End Game Chat

This is where the most toxic stuff happens. Idc how much "bad words" are censored. It WILL NOT stop people from bullying someone who had a bad game or outplayed them. I feel like this should be monitored closely and people should be held accountable more. Back to back games I played had chats that were filled with bullying cause the swf felt the need to name call cause I didn't get one kill. Then in the next game a different group felt the need to name call cause I killed all 2 of 4. This happens pretty frequently. We can hit the report button but does it actually work? How do we know?
It is just a chat, stop overdramatizing.
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It can honestly just be removed. And nobody would miss it.
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If its really bothering you that much, just turn it off.
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That’s just not true, people actually like getting feedback from survivors from certain builds they use or feedback from killers on what builds they use, not every single game is toxic more often than not most games are non toxic
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I dont think you can right?
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yeah you can, press the little chat icon to the right at the end of the chat bar
works for both the pregame and endgame
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You see how you'd rather not deal end toxic chat?
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Reporting players only really works if they said something really bad like a death threat or a slur. As of now there is no way to know if a report successful, BUT there will be in the next update at the end of this month :)
Sorry that you’ve been having a hard time with toxic players, it’s never fun, especially after an already miserable game. As others have said, you can turn it off so if it’s causing you a lot of trouble. You won’t be missing out on much haha.
People in this game complain about just about anything, over time everyone just sort of gets used to it. Don’t take it personally, those people would’ve been toxic no matter the outcome. Just have fun and don’t worry what the ######### say.
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Says who?
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I like the endgame chat and i rarely have any toxic moments in the chat. I even wish they would add the chat to consoles.
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It's only bullying if you stick around long enough to read that crap.
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Can I disable the chat permanently then? I do this in games like for honor for both voice and text would be nice if I could here to.
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Yeah you can disable it permanently
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I don't understand it xD I think you don't know what to do right now and thought to yourself "I'll start a pointless discussion about ingame chat" because if it really bothers you that much then there is a possibility at the bottom right is a symbol where you can press it and then the chat is gone, the ingame chat is mostly useful, rarely toxic... but if closing it is not enough for you then switch to the console there is no chat :))
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If you wanna be toxic post game, I have 2 conditions to meet for me to deem it acceptable. Firstly, if you win the game (especially if comfortably) don't bother. Just take your deserved win and sod off into your next game. Secondly, don't give toxic remarks out to me if you will report me for commenting back just as rough. If you can't take it, dont give it.
I never start argument with players I face in gaming and I pity those that do.
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Death threats, racist messages etc are bannable. But i doubt they will ban people for just call you noob, ez etc.
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So clicking that chat icon gets rid of it permanently or do I need to do something in options?
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First of all, don’t feel bad for making this post. It’s okay to vent out your frustrations when people are being unnecessarily cruel. Secondly, don’t focus too much on the toxicity lest it overtakes you. It’s not endgame chat that’s at fault here - it’s the people that abuse it. I play on Switch and I wish we did have the chat. I know there’d be toxic ppl there, but I can’t tell you how many times playing both sides I’ve wanted to talk to my co-players whether to thank them for something, congratulate them on a really cool play, or just connect and explain or find out what was going on when something crazy happened. I guess my third point is: for all the toxicity and general nastiness out there don’t forget there are still nice people who are just wanting to have fun. I wish I could help spread some of that positivity.
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6000 hours never seen this chat. Lesson is don't use PC for games!
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And if you wanna ever bring it back, just gotta press on the icon again. Simple as that
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Ok, cheers
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Just because you're oblivious doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
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I've had way more good interactions than I have bad.
Yes, bad things happen within the chat, doesn't justify the complete removal of it.
Post edited by NomiNomad on0