BHVR is forcing us to buy costume now!

This is only option to buy Nicolas Cage if you don't wanna buy it with aurics. If you wanna buy it from Steam (possible same for other platforms) you have to buy pack. And pack gives you costume.
What if you don't wanna buy costume and wanna get chapter only? What's wrong with you BHVR? Why you are forcing people to buy this version? Give us chapter only version.
I think this is first time i am not gonna to buy chapter.
First, limited time costumes and now this. Very cheap tactics, really shame.
I also made a thread about this
Do not accept this kinda crap business practice, it is not okay.
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I have all chapters.
I always bought them day one. But i am not gonna get this chapter.
BHVR should be shamed for this cheap business tactics, yes. Forcing people to buy costume is not okay.
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What am I missing? I buy every chapter and they always come with a second outfit for Survivors.
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Then just buy it with auric cells?
I don't understand the issue.
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Yes, it always costume piece. Not full costume.
But now they added full costume (Purple costume in game) into dlc and they are selling it as Pack. And ofcourse price is more expensive.
If you don't want to buy this costume, only dlc you have no option.
I want to buy DLC on STEAM, not in game.
They removed to option buying DLC. If i want to get STEAM version, i have to pay more. They are forcing you to buy costume.
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Basically they added an extra purple outfit for nicolas cage into the steam DLC version, as a result they upped the price
All other licensed single character dlcs are 3.99, they are charging £7.99 or $9.99 for it and there is no way for steam users to opt out of the cosmetic version. So we're forced to buy auric cells if we don't want to pay extra
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Yeah I paid 9.99 on Switch but I just thought it was expensive because of who the character was. Didn't know about the costume.
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Already bought it and knowing this community I will be the worst being. Same when I bought sets.
I dont think that BHVR alone has a decision on that. They dont get all the money from the purchase so I guess that Nicolas Cage also wanted a bit more than what he would have gotten when the DLC would cost 5 bucks.
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You can just buy 500 auric cells through stream and pick up just Nic Cage on the DBD store.
I'm not really seeing the issue here.
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Ash vs Evil Dead = 5 bucks.
Hour of the Witch (Mikaela) = 5 bucks.
Both of them survivor only chapter.
Now we are getting Nicolas Cage chapter, which is another survivor only chapter.
10 bucks. They are forcing you to pay 5 bucks more for stupid costume.
Costume should be optional, not forced.
And i am sorry for you. BHVR just scammed you.
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I understand that angle and hey I have nothing against people who buy stuff that's not at all what I'm annoyed about
I'm annoyed that BHVR can just pull stuff like this and nobody really questions it, despite the fact it's once again us - the people who keep buying into this game, getting shafted in one way or another.
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I really just thought "wow, the Nic Cage license must be expensive". I didn't know about the costume. I wasn't thrilled about the price but had the wrong idea. Thanks and thank you for explaining.
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The issue is people who like to buy on steam are now forced to either buy an in game currency or pay extra for content they don't want.
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Same I literally said the same as you this is an extremly scummy move making it more expensive then one with a survivor and a killer.
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You can buy the exact amount of auric cells you need to buy Nic Cage and it gets processed through the steam store.
Now if Nic Cage cost more than the lowest auric cell bundle, but less than the next auric cell bundle with no option of just buying the exact amount, that would be scummy. But in this case, if you just want the character, then you have an option.
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I agree but unfortunatly we are mostly powerless unless the whole community bands together.
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We know you can buy auric cells and get it for 500
That's not the issue, the issue is we used to be able to buy it on steam and have it in our library. We had the OPTION to buy it whatever way we prefered
Now, we do not. It is either pay extra to have it on steam or buy our in game currency. There's 0 reason that I can see for the option to be removed apart from pure greed.
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Eh, I guess I feel ya on that,.
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While I do feel it's kind of scummy to not allow people to buy just Cage himself without the costume, if you REALLY just want to buy Nick and not the outfit... just buy the 550 auric cell pack? It's just one survivor, you aren't going to save money by buying the whole dlc like you would with the Resident Evil DLCs
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This discourse is ridiculous. Whats the issue here? If you want nic for 5 bucks, you can get him with 5 bucks. Theres no scummy business here at all, just an optional bundle people are upset at for existing.
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You're forced to spend more money than you intend in order to have the DLC listed as owned in your steam library.
Buying him with auric cells doesn't list the DLC as owned or gives you his recolored base piece.
For 8 years BHVR sold the DLCs at the normal pricing but right now you're paying extra for something BHVR did for free.
This is just greed, a way to exploit ocd/compulsion/whatever and good for you that it doesn't bother you.
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Why do you need it "listed in your library"?
You're still getting the same product when you use Auric Cells.
First world problems man.
"My receipt isn't in the usual format, this is an outrage!"
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One of the purple outfits from the store is inclusive with the DLC (which is why it is double the price). And for some reason people are freaking out because they can't get the DLC on steam without the cosmetic. And they don't want to buy him with 500AC for 5 bucks in the in-game store either.
So yes they complain about 1st world problems.
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Have you ever thought about that the pricing and the cosmetic were part of the deal with Nic?
