Deja Vu, prove and MFT

All matches is the same thing, it's became almost impossible for casual players to play this ######### game as killer, I not that good, with effort I can go to iri rank, but...
This build is disgusting to go against, with M1 killer...
I fill that match making become worst after the 7 year event, all matches are equally hard to have fun, almost all my killer are prestige 3, but kipping playing against this loop/gen build are so stressful, I want to play the game because I like but, it's like BHVR want to casual killer players to tunnel and camping to at least making some points, but tunnel and camping is boring and against a good team is almost pointless.
I love playing killer but it was just release the singularity and MFT come with deja vu buff that all my matches are the same hell, I really thinking to quit this game for a while, like a lot
Well they’re nerfing Prove Thyself in a week so pretty soon you won’t see that as much anymore.
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proves getting gutted soon if that helps. but then we'll just have to deal with survivors splitting up on gens instead, brilliant work bhvr.
but yeah honestly current survivor meta is just braindead and will carry you in chase. If you are using MFT+resilience+WoO you dont even need to think in chase. Just run this pallet loop for 40s, go to the next one very clearly shown by WoO, repeat. And then you can make wall loops last forever too with resilience mft
and to top it off, everybody is unkillable in endgame!
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Yeah, is in this way that my matches are going, I don't know how to play the S tier killers and plus I play on console, so is pretty difficult to have the insane flicks and sensitive to use some killers, is at least usable but, really difficult
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if you want a strong killer to play on console I'd say go with plague or wesker. Wesker can turn his cam mid dash so flicks arent a necessity and plague is plague.
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Deja Vu is fine. It's not busted and is really useful in solo queue to stop yourself getting stuck in a 3 gen at the end.
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how is the nerf going to change anything?
All I see is that they are taking away the BPs and a percentage that affects gen time for less than a fraction of a second.
The perk will still be just as effective.
Maybe I missed something?
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The perk’s actual strength will not be much weaker than it is now, you are correct. But a lot of survivors used it mainly for the BP bonus and won’t run it without that, so its usage rate will go down.
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I'm playing a lot of Wesker to be honest and is true, he is a good pick and his techs can be reproduced more "easily" then the others killers
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Is the stacks of gen speed qnd MFT that is disgusting, deja Vu aura reading are fine to me
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It will probably go down, but like I said is the stacks of gen speed and MFT that broken everything, because the survivors is good in everything, he can rush and loop almost forever.
Now I feel that I can't play legion, knight and mercenary, because I lost to much time in any chase, I'm playing Wesker now, with him a can play, win one lose others without that feeling that I was a impotent killer
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Well that's because MFT is busted and needs a nerf.
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the nerf ins't bad as people think, the differente is miliseconds btw
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Yeah the actual nerf to the repair speed bonus is very minor. But no more bonus bloodpoints will make it less appealing for a lot of survivors I think.
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I think that it is beside the point.
I could care less that they get BPs or not, that does not even remotely affects me as a killer.
I am tired of seeing generators popping within 45 seconds or less.
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were you here before they nerfed dead hard, circle of healing, and BNP's? current day dbd's meta is incredibly tame in comparison. deja vu and prove thyself save less than 10 seconds on a generator.
also, your experience isn't universal. i'm a casual player and that brings non meta builds on killer and i've been perfectly fine. you're not meant to win every single match.
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Have we really reached a point where we are complaining about Deja Vu out of all things
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You won't see 45s 3 man proves very often with the BPs gone
I don't think it was ever an S-tier perk, its value only really shines when 3 hit a gen in late game. People ran it so often because they loved maxing their bloodpoints from one coop gen.
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Corrupt became a necessity for me to not be gen rushed in the first minutes of game, like with all that perks for gen speed and all gen defense perks nerfed if you take 40 to 50 to down someone, at least 2 to 3 gens will pop
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Yes, I started playing DBD when was about 6 or 8 months pyramid was released and in that time, I don't know but, gens was not fast as is now
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Thats just not true, you just played against worse players back then.
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Well let see something that is happening a lot.
Deja Vu - 9% repair speed on three gens
Resilience - 9% repair speed
Prove - 15% repair speed
Purple tool box - 100% repair speed (addons not included)
MFT to combo and maintain the build for a long time
Well expecting that the survivors are not receiving any debuff on repair speed they have the normal 100% repair speed, with making then with this build have 233% repair speed on a gen, is more powerful then ruin, call of brine, overcharge, before nerfs (using them alone), I seeing a lot of this build, in one of my matches I believe that was against a SWF because they're using the exactly same build, I was playing legion, there's nothing for me to do, they pop all gens in 3 minutes, it was the fastest match of my life
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Same as barbecue and chili, I not seeing to much, only in high mobility killers
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your math is just straight up wrong lol deja Vu is 6% and a purple toolbox without add-ons is literally no better than a brown. they both give about 18% reduction in gen time.
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gens take longer than before to do. they increased them from 80 to 90 seconds and gutted self healing. if your gens are still flying then there's clearly other factors at play.
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hyperphorus and toolbox allows you to make a gen solo in 40 seconds
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This is literally untrue, please stop spreading misinformation. The difference ranges from about 2 seconds to 4 seconds, depending on how many people are on the gen. This may not sound like much, but current Prove already only saves seconds on each gen.
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Back then we have all those new perk and endure effect... Yeah sure, it was worse survivors back then, sure
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1) Deja Vu is only 6%
2) Prove Thyself requires survivors to group together which should make them easier prey for you.
3) As we’ve discussed many times in this forum there is plenty of counter play to MFT
The funny thing is that I’ve actually ran legitimate builds focused on gen speed and they are not what you described. I guess you could be having it a lot worse then.
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Deja vu is 6% and only on revealed gens. It's meant to counter 3 gen stalling and mainly used as a soloq band aid. SWFs have no use for this perk, as they can share information about 3 gens between each other and you don't run a perk for 6% gen speed alone.
Furthermore, prove is only active if 2 survivors are on the gen, which does in fact debuff their repair speed by more than 15%.
But even if your math was correct, out of the 133%, 100% would come from a toolbox, so perhaps it would be better to tackle them instead?
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how many people are you seeing with hyperfocus in your matches? because I see it very rarely — and to get full value out of the build, you have to consistently hit great skill checks, which is hard to do for the average player. even if you pair it with stakeout you're not up keeping the bonuses all the time
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and that exact same page if you scroll down a little bit.
they provide the same total repair progression. the only difference is the consumption rate, which is why commodious is still the best one.