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P100 Woes

Recently got my survivor to P100, and I have to say the games so far have not been great. I’m noticing a lot of lobby dodging. Then when somebody stays, the game itself goes south very quickly. I’ve played maybe 10 games so far as a P100 and 6 of them I was hard tunnelled or continually hit on hook and nodded at from first hook.

And no, I did nothing to warrant this behaviour. I am a very stealth player and run Distortion, Desperate Measures, Empathy and Kindred. In no way do I seek the killer out as I am crap at looping.

Over the last month I have been having a lot of fun with DBD again and I felt my MMR must have been in a good place for my skill level. Maybe escaping around 35-40% of my matches. I also almost always solo queue. I have a friend that plays a few games a week with me, but that’s it.

Is this my future now, or did I just have a run of some bad games last night? I will be the first to say I am not great at this game, I can have some good plays but overall I’m very mid. I just decided to put all my points in my favorite survivor to show the love, and now feel like if games are going to be like this, I can’t even play her.

Also, how does killer lobby dodging affect MMR? If you have multiple people dodging, do you still get a killer who is around your same MMR? I’m assuming not, as the pool of players would have to widen with each dodge?

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  • Member Posts: 1,390

    POV: You did just that and but then the anniversary event rolled around and you wanted terrormisus on all of them.

  • Member Posts: 393

    This as well. I was P34 on the day the event started and I made it to P90 on the last day! It was crazy how fast the levels were flying. Ended up with over 1,300 cakes on her.

  • Member Posts: 691

    Yea this sadly is how p100 survivor goes. I had to drop my dweet because games would be miserable just because I was p100. Basically you get punished for liking a certain character and for some reason the devs still haven't removed the prestige in lobby even though we had some of these exact issue back in the day when rank was shown. The solution to this is sadly not playing that character, which is super dumb.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Too bad there is no real reward for spending (wasting) that much time getting a single character to P100 besides bragging rights ...................................... .................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................


  • Member Posts: 393

    I wouldn’t call it wasting time at all. Just because you like to P6 everybody and hoard BPs, doesn’t mean everybody enjoys doing that.

    And nobody is bragging. We love certain characters and want the most items and time spent on them. Nothing wrong with that. And people shouldn’t get bullied in a video game because of it.

  • Member Posts: 12

    We don't wanna face a p100 😂🤢 not round here partna not round here

  • Member Posts: 862
    edited July 2023

    I couldnt imagine dropping ur main because of all that. I proudly play my p100 david. And if i get tunneled, i just get tunneled. But i sure wont make it easy for them and hope my team gets out safely.

  • Member Posts: 691

    It sucks but if swapping gives you a better experience then why not just bite the bullet. I just ended up being a Steve main and vaulted my Dwight until they decide to fix the problem.

  • Member Posts: 99

    I'm telling you that you should feel entitled to something special for doing that work. Anyone who doesn't think so must not care too much about their personal time.

  • Member Posts: 6,341

    This. It would help stabilize MMR greatly.

    I'd also like them to test out having no lobbies at all, everyone just sees the offerings & then directly loads into the match. It would give their MMR system its best chance to do it's thing, and eliminate that last second swapping bs survs can do as well.

  • Member Posts: 393

    Because I shouldn’t have to. Prestiges should not be shown until end game. It is information that the killer shouldn’t have from the start. Why can they dodge or play differently when they go against a P100, when a survivor can’t dodge a P100 killer?

  • Member Posts: 393

    I mean honestly I’ve just been thinking about this… look at all the information the killer has before the match.

    Survivor Prestige Level

    Item (Flashlight, Med Kit, etc…)

    Player Name, so access to search Steam, Twitch, etc… before the match even starts

    Survivor Internet Connection Issues

    Survivors have zero information on the killer or the person playing them. And don’t get me started on how silly it is that as a survivor you don’t know you are going into a match against a Wraith who is on a VPN from half way across the globe.

    I started this thread thinking prestige’s just needed to be hidden until end game. Now I’m all for no lobby at all. Just load into matches blind. I don’t even think offerings should be shown at this rate. Do you know how many times a killer DCs on loading if they don’t like a map offering or a survivor DCs because they think a Mori is being played.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2023

    I would just hide prestige and items personally, and maybe display the killers name (and profile + ping) for survivors.

    There's no reason to hide which survivors are being used because they're just skins, and there are valid reasons for dodging specific players, considering there's no effective block feature to prevent matching with someone you don't want to.

  • Member Posts: 393

    I would think they are just skins also, but I’ve seen people on this forum say they avoid lobbies with certain characters because they are thought to be toxic (example Nea) or they avoid survivors that dress in bold colors. 🤣 You couldn’t make this stuff up, but it’s all been said.

  • Member Posts: 6,341

    Showing profiles doesn't do much for us on console.

    I just want to see it tested out for a few days or so, see the impact on match parity.

    I wonder if the notion of blocking people could be brought up once again if there weren't lobbies....

  • Member Posts: 192

    Yup. I switched from my Tapp to Dwight because of it. I'll probably stop leveling him up once I get mid 70s and just start another character. It's dumb to show our prestige or anything before the match starts.

  • Member Posts: 393

    It’s just sad and pathetic that survivors have to do this. I’m sorry you had to switch. 😩 I’m going to stick it out for a little longer and see how I get on. The games today didn’t seem as rough as last night, but they weren’t great either.try Had a Grandpa slug me on repeat every time one of my teammates got me up. Didn’t even try to hook me once and played as normal with the other people. I just don’t understand the mentality at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    It's still sad tho. I vaulted Leon, Nea, Felix and Zarina for the same reason. - It's just no fun if you can tell that the only reason you consistently get treated ######### in matches is because of Prestige. I mean, I like Quentin and Elodie.... but I miss my pretty little Noir Leon T-T ---- sometimes I load into friends' 1v1s just to moonwalk across the map as Leon and reset pallets😂

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    I don’t get it. BHVR literally stopped showing survivor’s ranks in the lobby for the same issues players are having now with prestige. It was so thoughtless and weird that they would do the prestige thing after taking away ranks showing.

  • Member Posts: 691

    I remember when I hit p100 and It felt like 50% of the matches would be killers playing like there was a gift card on the line. There is literally zero benefit to showing players prestige in the pregame lobby and yet here we are. Players needing to play lower prestige characters just to have a decent gaming experience.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Yup this is exactly why I stopped playing my Cheryl for so long and why I've been taking my time upgrading her.

  • Member Posts: 393

    What can we do to get BHVR to realize how P100s are getting bullied and have toxic interactions because they refuse to remove the prestige icon from pregame? Do they just not care?

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