Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Boon perks need buffs

Pretty much all hte boons are very underwhelming and niche. Even the best one (shadowstep) is okay at best

There's 2 ways you can go about it I think. Make boons single use, but make their effects map wide. Theyre strong but once the killer snuffs them theyre gone for good.

Or give individual buffs to every boon perk + a small range increase to all of them.

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  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Now that CoH is in line with the other Boons, I agree they could do with a slight edge. Although, while I'd love for Shattered Hope basekit on killers, I think map wide effects would be too strong. This would mean the killer has to search the entire map for the totem to snuff it out, and if they're one time use then they'd have to be strong enough to warrant it (like old CoH was).

    Maybe a slightly increased radius, a quieter sound so they're a little harder for the killer to find, and no thunderclap notification.

  • Member Posts: 1,669

    I keep forgetting Circle of Healing exists in solo queue so when I randomly see my teammates aura I get so confused because I don't run Empathy. It's practically useless now and silly to run. We'll Make It and Botany Knowledge is so much better.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I think they are mostly all solid, but an argument could likely be made for buffing Dark Theory. Personally I would create a new vault SFX, and Dark Theory (and Dance With Me on its CD) would allow you to convert Medium vaults into Fast vaults. This converted Fast vault would use this new vault SFX, that way Killers know it was an augmented vault from a perk, so they can kick the boon if need be (or know they can only do it once per 20s in the case of Dance With Me).

    Also a QoL soloq buff for CoH, would be either (or both) A: a loud noise for Survivors once per 30s when injured (and not Broken) in the zone, or B: Allow for 25% Self-Healing. The 100% altruistic speed remains, so that teammates know it would take them 8s to heal you from nothing, or 64s for you to heal yourself. Seeing you actively throw will mean they might actually heal you.

  • Member Posts: 2,731

    Single use boons would be fine if they were map wide. Maybe increase the boon time a little bit if it ends up being too much. Shattered hope can be reworked to be a perk that helps you find the boons.

  • Member Posts: 203

    I like your idea but they'd be too strong map wide. I'd say make them 64 meters and shattered hope Basekit. This would he pretty balanced imo.

  • Member Posts: 236
    edited July 2023

    I disagree, We'll Make It has an activation condition that is very problematic in solo queue (and doesn't do anything for you) and botany knowledge messes with your medkit if you bring one

    Additionally, CoH has that info component, I think it's pretty valuable to know when an injured teammate is there or if your teammates are resetting (and you yourself are injured.)

    Getting alright heals and alright information for one perk isn't a bad deal, however, you do want to make sure you boon in a deadzone or a really strong spot so you don't waste your time booning.

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited July 2023

    Time investment of searching for totem and then booning make it not worth it.

    IMO there's only 1 good boon left and even that has conditions - strong swf, flashlights/sabotage and hard to access spot for killer - exponential.

    All the other boons are weak now (CoH because investment, shadowstep because investment and so limited area), or outright useless (dark theory has investment for benefit you can't ever notice)

    To make 3 of those boons actually good (but far from meta), you would need to increase their range by +50% without changing anything else about them.

  • Member Posts: 236

    Searching is the problem, and actually was even when CoH was OP. Some people would throw games spending like 40 seconds tryna find one that isn't in a terrible location.

    You really should just mind the map when exploring, checking crannies you know bones can be when you're passing by doesn't take much time when you're traversing the map looking for gens.

    You also shouldn't boon early on, it's not necessary. When I put Circle into my builds I tend to boon if it looks like we're gonna have several players be injured, in which case it's very worth the time since it makes resetting much quicker even in the face of sloppy.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Or you can work on gens instead and get out before you need the boon. And that still ignores the value of spare perk slot for something actually useful

  • Member Posts: 236

    Sometimes if you work on gens instead of resetting with teammates you will just lose because they'll just quickly go down one after another.

