BMing at exit gates is an annoying problem with an easy fix

It's as simple as blocking the exit gates for a few, maybe 5, seconds when survivors go down within the gates. The gate would only be blocked for the downed survivor, so the others can still leave if they want to. I see a few arguments against this and I will address them.
- Not fair: I can understand how at a base level this seems unfair, but in my eyes there are only two times you get downed at the exit gates. Either A. You wouldn't have made it anyway or B. You were standing on the edge pointing and T-Bagging. The only time it would be annoying is when you're giving the killer hits, but even then, most killers don't want hits and would rather just be in the next game instead of hitting all 4 survivors out.
- It should be a perk: This is the worst argument for anything ever. No a quality of life feature shouldn't be a perk, like Shadow born or Kindred, it should be a feature made to prevent people from BMing at gates. Making it a perk would make no sense, like Shattered Hope, when it is made to prevent something which might not even happen in the first place.
- Survivors will just leave: GOOD! I want them out, I don't want them standing there for two minutes while I do screw-all! Sure, they could still wait at the gates and leave before they get hit, some people already do that, but even still it's so much better than downing a survivor and watching them immediately crawl away because of the pointing bug.
So these are my arguments and suggestions to make exit gates a little less safe for annoying people who love the 1 button so much. If you have any problems with this or any arguments I missed, let me know and I'll try to make my point a little bit more clear for whoever wants it. Please keep comments constructive.
Or you could stop getting offended by players pressing the crouch button?
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No. Just no. If I save a teammate from hook and they make it halfway to the exit before being downed they still deserve a chance to crawl out. If you want to block the exit gates there’s a perk for that - it’s called Blood Warden and can be very powerful.
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@DavidHypnos I disagree, they wouldn't make it to the exit in less than 5 seconds anyway, Blood Warden doesn't activate as soon as you need it, and it doesn't do much to discourage BMing. Thanks for being respectful about your opinion though.
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Personal, if I wanted to nerf Exit Gate; I wouldn't go for the whole blocking exit gates for downed teammate; but rather temporarily block exit gates for teammates spending a long time spamming crouch button at the exit. To discouraged bming and just make them leave immediately. Like 5-10 seconds of being inside the gates but not leaving, will cause the Entity to block the exit gate for like 15-30 seconds. It would be a nice basekit Blood Warden and encourage survivors to just leave; but of course, crawling survivors can still crawl put if they get a chance to make it without being picked up.
Why, when I played killer and had a bad game; I prefer not to go to any exit gates when they are already open and waiting; and wish they just leave immediately instead of spamming noise from lockers and windows and expect me to watch them teabag. Just my own quality of life improvement, to make the interaction more fun; if I have a basekit Blood Warden that can pop up while they act cocky.
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Most people commenting seem to be the kind of people who love BMing, I'd bet most of them get mad when the killer smacks them on hook. I am a survivor main, btw. Not in the fake way like most people try to say to make a point, I am prestige 38 on Felix. I will admit I am making this comment because I am butthurt, I won't lie there, but come on guys, no one has made a single argument other than 'Git Good'
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No. This is a non-existent problem, and it doesn't need a fix.
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They would if their teammates were helping them. I play altruistically. If they go down near the gates I’m doing what I can to get them out. If there’s more than one of us on our feet still then their chances just doubled. They shouldn’t be denied the chance to still crawl out because you are offended by people being silly.
Yesterday I had a game against Ghost Face. I was the last survivor remaining and got hit about halfway into the exit gates. I had Tenacity so I was able to make it out before he could pick me up. How would it be fair to have the gates blocked for me just because I got hit? Killers are already faster than survivors so when it’s time to go you can only loop them so long before you make a break for the exits and chances are they’re gonna get a hit before you get out.
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Getting hit on hook doesn’t make me mad. If they wanna waste time while others get it done that’s on them. If anything the camping bothers me but hey if that’s the only way they can get a kill I guess I pity them.
