Well onryo is broken for solo q now

6 games in so far tonight. 3 have been onryo, all 4ks. 2 at 5 gens, a 4 mori game and a 2 mori game where I got slugged and left to bleed out. One game we actually got a gen done. Just as onryo forcibly slugged all 4 of us (without hooking anyone at all) and finally mori'd one then eventually hooked the rest. All less than 10k bp
It's so. Much. fun. Super interactive gameplay. Excellent balance. Brilliant gameplay. Interesting matches. Congrats bhvr 👏
Far as I can tell so far the new iteration of onryo stacks condemned so fast that before 2 gens are done you have at least 1 or 2 players who are ready to insta die. Idk how swfs are getting on with her but she is impossible to play against in solo q.
i think this will turn out to be like pinhead, at first no one knows how to properly do the box, so he’s super oppressive, then overtime more people learn to doge the 3 chains and get far from the killer, but if only 2 out of 4 people know how to do this it still leaves a strong chance the box won’t get done, now though almost everyone knows how to do the box making it much more bare able in solo que, with some minor changes to TV cooldowns to make tapes easier to grab and some time to let people figure out that holding tapes and depositing them when you get to 2-3 stacks she’ll drop down to a much more bareable and average state
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Ok 4 games out of 7 against onryo. All 4ks. Think it's time to stop for the night.
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Problem is pinhead only requires one person to do the box. And chain hunt isn't an instakill mechanic. As it stands you have to avoid doing gens and lose time to muck about with tapes and if you don't you get insta killed.
You need all 4 players to juggle their own tapes, whilst trying to get gens done and not getting caught with a tape because if they do, then oh look they get mori'd even faster.
And onryo players know exactly how to abuse the mechanics. They just spam projection as much as possible to gen condemned. A couple of regression/slowdown perks and there is no chance gens with get finished before they can mori ppl. Hit and run with sloppy butcher, slug with knockout. The second game the onryo literally didn't hook a single person until we were all on the floor.
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She's very beatable you just need to take a tape early and you're fine, it will take time for people to adjust but she's not A tier or anything it's just a killer that punishes you focusing only on gens and ignoring her power.
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Patch has been barely out for a day. Give people some time to adjust and learn.
Most people are memeing anyway with nicolas cage.
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I haven’t had enough games with her to agree she’s super oppressive but the 1 I played as her and 3 against her have all gone in Sadako’s favor. The tricky part about cleansing with a tape is finding an active TV to put it in before she hits you.
The best counter I can think of would be for all players in a match to focus on moving tapes around whenever she’s not right there on you and do gens as a secondary objective. Shut down as many TVs as possible and keep your stacks as low as possible so you can take a hit while holding a tape without becoming fully condemned. The trouble there is getting everyone on the same page - most matches are solo q and I can only t bag out directions in Morse code so quickly.
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Doing gens takes forever because you have to be constantly doing tapes. Just teleport as much you can and defend gens as much as possible. Maybe run ruin and/or other slowdown perks and there you go :) Clearly not the strongest killer in the game but super annoying to play against imo. As annoying as Skull Merchant.
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I have only played vs 2 of them and they got 2 condemned kills. Both 3 survivors escaped
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Give some time to adjust. There have been moments where people will always panic or overreact when something new comes along. I remember when the Singularity first revealed in the PTB and I believed it would be S-tier. A while later and I was pretty wrong!
People will find ways to counter. Currently, the best way is to prioritise grabbing a video tape early and holding on to it for as long as possible. Once you lose it due to a hit, the current Onryō tactic is to continue to teleport for condemned. Grab another tape and post it. Onryō without televisions is a great weakness. If everyone works like that, the chances will improve.
No doubt, better tactics will evolve. Until then, this seems a good place to start.
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Solo queue adjust and learn lmao.
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Exactly. Because before patch, people really didnt have to focus on tapes until you were halfway. Now you really have to interact more with the tvs.
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I wish they would stop dicking around with the tapes/condemned (though killing the old slug/condemned strat is good) and just buff her in chase, because that's really where she was hurting. But alas, it doesn't seem to be in the cards.
