Something Needs To Be Done About Lobby Dodging

I just got dodged NINE times and ended up in a lobby with a scumbag Feng (on Anon Mode, of course) who body-blocked me inside of Midwich's Bathroom.
Love that after I got slugged until bleed-out by a SM after everyone EXCEPT for me DC'd.
I want to try to enjoy this Paragraph, but Jesus, it feels like every game has been a shitshow after the amount of dodges I see.
Just completely remove the lobby at this point. Hide everyone's names until after the game and just, idk, make up a new pre-game screen. Show the Survivors their teammates perks or something.
Yes, lobby dodge should be removed. I agree with you.
Killer can lobby dodge if they see something they don't like in lobby. But survivors can't do this until game start.
And i agree with your other point too. Survivors should see each others perks. SWFs already know, Solo survivors should see too.
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Eh, I've had Survivors tell them they dodged because of low Prestige levels.
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That sucks
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That's also stupid tho. I have multiple survivors to play. And only my Jill has high prestige level. Just because my Zarina has low level, it does not make me bad player. I will never understand these people.
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Just option to hide prestiges would be enough. Most dodges happen because killers see high prestige squad. Or survivor see low prestiges and dodge because they think they are not as good teammates as high prestiges.
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There have been people both on here, on Xbox, on Twitter and on Reddit who have all said they dodge if they see items or "think it's a SWF"
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Yeah “if they look sweaty” they will dodge lmao
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what would getting rid of lobby dodging fix feng body blocking you?
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Ability to dodge lobby should remain intact and you shouldn't be penalized for dodging a lobby.
However, profiles, prestige, and otherwise should be known to all or should be known to no one. I prefer the latter but I already know killer players would overthink the hell out of every lobby and blame their playstyles on stress, so the former is more likely.
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Eh, being able to leave a lobby is fine.
But prestige, especially easy profile access and essentially everything beyond what survivor people pick, their outfits and items (as equipping anti-item perks and stuff is intentional afterall) should go. It's not enough to make it optional, it's not enough that people can just private their profile on platforms like Steam, the bizarre privacy shaming where people act genuinely entitled to the ability to snoop on friends lists and game hours means private is automatically assumed to be someone hiding something by a lot of people.
And just nuke any "special" backfilling code into dust already. Please just use normal matchmaking, I don't care if that means I'll have to wait 30 seconds instead of 5 for that empty spot to be filled, just get rid of what feels like the reason that revolving door lobbies have an incredibly increased chance to be a clownfest from match start where at least one player is just completely misplaced.
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She got backfilled in after the 6th Killer dodged and the original Survivor had enough and just left the lobby.
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It won’t but at least he won’t have to go through 9 lobbies before he gets a game. A bad game is just that much worse if you wait forever for it.
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I think they should remove being able to see the survivors you are going against as well as any prestige level. Instead they can just show the item a survivor is bringing, in the spot the survivor is normally standing. Maybe have just a random survivor silhouette behind the item for looks.
This will still give the killer the ability to prepare for the items they are going against. While they may be able to still dodge over four toolboxes they won't have any other information for dodge purposes.
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I feel like lobby dodging should apply to DC penalties.
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imagine being like this lmao just play bots if you do this
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Maybe not as severe as d/c penalties, but something to make it inconvenient and discouraged the widespread lobby shopping that goes on.
They also have to address backfill logic. The only time I'm dodging a lobby is if I'm clearly backfilled into it and I know the game is going to be awful. The problem is out of control in large part because backfill lobbies are horrible in terms of quality, so everybody is dodging suspected backfills.
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Are you referring to Survivor or Killer lobby dodging?
I don’t see how not lobby dodging would have stopped that SM from bleeding you out or that Feng from not body blocking you
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Killer's keep dodging, I end up with extremely poor match quality.
Survivors keep dodging, I end up with extremely poor match quality.
