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For/Against Removing The DC Penalties When DC Bots Get Introduced?

Member Posts: 3,586

Arguments For PC Penalties Being Removed:

  • Better to have a Bot that wants to play the game and progress the objective RATHER THAN a Player who does not want to play the game and doesnt progress the objective.
  • PC Penalties are pointless since you get off yourself on hook anyways. If that doesnt work, you can just run into the Killer and get yourself killed.
  • If PC Penalties still exist, people will continue to find ways to get past it regardless of what BHVR does, the only way for PC Bots to be effective if for people to choose to DC over other options.
  • DBD is a more casual game, and DCing should be allowed because of that.
  • Entitlement already exists and will continue to exist going into the future, having the ability to DC will ensure that matches are not ruined as a result of entitlement.

Arguments Against PC Penalties Being Removed:

  • It ruins the gameflow by replacing a player of any skill level with a potentially better/worse player (Bot).
  • People who play with certain Killers/Builds do not get a normal gaming experience.
  • Other things that ruin gameflow, such as the ability to off yourself on hook, should also be removed.
  • Matches should be taken more seriously, and DCing should also be taken more seriously as a result.
  • Enabling DCing lets more entitlement come into the community, since people can easily refuse to play against a certain pieces of content entirely if PC Penalties were removed.

So what are your thoughts on this topic? Should DC Penalties be removed or stay the same after DC Bots are added?

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  • Member Posts: 2,267
    edited July 2023

    They need to stay but I think the problem is going to be survivors will just kill themselves on hook anyway, so effectively it will not be much different than a DC without bots

  • Member Posts: 3,586
    edited July 2023

    I do not agree with the 3rd point.

    Sometimes, you get hard tunneled and you barely get any points because the Killer wants to remove you from the match, you barely get any points. How exactly do you punish people who run to the Killer without punishing Survivors who are getting tunneled?

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2023

    If anything I'd make the DC penalties harder, remove the RNG unhooks that let you remove yourself from the game and give significantly more bloodpoints to people on hook (portion of bloodpoints teammates are earning).

    Bots are a necessity but they are still not fun to play against or with, we don't want to increase that. DC'ing would skyrocket. People can't be allowed to just shop for their winning matches.

    I play significantly more than 99% of players and the amount of games that are genuinely toxic and worthy of someone DC'ing are extremely rarer than people like to pretend.

    I'm honestly even surprised this conversation has been coming up a lot lately. Like if we hypothetically removed DC's why would a killer for example just not instantly leave every single match he didn't get a good start on instantly? Why wouldn't they spam leave to drop their MMR?

    Just so many problems with removing or lessening the DC penalties. I don't see how people could be in favor of this as the cons just way, way outweigh the pros.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Only a few days ago I was ambushed by a Lethal Pursuer Bubba and downed before I had a chance to do a damn thing. I walked away with around 250 BP.

  • Member Posts: 730

    They need to be kept but they need to be reviewed. Sometimes you get disconnected due to internet or technical issues and that’s not your fault.

  • Member Posts: 275

    >Killers aren't getting replaced by bots.

    I definitely think there could be different DC penalties for killer vs. survivor. Heck, if you get a DC penalty for survivor, I think you should still be allowed to queue up as killer.

    However, if the killer DCs, the survivors get 7000 BP as if they had escaped. So, yeah, it "ends" the game, but it hands you a win on a silver platter! You don't even have to work for it!

    So, I'm kind of anti-DC-penalty for killers, but for a totally different reason than survivors...

  • Member Posts: 325

    Everyone seems to think what their opinion on DC penalty removal from both sides is correct (no one is changing anyone's mind form what I have noticed) but no one really truly knows what would happen. They can only assume and speculate. I think after this next update and a month has passed, BHVR should remove DC for a period of time - like a week or two, nothing crazy. Then see what happens. I'm honestly mixed on it because I really don't know what will happen and I can see where both sides are coming from. Lets do a trial run of it.

    When I played PTB, DC penalty is removed (it's like that for all PTBs) and I didn't even noticed someone DC'd and a bot was playing until the end. I will say bots are a lot better than they were when first introduced.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I'm against it. Players already disconnect fairly often. There really is no need to increase that rate even more.

    If players were allowed to dc on a whim that would not only happen like once every 5 games but probably a vast majority of games. Someone is going to find a reason to disconnect. Maps, items, addons, killers, play styles, small mistakes, team mates, rng and offerings. Just pick one. Someone will find one thing at fault and just disconnect. Then 1 disconnect would lead to the next and so on and the killer would be left to play against bots or also dc.

  • Member Posts: 337

    You shouldn't get to choose your killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm all for these experiments, like that time they deleted Bloodlust for a week (or weekend I can't remember exactly). Tbh big changes should be tested live rather than be confined to the PTB, which doesn't represent the live game accurately for many reasons.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    I feel as though the current time out penalty should be exchanged for a BP gain penalty, e.g. 50% penalty for the next few matches.

  • Member Posts: 337

    How would you like a game update every time you logged in? No? Me neither. That's what PTB is for.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I'd be fine with disconnect penalties being removed of they are replaced by people who dc are put into lobbies only with others who dc regularily. That way, those who are persistent offenders get to experience consistently the annoyance of playing with like-minded people.

    If someone disconnects a set number of times, I'd also make sure a visable "prestige" is shown for that person, so others know of their disconnects, for a set period of time. That would be a ban effectively anyway; even on these proposed servers, people would think twice about facing someone like that.

    Either way, a deterent needs to be kept in place. In most cases, those who disconnect are probably the same people who teabag at the exit gates or hit a survivor on a hook repetitively anyway, so I don't have much sympathy for that majority of people who disconnect.