I've played a few games as Onryo since the patch and I've only had one condemned kill (though I don't play for them at all, really). And as has been mentioned, if you take a tape you're reducing the risk of being mori-ed in that way.
It's kinda powerful, but has counterplay and still better than the old slug/condemn strat was.
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No Killer is busted because solo survivors are prone to making more mistakes. Killer is still facing a team regardless of individual survivor actions.
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Been seeing this a lot, you know you can put it in any tv right? You can only GRAB a tape from an active one but you can put it in any tv on or off
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just go pick a tape instead of gen rushing...
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Pick up a tape early. Problem solved.
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It's funny how there are so many people who prefer to spend their time complaining instead of learning the counter. You'd be surprised how many times I do a teleport a little bit into the game and then have like 3 heartbeats happening together. Not a single person bothered to do the counter. And then you go in the forum and they are here going "omg she is so oppressive!".
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Honestly no, I didn't realize that lol. Do you still get auras from inactive TVs when you're close? I don't think I remember seeing them but I could be misremembering.
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Onryo is annoying with her teleporting but she's fun in chase.
There is counterplay to her power that seems pretty fair so far IMO.
Let's keep our focus on the real issues: Skull Merchant, Nurse, Knight, and Blight (addons)
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Do tapes lol she's an m1 stealth killer
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Every time I try to use a tape to reduce my condemned stack I can't cause she's always teleporting and the TV's are all off lmao
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It's a classic.
Solo queue players dont want to do side things except sit on gens maybe get some chases and survive at the end of all that.
Some people STILL dont unhook despite the fact that killers can't grab anymore.
The game will be forever in this state because certain % of the playerbase just refuses to interact with mechanics to survive or adapt in general.
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Just played a solo a game against her and got a 4 out for the first time since the update. Everyone kept grabbing tapes and using that to draw her away from gens. She tried hit and run but it didn’t work because she wouldn’t actually hook anyone. No one got condemned and moried so by the time the gens were done and she hooked someone, it didn’t matter. Everyone has to play smart or she will snowball for sure.
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its mainly the matter of fact that players dont know how to counter her. they refuse to interact with her, causing them to build condemn CRAZY fast. onyro is not broken, shes still pretty weak. she just has better use of her power in SOME cases, while simply just holding a tape completely removes the point of her power and is a literal protection item for survivors, even though it should be the opposite. but yes, blame the devs for making her into this. the best thing they could've done for her is to do these simple things
- a REAL add-on pass
- increase her invisibility durations for demanifesting % manifesting (make old newspaper & reikos watch basekit)
- remove her lullaby
- make ring drawing as it is right now, from injured to healthy instead of dying to injured
and boom you have a better sadako.
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Honestly I think we go against a different killer.
My Onryos where fine. First match I messed up with my condemn and got killed, after that I managed it and everything was fine, no issues. She got a few normal kills as she should but nothing major. Once you adjust yourself to play against her like you would against a new Killer (tapes are mandatory) I think you will be fine.
Killers who slug you to death will always be an issue (hello there Nurse, hello there Huntress). This is not a Sadako-thing but more a general issue.
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Well i have a better idea of how to counterplay her now, but i doubt it'll do me much good while I'm in solo q for a while until everyone figures out they need to grab a tape straight away.
Still seems like a really bad change imo. She's essentially the new tombstone meyers. I.e. able to use an insta mori mechanic quickly regardless of hook states. Which I'm really not a fan of. I mean getting moris off of devour hope is fine because it takes a while to set up and you have to really work for it and hope survs don't find the hex.
But meyers and sada can mori players insanely quickly. I get this game won't be totally balanced but games where you get killed so quick you get less than 5k bp should not happen, at least not regularly.
Even meyers isn't that insane because he needs an iri addon to do this. Having it as a killer's basekit though? That's wildly insane and bad for the game. And yet another nail in the coffin for solo q players.
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Just take a tape early, they will learn.
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Exactly, we’ll said.
if players are just holding her tapes and trying to plug gens whilst letting the condemned passively stack, it’s kind of their own fault if they get mori’d lol.
she’s very much like Pig with the traps: it doesn’t pose an immediate threat but if you leave it too long it can be game-changing.
when I’ve played as/against sadako, I’d say 99% of survivors getting mori’d are because they get too greedy. If you actually take the minute to get off gens to copy your tape, you’ll be fine.
