done.
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Its also because of how fast peeps blaze through new content. When a new chapter releases, peeps are already blistering run and done with it, if there was no cap, a lot of players would just prestige the new characters and unless they really like the design, you would never see those characers again.
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It doesn't really matter anymore because you dont lost items upon prestiging. And its not like people could just hoard BP codes/challenges until the release of a new killer. Ive seen a person with upwards of 3.1 mill in the bank and 2 mill in challenges/dailies.
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It really doesn't make sense when you can bypass the cap with codes and login rewards. I saved nearly 4 million bp before Singalarty dropped.
With the event over I'm already over the limit again.
The cap should be at least 3 million so you can unlock the perks and be done with it. If the player wants to keep increasing the prestige then that's up to them.
I understand not wanting players to get burnt out but everyone's different. If a new chapter releases and I don't like the new characters then I'm skipping them. I see no point in wasting my limited resources and I'll probably play something else for the time being.
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Oh I know that alright. I was able to hoard 4 millions once before a chapter releases.
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Ahhhh. Could've just said Time Gating.. Pretty stupid reason honestly. For people like myself and the handful of friends I have playing this game. We enjoy amassing BP just to amass it.. It's fun. But each time we get capped at 2MILLY BP whilst not caring about prestiging Survivors/Killers passed P6 for max perk and bloody outfit rewards, we just give up and say "Well I guess we can't earn anymore and we have everything we currently want.. Time to turn the game off until new stuff comes out." You guys are for sure lucky that most of the fan base doesn't think like I do. Uncap the BP. There is no "legitimate" reason to have it capped.
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Would BHVR ever consider a system similar to mobile, where Bloodpoints are tied to the character you used in a trial?
There is the obvious concern of taking away something the community has grown used to, and thus causing undue outrage...but do you think it would be worth considering as a way to balance the game through BP economy, while also manufacturing a certain degree of Killer variety?
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But then again seems that the Bloodweb is cheaper and the Prestige system has been expanded (from 3 to 100)
I don't see the point of the cap anymore
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"We dont want people to get everything first day" and yet people still do and will always do.
It's a bad reason why.. the cap makes no sense. Never did and never will. Up the cap already to 5m.
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If the goal is to give players a sense of progression, why not convert the battlepass to a proper progression system?
I'm not gonna go on a rant about monetization practices or anything, but as it is setup already between tomes and rifts. It would be much better suited to being a player level progression system than it could ever be as a battlepass. Like progression is supposed to be about the journey, but most folks aren't interested in having the same exact journey over and over again. The game also doesn't really incentivize doing that either so it just feels tedious more than anything and you really aren't rewarded in a way that is exciting enough to make someone invest time into a killer or survivor they may not like passed their perks.
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The thing is however, even before the old grind system with a 1 mil cap people were able to get their new killers to prestige 3 either immediately by storing up archives or at least very close to that. So with this in mind there is very little reason not to have a higher cap.