    I know this isn't always the case, and sometimes you do just need to hit the last gens, but I'm not claiming Circle is S-tier. I think it's a solid B-tier perk. There's much worse, and I tend to not even run full-meta anyhow.

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited July 2023

    I agree it's better then say reactive healing. But even if you don't go out of your way to boon, you still spend at least 20s on average just to create the boon (meaning you are not looking for totems, you boon only opportunistically if you happen to encounter bones). Now cool. You have boon. Say killer does not find it (risk you just take) - you need to reset. Will you walk away from the action for your 10s with other person for 8s heal? Or will you heal on a spot in 16s? Even if both of you are injured 8+8+10+(10/2) > 16+16 (the last part is to get back to gen, but it can be opposite direction or same direction so on average half the time spent walking). This does not include setup time....

    But sure, if you are already in boon, or if you need to reset 4 ppl, it can be worth it. But is that "star alignment" really worth perk slot? Over something as basic as say resilience? Or inner healing if you are dealing w solo healing? Or we will make it if you want altru heal speed?

  • Member Posts: 1,669

    We'll Make It doesn't have a crazy condition to activate it. Simply unhook. I get left to go second a lot in solo queue so I don't feel like there's big competition on who will go unhook. It also helps prevent tunneling because you can pop off the heal before the killer returns.

    Why would you even bring a medkit if you're running Botany Knowledge? That's your own fault.

    Circle of Healing has a terrible info component. I simply do not care about a teammate's aura highlighted to me on the opposite side of the map. The longer they sit there waiting for a heal, the less time they spend on gens. Also, the time you spend booning and actually finding a totem could've been coverted to generator progress.

    I'd rather have perks that don't require you to be in range of a totem, in the corner of the map, and still speed up healing by a decent enough percentage.

  • Member Posts: 236

    That's the opposite of my experience, many times, going for the unhook would be throwing because two of my teammates aren't on gens and I am.

    I'm not saying we'll make it is bad either, I run it a lot. It just isn't without drawbacks.

  • Member Posts: 1,669

    I hate teammates that throw for altruism but not getting unhooked is equally annoying. I don't know who has it worse lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    Maybe they could make CoH stronger but make it cause exhaution when healed so it can't be abused. Or maybe have people who are healed in it's radius gain endurance for a few seconds. Something to make it a bit spicier. I have no idea how to buff the others without them becoming too strong.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    They are honestly fundamentally flawed by design, it's basically always a net positive for survivors are always net negative for survivors, there is no in between.

    Better not touch it at all and stop bringing new one tbh.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Dark theory needs to be 5%. The effect needs to be powerful to warrant how hard it is to get value at the very least. The chase either needs to begin there or you need to survive long enough to lead it (AFTER placing it). its rng based, because if you dont have any window loops in range of the boon then it becomes useless when its pallets run out. At which point you need to go place it AGAIN.

    And even through all that the killer can snuff it and you go do it all again ;-;

    I think that some boons just need range increases or massive effect buffs. If CoH is gonna be 24m, make it 150 or 200% boost. Shadowstep should be 32-40m or something like that. i actually think exponential is fine.

  • Member Posts: 153
    edited July 2023

    I personally am sick of all of the Perk changes Buffs and Nerfs, that they've been doing recently it's annoying and it makes it hard to trust DLCs knowing that they can change perks however they want whenever they want, it feel like you're not actually getting what you paid for Via real money or iridescent sharks.

    I do wish they would revert some of the perk changes they've done and then stop focusing on perks and focus on literally anything else that can make this game fun.

  • Member Posts: 153

    To have CoH cause exhaustion wouldn't be a bad idea if it allowed you to heal yourself.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Just increase their radius and all of those will have much better chance to actually do something. CoH will waste less movement time making the altru healing possibly not wasted by moving, shadowstep would work in more then 2 tiles (you can't be too close or too far) and exponential will not be always just outside the reach. This together with a bit lower risk of boon discovery would make them at least OK.

    Also buff dark theory, because it's effect is too bad even if it was map-wide.

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