Idk why no one uses repressed alliance, personally I get so much value out of it for example usually I’m abt 20 seconds away from finishing a gen and killer starts chasing me just block and go back to it later, or someone else can finish it without it being regressed idk what all this is abt “hurting the team” like it’s 40 seconds chances are killer will come back to kick it and it’s still blocked.
I've had a lot of fun with this perk, so I can confirm ! =)
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Ye, overall good perk in my opinion, people just dont know how to use it properly.
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Combine this perk with wiretap and it can be really strong and fun on certain setups.
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The thing is, I'm fairly certain damage from Pain Res, Eruption or Jolt still gets through, even when blocked. And PR + Jolt are the two most used killer perks according to Nightlight. So imo, the only real application of RA is to counter Pop (which admittedly got buffed recently), and OC+CoB to a lesser degree.
Also, the fact that you cannot disable it prematurely hurts as well and can be used against you. It the killer comes to your gen and you activate RA, the smartest move for the killer is to leave again and bother someone else. You just gave them 40s gen stall on that gen, cannot proceed with it, so either have to search a different gen or be useless by waiting at the blocked gen.
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The only use is wiretap otherwise you get better gen-blocking then killer perks. The killer does not need to bring dead man switch. they just ask survivors to do it for them.
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My words exactly
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If when I'm playing killer and I see a survivor use a perk and my reaction to it is "I'm happy they did that" the perk is probably not very good.
It kinda had a place during gen kick meta but now it's just terrible.
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Often the killer will chase you and by time you lose em gens unblocked and they forget about it, I've only ever had the case described about twice and it's pretty rare, I agree a good buff for RA would be a disable button but besides I still find it working well even if the killer has PR or Jolt etc.
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Except it only blocks when the killer is about to damage it?
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Your happy you can't damage the gen they were 10 seconds away from finishing? Don't talk if you haven't used it as survivor, ty next.
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Yes I'm extremely happy if I see RA used because in situations they activate it's right before I'm chasing them so I know for the next 30 seconds nobody is working on that gen while I do and the only regression I use is jolt and pain res so realistically all they're doing is buying me time to use those perks more than I could ever get from kicking the gen myself.
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Ok but repressed blocks pain res and jolt so point disregarded
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I tried out RA + BM + WT. It was fun, although it did mess up the HUD.
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Yeah but a chase is usually around 30 seconds or more lol.
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Depends on skill ngl, mine typically last 20-30 so by time I finish repressed also has lol
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This is true, but situational. Often times gens have been completed because another person jumps on the gen while the killer is busy chasing you. If you block it that can’t happen. Sure, the killer might forget about it and not return but it’s risky.
I would probably only get value out of it with Wiretap but correct me if I’m wrong but can’t you not use these two together anymore? Blast mine, wiretap, repressed alliance, and I think potential energy all use the same keys, correct?
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No, you can bind different keys, I comboed RA and PT and it worked. You have to judge the situation to use RA, we're not mindless players who don't know when to use what perk.
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I never said you were mindless. I just said it was risky. When did they add the function to bind different keys to different perks? Or is it only available on PC?
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You didn't call me mindless, I was just saying we know when to use the perk, no I'm on console, it should be done automatically for example for me RA was the X button and PT was the square without me touching the settings but it is possible to rebind I believe
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True, but for most cases the killer will forget about it or while you're being chased your teammates will have time to run to the gen without it being regressed, as I mentioned previously to someone else, you have to judge your current situation to see if it is a valid (which in most cases it is) situation to use RA
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This perk would be a lot better if you could disable it prematurely