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Nah it deserve a hard nerf, picking a tape doesn't help at all, play the game instead of just posting random stuff or watch some streams, it's broken
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bruh bro, its just m1 killer
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Now Sadako is the perfect mixture of pig (traps = tapes) and tombstone myers (insta mori). You just constantly need to juggle sideobjectives while doing gens and not getting hit. She doesn't get the pressure from hooking survs, as she's not intended to hook anyone. Played a few solo matches and most of the time still 3-4 gens were done... before we were all dead. I don't mind her yet, at least she doesn't camp or tunnel. She's different. Give survs a bit more time to learn how to play vs her. But may still need a bit of tweaking.
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She's broken against the average solo queue player. Big difference.
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Yea you can see Aruas as well, the only problem I have with inactive TVs is that you can just permanently keep 4 of them shut off and make it hard to actually grab a tape, but if you get one it shouldn’t be difficult to put it away as long as you don’t make it obvious to where your taking it, don’t take it to the closest one, take it to the second closest
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If we balanced for those players then all killers should be trapper strength, as that is a killer thr average soloQ player can handle, since they cannot loop, play macro gameplay, shut doen set ups(so even trapper is too much), use eyes and sound to find stealth killer killers.
And as I said even trapper is too much for soloQ as some addons may be seen as oppresive, but you are correct making all killers like that would balance the game for 90% of players however thr killer experience would be horrible because as soon as someone is not awful at the game you as a player lose all agency on thr match, thats the issue when you balance for bad players.
My point being there is two extremes and I personally do NOT like playing killers like trapper which are thr manageable characters for thr average player that doesnt know whats hoing on.
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Having friends = Cheating is in contention for the most online thing I have ever read.
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Ser how I never said we should balance for 4 man swfs I judt pointed out hoe balancing for bad players requires making all killers near trapper level, if you want to argue challenge that idea not a point I never made.
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I think lowering the AOE of her phase could really help with alot of these issues. If she's targeting one area then it makes more sense to avoid it
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I think there's inherently a problem when, as you say, "she's not intended to hook anyone." This update fixed some things with her, to be sure, but if anything it makes slugging even better, which makes gameplay more boring and frustrating for survivors. She feels somewhat better to play as from this update, but possibly even worse to play against than before.
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I think the first priority is getting her to the hooks. Currently she is encouraged to slug and tunnel with no hook stages in the current version of her.
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Priorities vs Sadako: Always have a tape, don't allow easy hits on you and heals before gens. Only stay injured when you're holding a tape. Survs need to play different when a killer is clearly slugging in general, the UI helps to see how far the slug has recovered. At the end she's still a M1 killer. If the hole team plays like that she can't slug efficient enough nor tunnel the slug. I think the bigger issue with her are indoor maps were it's harder to find a tape, i saw even good SWFs struggle here.
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If only solo queue knew. Nothing like a teammate that doesn’t get a tape and is already condemned at 5 gens or repeatedly goes to TVs for a tape leaving none for the one with the most stacks.
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The majority of the games are not solo queue first of all, especially at higher mmr. I’d say like 10% of my matches are actually total solo queue. Secondly the devs are currently balancing around solo queue, and bad solo queue players at that. The game is not currently balanced around swf at all.
It’s extremely hyperbolic to say people are wanting the game balanced around some small single digit player base. That just isn’t the case. What people do generally mean when they say balance for good players is like the top 30%. Which is very reasonable. The games currently balanced for a full solo queue group with each like sub 300 hours, which is quite bottom of the barrel and why the games current balance is a complete mess since balancing around people who have no idea what they’re doing doesn’t work.
Post edited by Blueberry on0 -
It amazes me that people don't understand that they've been fully condemned. Her power was so inconsequential before that most players just ignored TVs completely. She is very strong right now. I finally had a match last night where 3 of us were actually holding tapes. The bill was fully condemned just doing gens until his ultimate demise. She has counterplay but it does slow down the game quite a but.