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This might be an unpopular opinion, but i'm not against removing the lobby entirely if need be. Just queue up in the main menu and when a match is made it takes you straight to the offering screen. Though this would mean no pregame chat for survivors, unless it gets reworked, which hurts solos a little. To be fair however, I never use it and hardly ever see it used.
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Completely over the nonsensicalities of players leaving in-lobby, thus resetting the timer (often multiple times in the same lobby), as well as players leaving during the offering screen or during the loading screen, causing all other players to wait out the 3, 5, 7 etc. minutes to get back into a match; also then, potentially having players leave in the next series of lobbies; trapping those of us fully committed to playing, no matter what, in a vicious cycle of (let’s call it what it is) involuntary entitlement purgatory. The minuscule percentage of players who “emergency” leave, or “wifi issues” cut-out-early, are a rarity.
You get a DC penalty if you leave in-game.
You’ll get a DC penalty if you ditch the lobby, offering screen, or loading screen. That’s that.
Any player opting out of a lobby gets 2x the standard DC penalty, and another player will be loaded into the lobby in their place.
Once the multi-dodge-accrual reality sets in, this new DBD law will end lobby dodging/ offering dodging snobbiness/entitlement, permanently.
You choose to be selective, entitled, selfish?
You wait… We’ll play the match without you while ya do.
Yeah, I’m passionate about this, kinda like a top tier pet peeve we’re unfortunately forced to endure.
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If I can't lobby dodge i'm just gonna afk in a corner when I load into a match with 4 people with the same name + skins + toolboxes bringing a map offering instead
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Im ok with lobby dodges personally but I do think they should hide ppl prestige levels. Personally, I only dodge .ttv lobbies bc I don't want to play on someone's stream and those matches are always so bad for me. I don't know if it's me psyching myself out or what but I always play so badly if I know one or more survivors are streamers.
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I honestly think this could be fixed by just hiding the names and prestige of survivors from the killer and other survivors, that would also get rid of being able to check peoples in-game hours and profile before a match too.
You can show all that on the end screen still, but it should be hidden before.
Then for survivors, replace the empty space above the heads of your teammates with their build/items.
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I mean, theoretically, you could just hide everyone's names and then you wouldn't know.
I get the sort of performance anxiety part of it. I like to play on streams cuz I can watch my games back and see how people reacted to my plays, but I get that it isn't for everyone.
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You can't lobby dodge a map offering.
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I got matched with a streamer I've been following for a couple of years and the performance anxiety is real 😓
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That's why I wish I could see the killer's name too tbh, TTVs are the reason I play only on Anon mode because one game someone opened my profile and started making fun of me to their friends, was really weird behavior.
I refuse to play in any lobbies with streamers in it, win or lose I don't want to be someone's content. Too bad on survivor I have no choice and it really bugs me.
Watching the vod of a toxic killer can be fun though since I usually stomp them, but I'd gladly trade it.
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Guess im in the minority. lobby dodging is absolutely mandatory in my experience. The game rarely match u with people of the same hours or skill so it up to u the player. I can see some of these players profiles and there hours and as a survivor...i not knowingly going to go in game with a 78 hour player! when it = L nearly every time. I gave the default meg, & level 1 prestige jake plenty of chances (dead weight 90% of the time). I KNOW! a high prestige dosen't = good but from my experience they way better on average compare to a lower level prestiges. "you know high prestige players can play low level prestige characters as well" yes they can but still on average i get way worse results from lower levels teammates. When i play killer i dodge low level prestige lobbies because i already win 80% of the time and don't won't easy matches. Dodging should probably be penalize but match making should actually work if we gonna do that.
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I may be missing something, but how would getting rid of lobby dodging help with scummy teammates?
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The original people I matched with left, leaving me with that feng, who got backfilled in from Hell.