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For some reason people want the DLC listed in their library and they are pissed that it comes with extra baggage they don't want, but was probably part of the deal with Nic
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That is literally a first world problem.
And if you say now that you don't get the blue recolor when buying it with AC, the I ask you: Would you really wear it?
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It was AU$15 which was okay for me. I wanted something other than his default outfit and I won't buy him cosmetics from the store. $15 auric pack gets you just enough auric cells for one cosmetic from the store, so I'd rather pay $15 for the DLC to get both him and a cosmetic. It's possible that Nic Cage negotiated a percentage of sales, hence why it's more expensive.
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I am just not buying this dlc. I don't care about buying in game store. I'd buy original chapters with shards for free but i never did that. I care about my Steam library and for that, i always bought chapter with real money.
But i am not paying double bucks to BHVR for one stupid costume. I will just pass this chapter.
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Well... That is your problem and decision then.
I still don't understand it though.
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If you don't care about buying in game store, then why are you complaining and saying you won't buy this chapter in the game store? Why does it matter if you have that DLC in your steam library or it's unlocked in their store. It cost 500 Auric Cells to buy him. Just pay the five dollars for the 550 cells (you're getting a bonus 50 cells) and you have it for the same price as you would if you bought it on Steam. What is the benefit of having it in your steam library? I just don't get it. Please explain why that is so important.
I for one am happy to play 10 dollars for a new character and then get a cosmetic for half off. It's normally 1080 AC (a little over 10 dollars) for a full outfit. I hope they do more of this in the future. If I didn't care about the outfit, I would just buy it in the game store. I feel like there are more issues to have with BHVR than this. Like this is their least problematic thing they have done lately lol small complaints drown out their bigger main mistakes
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Like i said, i am not gonna buy this chapter.
I am not gonna main Nic Cage. So i don't care about costume. It will be just waste of money for me.
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Cool, then why create a whole thread about a character you were never going to buy in the first place.
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Why are people so opposed to the idea that customers of a product are unsatisifed with the decison making of the people making said product
Is it a thing where it's only a valid complaint if it bothers you personally?
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I guess some people are completionist or need to show that what they have on Steam and therefore they would rather miss out on the paragraph because they "can't collect it".
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I wanted buy him, i am not buying because of how BHVR forcing me to buy costume. Is it really so hard to understand for you?
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Can't even complain about a legitimate grievance without it being called 1st world problem.
I wonder when Nic's perks appear in the shrine or his DLC gets discounted.
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guess that makes sense
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But you literally just said "I'm not going to main as him" in the post I quoted earlier, so why do you want to buy him? BHVR is not forcing you to buy anything. You have the option to buy him using the in game store and it will cost you the same amount if he didn't have a cosmetic attached to his price (5 dollars to buy 550 AC and he costs 500 AC). You would be spending the same amount if it was in the steam store. If it's just for perks then it's a waste of money either way and you should wait to use shards to unlock his teachable perks as they become available. I just don't see the issue here.
What is a benefit to having your purchase of him in your steam library vs having him unlocked through the game?
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Because there are other issues with BHVR that need to be addressed and this is such a non-issue when they have an alternative to buy him for 5 dollars. Plus they said they weren't going to play as him anyway (which is why I said what I said that you quoted), so they are complaining to complain and that is what I'm opposed to.
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They said they were never going to play as him anyways, so now they are complaining to complain and that is what I'm opposed to.
Plus there are more pressing issues to address about BHVR and this game. This is such a non-issue when they have an easy alternative to pay 5 dollars to unlock him.
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There is a 500 Auric Cell package. The Character alone costs just 500 Auric Cells. There is no underpricing to force overbuying. It's just an annoying extra step.
Is it obfuscating the cheaper option? Yes.
Is it a moneygrab scheme that cannot be opted out from? No.
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Next time they will release it at the same price, without a costume.
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Because i am buying all chapters on Steam. I love to have them here.
I wanted buy Cage for his perks. I will unlock them and then probably i will never touch him again. But after i see price, i changed my mind. I am not gonna pay 10 bucks for one character. And this costume is pointless to me. Because i will not play him.
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too late, i bought ir yesterday... I thought the pack inluded both skins tho...
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I can understand you being upset but I don’t think it’s really THAT deep. This is a video game but it’s also a business and they have to make money. They just added a real-life celebrity to the game and I’m sure he doesn’t come cheap. Like others have said it’s still possible to get him for the same price by just using the auric cells…
I never got the hate on the limited time cosmetics either… it’s not that big of a deal. They come back to the store eventually and if they don’t oh well. We can’t be entitled to get everything we want all the time.
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I think it's a completionist thing. I don't play on Steam but I'm assuming other people can see your library? I guess it's like a digital way of showing off a collection
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ii...... idk how to comment on this i have no words..
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Sry, but I like reading nonsense from time to time. It lightens the mood.
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Yes. That's exactly that.
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i don't think the practice is scummy, but i'm all for a nic only dlc. the only justification i can give them for doing this is they have no say in it and it's a deal with nic, but i'd hope not ..... i feel bad for the people steam sharing dlcs having to pay $10 now if they want to share with people, that's tuff.