Killers are helpless and its going worse and worse...



  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    In what world is that a high escape rate?

    Look bud, the game is mostly fine. I dabble in killer every now and again. Played a few games just the other day. First game as Plague, I stomped. Second game as Plague, I lost. Third game as Ghostface, I won (against a three-man swf flashlight squad). Fourth game as Ghostface I got a 2k on Lery's but ran out of hooks so missed out on a 3k. Fifth game as Ghostface, I lost with zero kills. No big deal, it happens. The survivors were simply better than me.

    I stopped playing killer after that since I farmed enough BP. At a guess, I'd say I'm mid-MMR. Not high enough that all I get are meta sweats, but also not low enough that all I get are potatoes who bring technician and miss every skill check.

    That's not how that math works bud. It means that on average, less than two survivors make it out alive at high mmr per trial.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,124
    edited July 2023

    Just don’t play Killer if you don’t enjoy it.

    People will try to change your perspective of the win condition for Killer or tell you to get better.

    But no one can criticize you for not playing that role. The earlier people come to terms with and accept this simple fact, the better.

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331


    Don't indulge in something that takes away your joy.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,166

    I havnt read any comment here, just as a preface if my buler points were already addressed: peeps rightly claim that you shouldn't be punished for playing with your friends and that dropping the Hammer to savagely on SWFs would severely hurt the game, and this peeps are right.

    And while a lot of killers paint all SWFs groups as blood thirsty bullies that make playing a decent game impossible, the vast majority of times SWFs play right into the killers hand by being extremely altruistic and favoring going for a risky safe, instead of slamming this gen and letting their buddy marinade into second hook stage.

    Fully tooled up SWFs are a true nightmare, though, and if they are committed to just winning, splitting up and favoring gens instead of friends in lieu with BNP and toolboxes will nearly always see them through with rarely more then 2 or possible 3 hooks by the killer.

    I offer two solutions that would help to defang the situation, without hurting peeps who just want to play with their friends.

    1) Show who played with whom after the game. The killers who would write down all the SWFs groups should be even rarer then true SWF seal teams, but this would show killers how many of the games they rolled actually had a SWF in them. And in the cases were an extremely well coordinated SWF tabled the killer, they couldn't gaslight them by claiming "lol, no we are soloQ and never met before. You were just bad". There is basically no reason to withhold this information, as openness about the perceived OPness of SWF contrasting with reality can only help to sooth both sides.

    2) Don't allow duplicate perks and addons in a SWF. A casual group of friends might only have to adjust slightly, until everyone finds their niche, and someone might discover their new favorite build or perk this way. In my own SWF group we already have basically no double perks, besides a Lithe, Unbreakable or Proof here and there, as we all just run our favorite builds and try different stuff.

    It's the highly tooled up SWFs groups that might feel this the most. They will also adapt the fastest, but that's ok, at the very least build variety will help to mitigate some of the most broken and bonkers setups. SoloQ players won't be affected by this at all and can just equip whatever they want.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937
    edited July 2023

    Oh no, once these so called content creators get brought into it, the premise and argument goes out the window.

    That content stuff is mostly filled with just griefers and streamers. Ever since online gaming became monetized and stopped being about having fun it's all been toxic and bad advice for clicks. I see people saying they say use OTR, that perk is useless to me.

    FWIW I don't watch any of that and give them my time of day, I think for myself, learn from my mistakes and win just fine. This is in solo q, mind you.

    You're better off reading the perks in detail, trying them out and finding something that works for you, not for someone else, especially someone who is just trying to use gaming to make money lol. I run off meta perks and win mostly. It's just the toxic behavior of others I will no longer tolerate in game, if that makes sense.

  • Ivanynakov
    Ivanynakov Member Posts: 235

    Having flexible repair speed on generators (based on generators repaired/survivors died/hookstages) could balance SWF, SoloQ and Killer games.

    • For every generator repaired, Survivors would get (x)% repair speed penalty.
    • For every hook stage, Survivors would neglect (y)% repair speed penalty up to 0% penalty.
    • For every Survivor dead, Survivors would get (z)% repair speed boost.

    With setting the right numbers for variables the skill gaps would be smaller, leading to more balanced and enjoyable games.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,953

    wow this thread is an omega lesson in how your personal experience of the game means nothing for others. listen to the guy.

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    then balance the game around the fact that you face SWF with so many tools. i dont want to punish them for playing with friends, i want it fair when i play vs them ! But they arnt balancing the game around them , they are trying to find the sweet spot between SoloQ killers and SWF ! and thats near impossible if you ask me. Because the gap is so huge between the 2 !

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2023

    yep ! at some point just nerfing and buffing perks just cant make it. Because the gap btw SoloQ and SWF is SO HUGE. Thanks for taking the time to read! I love your idea how you presented it. You just took mine and expressed it way better. Having those flexible affix based on how the game progress could potentialy fix the hatch issue too.