Resident evil Cosmetic

Can we please get Ada wong Resident Evil 6 outfit, Carla Outfit from Resident evil 6, Helena from Resident Evil 6, Sherry Birkin Resident evil 6 for Rebecca, Jake from resident evil 6 for leon
Make Sherry a Legendary for Rebecca. Give that girl more cosmetic options. Sherry in her winter outfit is an amazing look, one of the best in the series. As for a Carla Radames cosmetic for Ada, that might just make me have to level Ada up because that costume is FIRE!
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Ask Capcom.
It makes sense that RE legendaries are for Jill and Leon only, since those two are the RE characters most people own. Therefore more potential profits.
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I would argue a very large amount of people own Ada and Rebecca considering they are part of the licensed bundle that contains Wesker, the most popular and most purchased killer in ages.
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I want a second Claire Legendary, specifically this one:
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I would be for it, especially for Jake and Sherry.
I just want RE4R Wesker (and his shirtless Usoboros Version from RE5) as well as the alternate leather outfit for Rebecca from RE0.
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I would love to see these outfits as well
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a pretty good pic of all ada's outfits i've just found. this would be a pretty good base for the creators to recreate the ones that we don't have yet. would really want the re6 one, looks the best
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I would simply die if they made Sherry for Rebecca, I also wouldnt mind Ashley Graham...
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My favorite ada outfit is Resident Evil 6 Resident evil 4 remake and Carla outfit
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freaking yes bro they should add more costumes for the legendaries and make them cheaper if u already have
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tbh id rather see the alternatives for each of these like leons other costume, helenas other, sherry's other
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Need Leon, Ada, Ashley and Luis Re4r fits too. (Ashley and Luis legendaries) Especially Ada's re4r outfit but also her alternative too because... 😍