Behaviour please keep the option of people jumping off hook when a killer is camping it

It just makes the game less fun for everyone, especially for the person that is just stuck on hook
had a game with Micheal Myers who would just camp a hook of a person and wait for someone to come save them only to just down the person trying to save them cause he goes into tier 3
like it's so boring for a killer to do that like why do killers even do that? I play killer at times and I find it boring just to stick around a hook I like the chase I like chasing and doing things not just waiting around until everyone finishes gen and get out because I want a guaranteed death
so to make the game more entertaining for everyone just let the people jump off the hook if a killer just wants to be boring and sure just don't allow them to do it when it's end game
Self unhook when the killer remains within close proximity is a planned feature that was announced during the anniversary stream. There's no date on it yet so it may not be until later in the year/early next. The idea being survivors have a meter that grows while the killer is close to them on hook, when it reaches max they self unhook. The meter would slow right down if fellow survivors are nearby and it wouldn't work after the last gen is done (or maybe it was during EGC I'm not sure of the exact wording on the stream).
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Most killers only camp if they get a party of survivors against them. At high mmp 99% of survivor parties play and that's why you see camping so often there. I think we should remove the ability to camp and make tunneling ineffective, but only if we remove genrush from the game completely. That is, any generator is started at a rate of at least 80 seconds, no matter how many survivors. Then there would really be chases