Also, Blood Warden isn’t meant to activate “when you need it.” It’s a mechanic that simply poses a risk for hanging around too long and can discourage altruistic plays because if you hook a survivor at a certain time it’s possible no one is getting out now. You don’t NEED the exit gates to be blocked just because survivors teabag. Heck, sometimes killers even deserve it even though I’m against such things.
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The counter to exit gate BM is a bathroom break, or getting a glass of water. They can't stay in the match longer than 4 minutes if someone is downed, and they will bleed themselves out if they intentionally downed themself (like by a zombie or some such). If the Survivors refuse to open the gates the Killer can open them up without Survivor interference (barring a cheater Survivor, but I think they fixed that particular cheat). Even then, everyone should get up from their chair after a match and talk a brief walk/break. The counter to BM is good health. They want the worst for you? Then give yourself, the best for yourself.
Plus it isn't like every single match has exit gate BM, Killers should be winning roughly 50% of matches (or more), and if in 100% of Survivors BM the Killer, that individual Killer is the only common denominator between all those matches. Maybe a little introspection will help realize why everyone 'hates' that player.
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They would just T-bag and then leave right before they get hit/downed. This wouldn't fix anything.
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and for a nod of the killer's head and a hit on a survivor hooked on a hook, how would you punish? turn off the killer's ability for a minute? this is not a problem of the game and is not punished by the rules to solve it
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I'm against BMing on either side i'm not quite sure on a fix for it
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Sorry to say it but there's a difference between killer and survivor BM. Sure, a teabag is disrespectful, but it doesn't impair the killer's ability to play the game. On the other hand, if a killer BM's a survivor, that usually results in the survivor not getting to play for the rest of the match.
Although I do wish that survivors would use their teabags more situationally. It's sometimes hard to know whether a teabag is meant to be a sign of disrespect or whether it's just a victory dance at the exit gates.
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I just want to correct one thing.
Devs said they want killers to have 60% killrate, which means avarage of 2.4 survs being killed on one trial. So 12 kills in 5 trials: 2-2-3-2-3. Assuming that 3 kills = hatch (but not always), gates should be oppened in 60% matches.
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While on paper that sounds right, I can tell you've never played soloq if you think that is the most frequent case.
IIRC soloq makes up for ~60% of games, and every other division of SWF makes up the remaining ~40%. Soloq leads to far more 1 sided stomps, be that Killer or Survivior (Edit: but mostly stomping Survivors, with SWF being the opposite). If we are forced to use small numbers, a similar array of 4-0-4-1(camped in endgame successfully, otherwise would have been 0k)-3(would have been 4k but hatch spawned on the Surv) which shows the same story of kill rates, but entirely different matches, with 40% gate open rate.
So to be generous I'd say you are right in the 40% of SWF matches, and this assessment in 60% (even though 1-sided stomps can happen in SWF, and close matches can happen in soloq, we'll just average them out). A closer estimate of gates would be 48% opened ((.6 soloq * .4 gate open or 24%) + (.4 SWF * .6 gate open or 24%)), and 52% closed ((.6 soloq * .6 gate closed or 36%) + (.4 SWF * .4 gate closed or 16%)) across all matches. Still more than half of matches end up Killer sided in both kill rates and gate rates.
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There are some players that for some reason wait at the exit gate for the full 2 minutes. That should be addressed.
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This sounds ridiculous. I've never BM'ed at a gate, I play pretty 50/50, and when I'm survivor I've gotten tons of escapes via crawling out because a Billy wanted to tantrum all of us as we ran towards exit gates--and since he can't carry 4 of us at one time, we had to pick and chose. Sometimes we're just healing in the gates because its a few extra points before we escape. If we get downed it's not fair to block the gate just because we wanted a few extra healing points.
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Depends what you consider BM. Hitting a survivor on the hook is the same as a teabag, utterly meaningless and not worth a second thought.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again; game mechanics do not need to be changed just because people use them to be mean sometimes.
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Isn’t this why we have an endgame timer along with people taking the game hostage