Sadako has been made one of the most tedious Killers in the game

leowt Member Posts: 45
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I’m not qualified to comment on whether she has been made stronger or weaker, but speaking from personal experience, every single match versing her today has been an absolute chore.

Before the rework, the condemn Sluggako was absolutely miserable to go against whereas the non-condemn Sadakos were fun. Now, every single Sadako match is consistently a pain in the ass.

I don’t think there’s another Killer in the game that forces every single survivor to go on a side-quest every 2 minutes.

You might say she’s an M1 killer, but that didn’t stop Skull Merchant from being a snooze fest.

I don’t have any suggestions for Sadako changes, but I really needed to vent. Thanks.


  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 959
    edited July 2023

    forces every single survivor to go on a side-quest every 2 minutes

    If you're effectively managing your Condemnation then you should have no need to do this. The counter to the new Onryō is simply playing how you should already be playing survivor: splitting up.

    As soon as the match starts, survivors should split up and take a Tape. That way, four of her TVs are disabled, limiting her map traversal in the early game. The Onryō is a snowballing killer. If she can get early hits and downs, then the match is hers. If you deny her that pressure early, then she'll struggle to get a foothold.

    Of course, one survivor will inevitably be found and chased. That survivor will gain +2 stacks, but that is preferable to the whole team gaining stacks through global Condemnation. Once that survivor goes down, the rest of the team should use the time The Onryō is carrying and hooking to deposit their Tapes, so the next in line to be found and chased doesn't gain a +2.

    The match should then progress in this fashion: When The Onryō is busy elsewhere, survivors take Tapes and work on generators freely. When she's no longer occupied, deposit your Tapes.

    I'll admit this is a lot of coordination for an average solo queue team to do, and one person not playing their part can make the whole game fall apart. But that is true of a lot of other killers: Plague, Pinhead, Oni, Legion etc. It's less of a problem with The Onryō's kit and more of a problem with solo queue.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Trying to find a singular working TV after they teleport to each one is so boringgggg. Once you manage to find one they just focus on you, you get hit and those two stacks of condemned secure your death. Slugging Onryos are so common now, might as well just play some other game at this rate.

  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    This reads less like a DBD match and more like a step by step guide to beating a MMO boss.

    Good luck solo queue players. If you thought knight and skull merchants were horrible, Sadako is here to ruin your games even worse.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 959

    knight and skull merchants

    You genuinely think Sadako is worse than Skull Merchant?

  • bbqBilly
    bbqBilly Member Posts: 53

    Debatable, but they do belong in the same exclusive club of killers that make everyone miserable and want to play the game less

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 959

    That's a shame. I've been having a lot of fun playing as and against her.

    I think she's much more engaging and interactive now. To each their own I guess.