Why do disconnects not count as kills?

Is it some sort of coding issue or something? Trying to do adept for all my killers and people dc because I down them.
You shouldn’t earn an adept because somebody DC’d. After next week they will be replaced by bots and then you can just carry on anyway.
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The bots will be nice but the problem is that it’s just annoying that I’m trying to do adept and a game where I’m doing really well and I can finally get it but then someone dcs for no reason and I either have to finish the game as fast as possible which you already know you’ll win or dc yourself which gives you a penalty.
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This issue will be solved in around a week. Then you can make your Adepts.
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Yeah I guess I can look forward to that
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Because a DC is not a sacrifice
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The simple version, because disconnects are too vague to be considered a kill or an escape, so they're nullified (as if they don't exist). Someone could leave or lose connection at any point in the match. It's impossible to say whether they would have escaped or died in most cases, barring situations where they are being carried to the hook for the last time.
That said, starting with next week's update, disconnecting Survivors will be replaced with a bot, so you'll still be able to get your adept achievements so long as you do kill them all.
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I wish dc'ing on hook counted as a kill. I have had survivors DC half way through the sacrifice animation and it didn't count as a kill. It should register it as soon as they go on the hook.
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I agree. However when a killer DC's, all survivors escape and earn any potential adepts.
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As many others have said, this problem will be solved by the bots being implemented next week, but I think this paints an overall picture of just how much the emblem system is no longer warranted in DBD.
The emblems used to adhere to your overall ranking, and since those emblems don't play a part in SBMM, I personally feel that they should be removed entirely. If the grades are meant to reflect how much you play, then what part do emblems still serve?
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This is sadly a consequence of the fact that this is an asymmetrical game at the end of the day. The same happens (pre-bots, at least) if all the Survivors were to disconnect- the match ends. The game cannot continue without a Killer, and back in the day, there were plenty of people who were petty enough to disconnect at the end of the match to deny other people their escaping points. This was also the reason why the Quitter Bonus was added for Killers when a Survivor disconnects.