Players Are Sleeping on The Singularity

I understand he's pretty difficult to use and a lot to learn especially for controller players however, if you put the work into him he's a solid killer and probably one of the more fun killers to play as. Sure there's others who are more fun then Singularity like Wesker, Pinhead, etc but, I do recommend putting some time into Singularity.



  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 508

    I've been playing him a lot lately and i have too disagree, he really isn't that strong he's just a worse Hag.

  • ClownGuy5
    ClownGuy5 Member Posts: 85

    Even while Im still looking for a killer to put time into after first playing dbd when Nemmy dropped, Im staying away from Hux, I have played 1 or 2 times and neither were good experiences. Its just weak power and boring repitition.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes and this is the one thing that i find disappointing about the SBMMR.

    Because the devs promised, that someone who has thousands of hours, but never played Nurse, could get a fair matchmaking, where learning Nurse is possible.

    Which is a real shame. As attempting to learn a new killer can be extremely frustrating on itself. Without the "you have 2k hours in the game and you play like trash, ggez"

    During the event i´ve bought singularity and played like 2 matches. Knowing, that i might need 40 or 50 matches before the mmr puts me against players that won´t stomp me. Where i´m allowed to make mistakes and learn/adapt to the new killer. But it isn´t really encouraging me to play.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,106

    Hux is a weird case; he's very different to every other killer, and while nurse for example is easy to pick up (Hold blink let go, teleport) Hux requires very keen spacial awareness and location to be effective, something killer players don't usually have in the way Hux wants (Every good killer can keep track of survivors and locations on a macro level, but Hux wants actual awareness to know where you are, where you're looking, and where the survivor is meant to be relative to those two points)

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I’ve been playing Hux a lot lately and I’m really enjoying him. I feel like I’m getting better every time I play and it’s very rewarding.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I knew he was strong once I got to grips with how to actually play him after watching Zubat play him a lot. By the time I got all his achievements it was very clear to me that he can be very oppressive when played correctly, to the point survivors will just give up.

    I haven't played against too many really good Singularities either but the few I have run into proved how strong he can be. I think he would quickly become very hated by survivors if more people learn to play him well

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Fun for who exactly? You?

    Most of those matches were one sided slaughters, and it looks like most of the survivors just gave up.

    GJ. I guess.

  • Davenport916
    Davenport916 Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2023

    Idk man I got pretty good with trickster on console. Yes he has bad maps but dang he can win chases so fast.

  • Davenport916
    Davenport916 Member Posts: 169

    Lower your sensitivity to 55% trust me dude! The more you play the easier it gets. If you catch someone in a dead zone you might as well be bubba.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I think he'll get ironed out and potentially become more of a thing in the future and then we'll look back at this and be like "can you imagine people were calling Singularity bad?"

    Also let's not forget that many people like licensed killers even if most of them are extremely boring to play as when compared to original characters BHVR has added, it's also why we get a bunch of threads for M1 killers to be buffed. No way people who enjoy M1 killers would enjoy Singularity.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901
  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479
    edited July 2023

    They have no bed perhaps?

  • Davenport916
    Davenport916 Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2023
  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105
    edited July 2023

    I agree as well, and on Oni & Dredge too. Singularity didn't take me quite as long as Dredge did when it came to learning the killers when they respectively came out, but.... dangit they are so enjoyable <3

    Singluarity, I've been learning per map the best spots to throw a biopod up on aside from generators, and its been a fun challenge for me. Before last Wednesday I hadn't played Dredge in a minute, and fell back in love with 'em too. I even decided to challenge myself a bit last week with these two, and was pleasantly surprised:

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I agree, he's really not that bad of a killer at all when someone actually learns how to use him.

    I would love to learn how to play him, but I don't think I'm cut out for it lol I really tried for a bit but it feels like there's so much stuff you need to manage and im a mess and don't know what I'm doing half the time..

    It's a shame the majority of singularities I see are just using his power to camp and/or 3 gen, I went against a couple ones who were actually good and it was so much fun, so thank you to anyone with the patience and skills to master him so I can have fun games !

    At least Singularity made me want to try and learn Dredge again, which felt much easier after struggling on Singularity for a few days. Maybe I'll learn Singularity when an even more complicated killer comes around lol

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I'm finally giving this killer a shot and honestly I don't think I've ever played a killer this frustrating before. At least Billy can use the saw for mobility even if you can't get chainsaw hits. So far with singularity it's 2-3 gens done before I even find anyone looking through the pods just feels like a waste of time and then when you finally slipstream someone it's gone in 2 seconds with a EMP and the pod along with it.

    I feel like it's gonna be days before this feels even remotely worth learning.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Most of us ain't missile guidance systems that subtract where we are from where we aren't or from where we aren't from where we are which ever is greater.

    Memes aside, like building spatial awareness and macro is one thing and that alone takes a ton of time just playing the game. Stacking Hux's specific needs on top of that is a recipe for disaster if you've not got a good grasp on the general concepts. It takes more effort to be Hux than it does to stop Hux which means the learning process is counter-intuitive. He's the further from user friendly since Pinhead and his extra features aren't particularly exciting or gamechanging for him. His power is just bad, but not bad in the sense it doesn't function, but bad in the sense that it's not a good fit for the game it's in.

    Like overclock has potential that honestly if not kept in check could be game breaking. Slipstream could be game breaking if not kept in check as well, but what keeps them in check is an absolutely punishing counter mechanic that drives people away from learning the killer. So in a sense it works perfectly, if most players drop the killer then you no longer have to deal with the power being used to it's fullest potential except by a few handfuls of super dedicated Hux players. I don't really get how they go about balancing this killer as he's currently designed.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    So as an update to this once I stopped using the pods early game and started using them solely in chase things have gone a lot better to the point people will actually D/C the second things get hard for them pretty often now.

    However now that I'm starting to understand them a bit better this just feels like a simultaneously better and worse Nemesis which idk how you even do that. Worse as in you basically have to infect them and basically hit them 3-4 times depending on if they have an EMP or not but better in the payoff is teleporting in chase and annihilating pallets even better than nemmy does. I'll keep learning them and see where it goes but I think a lot of streamers are overrating Singularity a bit (my guess is hard copium after they all hated SM) while the community at large is underrating them and they feel pretty B tier/Average to me right now.