Post edited by Pulsar on1 -
I can alt f4 in the loading screen which is what I do anyways but If i can't lobby dodge? I'll just afk and play Rimworld in the background instead
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Survivors should be able to see what the killer is so they don't have to afk in game as well
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Sure but killer can now see if its an SWF or not oh and seeing as there's no more lobby dodging you'll have to play against the 3 gen SM or eat a penalty that's completely fine by me
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I shouldn’t be forced to play a SWAT team, especially while I’m using someone like Deathslinger. I am on STEAM and can usually tell by their profile if they are friends, so I’m not really guessing. I play fighting games and never dodge good players, but DBD isn’t balanced enough to expect a killer like Freddy or Slinger do well.
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It’s a fair point regarding the DBD unbalance.
The MMR capabilities, thus far, certainly has much to be desired, as well.
I just play. Whatever lobby loads is the next match. I’ve played this game too many years to be getting picky w it, anymore, that’s just me.
ngl I’ve wanted out of many a Dhalsim/ Quan Chi fights in my SF/ MK life😉 so, understood.
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No none wants to play against a high rank teabagging squad I think it's great only puts swf with other sweaty killers a win win
Post edited by BigBoB24 on0 -
It literally doesn't but okay bud
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You could know, try?
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But it does tho
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So the problem is backfilling.
If you get dodged and don't want to risk a missmatch, dodge yourself, so you get a fresh lobby.
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Unless that lobby is also dodged and now I'm the backfill.
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The whole Lobby concept is kinda outdated tbh.
You click ready, then wait, then get into a lobby with 4 other players, then click ready and wait again for a minute because someone is busy sorting his socks by color.
Best thing to avoid the whole lobby dodging and lobby shopping issue would be to remove the lobby as a whole. You click ready from your status screen and next thing you see is the loading into match screen. Problem solved.
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I will never understand why so called team mates have to play like jerks. How unhappy do one have to be in life to find happiness in giving another player a miserable time?
Yes to showing perks of your teammates at the very beginning if lobby dodging stays a thing (to avoid people running certain selfish perks...), yes to hiding prestige levels, yes to hiding names until the end result screen (and though it wasn't listed here, yes to removing Fart Merchant from the game).
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Yeah true maybe it shouldn’t be as strict as DCs.
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i lobby dodged earlier today because i got matched again into a newer nea and ace duo when i was playing nurse for my nurse daily, i was playing huntress before when i matchmade them and got 3k plus a gate escape because i didn't patrol gates to let the ace go because i felt bad. i didn't want to give them another boring match especially on a way better killer, so i dodged. i don't want to be force matchmade against people again, that sounds awful. please bhvr do not consider removing lobby dodge for killer, i beg.
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Can we just delete these 'selfish perks' instead? If no one is allowed to run them.
I personally like to run Sole Survivor occasionally as an insurance policy. I don't play selfishly but I end up the last remaining survivor often enough that it can be beneficial.
Post edited by Seraphor on0 -
Better to roll the dice than to accept an almost certain missmatch.
Which is why I don't understand why you would want to prevent lobby dodging when you also want the PC penalty removed.
That's just going to result in DCs every single game.
Ultimately lobby dodging has to be an option as long as the lobby exists at all. The freedom to choose not to start a game has to remain as long as quitting a game in progress is discouraged. I could maybe see doing away with the lobby entirely and just loading straight into a match, but that still has some of the same issues.
I would rather have open and DC penalties, than locked in lobbies with no DC penalties, and you can't have neither, or nobody will play at all.
Besides, SWF cherrypick their team mates just as much as someone who dodges lobbies based on their matched lobby.
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Well, technically, Devs can still remove in-game DC penalty and the matches will play out via bots.
The Devs then can transfer the standard DC penalty (or even increase it🫢) to the Lobbys, applying it for those who choose to leave.
Hence, the new Lobby Leaving DC Law
…just thoughts, just thoughts, of coarse.
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Losing that chat is no big deal imo. The consoles cannot even see it anyway, and that's the largest portion of the playerbase by far. Plus I'm constantly reading about that chat not being worth it in the first place due to how awful we can be using it.