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Trophies awarded and progressed on log in screen on ps5

SleepyH Member Posts: 32

When logging into the game i was awarded trophies that i havent met the requirements on. I logged into other games but it only awards trophies on dbd. I tried logging on 10 different times and i was awarded trophies 7 times. The amount of trophies awarded is between 1 and 3. The trophies given are only ones that require you to do something multiple times and not adept trophies or others that dont have progress. Logging into the game also progresses some trophies ie the Swirling Death trophy. Currently it shows that it is 85% complete when on previous log in it was 79%. The trophies awarded have only been on charecthers that i have unlocked.


On the log in screen i was awarded the Collision Course and the Outbreak Breakout trophies even though i know that i havent achieved them yet.

Screenshots of them being awarded on the log in screen:

I got both of these trophies at the same time.

8 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,861
    edited July 2023

    Just signed in 5 minutes ago and curiously had a bunch of trophies pop: -

    Halloween Chapter:

    • The man behind the Bush

    Curtain Call Chapter:

    • Whiffing to Success

    Darkness Among Us:

    • Dismantle

    They were all trophies I had pretty good progress on, and have aftrr a scan through the highest numbers I believe... so it seems you have it nailed as to being ones you need an entry on. It might be related to the trophies you have most entries on at sign in time (I don't want to sign in and out to test more).

    A shame it wasn't Evil Incarnate of Skilled Huntress that popped... I wouldn't have minded seeing them go xD


    Upon further inspection it seems to have actually doubled a lot of my progress on trophies. That's why these ones I was further along popped first, cause I was over half way.

    This also explains why Trophies without progress remain at 0.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,156

    Did you earn these trophies on the PS4? If so they carry over onto the PS5 now. It's in the patch notes.

  • SleepyH
    SleepyH Member Posts: 32

    No, i have only been playing on the ps5 and with the ps5 edition of the game.

  • Onyx_0110
    Onyx_0110 Member Posts: 48

    Noticed the same thing happen on PS4. Only once so far though.

  • tech
    tech Member Posts: 45

    i got the same thing, two achievements for logging on 2 sperate times

  • KryptCreeper
    KryptCreeper Member Posts: 1

    I also have this problem, logged in twice after the update and got trophies on both occasions. At first I thought it was just the trophies I'd already gotten on PS4 but upon closer inspection realized I'd gotten quite a few trophies I shouldn't have (and I'm fairly sure the progress on trophies I've gotten started on has gone up both times I've opened the game too). In addition, there are two trophies I've gotten on PS4 that did not transfer over to the PS5 trophies.

    Trophies I have on PS4 that did not pop up for PS5:

    • The Grand Sacrifice
    • Blood on your face

    Trophies I do not have on PS4 that popped up for PS5:

    • A bite for the Entity
    • Serial Killer
    • Game Over
    • Party Crasher
    • Heavy Burden
    • Devoted Gatekeeping
    • Totally Vulnerable
    • Denied!
    • First to the Punch
    • Prowler
    • Outbreak Breakout

    I'm honestly pretty bummed out by this, as silly as it might be trophy hunting is something I enjoy so getting a bunch I've not earned just feels... not great, lol. (Also I'm definitely hesitant to boot up the game until this issue gets fixed in fear of having more trophies I do not qualify for pop up.) Really wish there would be a fix that would let you remove the trophies you shouldn't have, but obviously not holding my breath on that one.

  • JeManquedHygiene
    JeManquedHygiene Member Posts: 2

    Congratulations BHVR ! In 7 or so years of trophy hunting, this is the single most absurd and critical glitch I have ever encountered. As expected, the news has already spread on PSNProfiles and dozens of people, if not more, are now actively starting and quitting the game for easy trophy progression and getting the platinum in mere minutes. Also, this whole thing happened three days after I finally grinded my way to 100% completion. To say I'm pissed would be quite an understatement.

    If this is not patched REAL quick, this platinum will go from ultra rare to worthless in a matter of days.

    II_KURO_II Member Posts: 44

    how's this kind of bug even happen?

    not going to say i'm *not* happy some of the trophies that popped did, because that would be a lie, but it's a little annoying how, like manqued said, the platinum is going to be WAY too easy to get for a little bit

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,861
    edited July 2023

    Likewise, same as Sleepy, I've never owned the ps4 version of the game.

    My guess is the ps4 trophy progress transfer to ps5 feature is incorrectly identifying people who have only ever played on ps5 as being ps4 players.

    As such it combines their ps5 progress with their ps5 progress, doubling their trophy counts... and it never disables, because there was no ps4 version to fully complete the sync against, so it keeps being applied.