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited July 2023

    Dc should be lessen but still there.

    also you should have made this a poll tbh

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited July 2023

    Dc's go up, hook suicides, AFK's and throwing players go down.

    That's pretty much exactly what you want in this system. A bot won't replace those players who suicide, AFK or just throw. It will replace people who DC.

    It's also fairly likely that the DC penalty being removed has a novelty factor. 99% of people probably weren't around when the game didn't have penalties, so it's a new shiny toy for them. That will fade after time.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm obviously not saying we should test everything in live game. Only the big changes that PTB wouldn't be suited to give feedback about. Like no-Bloodlust was tested live because there's no MMR in PTB so even if people played seriously the statistics wouldn't have reflected the ones obtained from live game.

    It would be the same thing for DCs, there's already no penalty for it in PTB so you can't actually test it there, and PTB doesn't have any impact on your live game account so it's not like you'd even miss out on your game rewards or whatever.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Your name suits you well. 😂

  • Member Posts: 335

    For it, personally. No point playing it out if everyone DCs and all that's left are bots.

    Would rather play with and go against real players.

    Plus, if it's a Skull Merchant making the game last an hour or a slugging Nurse struggling to slug and won't pick, I don't want to stay. They can have fun with the bots. I want to have an actual game.

  • Member Posts: 337

    "Plus, if it's a Skull Merchant making the game last an hour or a slugging Nurse struggling to slug and won't pick, I don't want to stay. They can have fun with the bots. I want to have an actual game."

    What about when you get a killer that you dont like? Or a map? How many survivors will DC when they see the knight?

  • Member Posts: 730

    And if one or two survivors disconnect killers just got handed a much easier game.

    I had a match today where literally 2 seconds after we loaded into Midwich the killer (Mastermind) disconnected. I didn’t wait through the loading screens and queue time just to get 7000 BP for doing nothing. I’m playing this game because I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME. I don’t care if Wesker doesn’t like Midwich - he deserves the penalty just as much as any survivor would because he’s robbing us of the gaming experience.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    You didn't read my post right. I said outside of chase/hook/on the ground. It would be factored in by the minute instead of the whole match.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    If you get hard tunneled out you'll still land at least 7-8k points. I think this needs to be consistent, multiple matches worth of getting less than 5k for example. That would indicate that you are doing something you shouldn't be. It also shouldn't be based off a single match, but a pattern of behavior.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited July 2023

    I would be more open to removing it if there was a backfill mechanic to replace your bots with players looking for games, but we all know that's never going to happen. Until then, the Death DC penalty it is.

  • Member Posts: 1,783
    edited July 2023

    I think the penalty should stay but be lessened quite a bit. I see no good reason to have a 72hr penalty and should instead cap to a few hours or so at most.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Even so what happens then is you queue up for the next game and move on.

  • Member Posts: 441
    edited July 2023

    How ironical, the same forum crowd who regularly explains us how facecamping/slugging are valid strategies and "Your fun isn't my responsibility", is now also claiming that DC penalties are very important and BHVR must do everything in their power to prevent survivors from dodging their matches. Of course we understand that it's important for you, that the person who gets facecamped for 2 minutes is a real player and not a bot. But don't worry I'm sure you will "adapt" and find a more healthy playstyle after 10 games of facing bots.

    Also good to know that "lobby shopping" is apparently a big problem when survivors do it, meanwhile killers were able to do it for years, why did I not see you guys complain before?

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    How exactly is it my fault if the Killer wants to hard tunnels me?

    Im not talking about people running into the Killer or making obvious mistakes, Im not talking about tunneling for pressure, Im talking about actually focusing a player to remove them from the game and deny them Bloodpoints because they hate that player.

    Ive had MANY matches where Killers get looped for too long and throw the match to kill me specifically because they were too stubborn to chase someone else. And in most matches I die with barely any points while my teammates can easily escape.

    The idea that people get punished based on the amount of Bloodpoints they earn will just create more toxicity, where certain Killers will go out of their way to deny as much points as possible to a certain player to punish them.

  • Member Posts: 325

    But bots were not a thing. The only reason we are having this conversation is because of the introductions to bots replacing DCs

  • Member Posts: 325

    But what will happen if you play with bots? Will it be better than someone dying on hook, AFK, or just walking around doing nothing? These are things you don't know yet and only assuming - we all are. No one actually knows if it would be best for the game overall. We know what DC penalty will do if it was enabled right now, but not with the bot update. That's the point.

  • Member Posts: 325

    Not everyone can PTB and not everyone uses the PTB. It would only update once and stay for a week or a few days or whatever. It wouldn't be an update every time you log into the game.

  • Member Posts: 325

    Devil's advocate: you shouldn't get to choose which survivors you go against and what items they bring. But you can and lobby dodge. And if that is okay then survivors should be able to lobby dodge a killer before a game starts by having the lobby showing them who the killer was?

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Removing the DC penalty means the amount of people DC-ing will increase because there is no punishment to DC and no incentive to not DC. In the long term, this will mess with the data gathered from trials which may lead to more balance mistakes from the devs because there is a bot in every other game.

    People getting annoyed at the DC penalty works both ways, a Survivor can also get annoyed at the Killer DC-ing because they will have to spend more time waiting for another game or might even depip at higher ranks because the game did not go on long enough.

    Maybe instead of trying to argue the validity of DC penalties with shallow points, you could think of the long term advantages and disadvantages removing the penalties would have on everyone?

  • Member Posts: 691
    edited July 2023

    Why wouldn't bots make it worse? When the dc penalty was removed players would dc a crazy amount even though they knew it was ruining the game for others. With bots you are not ruining the game by making it a 3v1 making players not feel guilty leaving games like before where it was already really bad. You would see an increase to the dc amount and bots will fill the void so it won't be as bad of an experience but you are not playing a PVP to face bots.

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