Bring back old portraits (please)

Come on, what is this?
Lmfao 😄
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Did you see Freddy 👀?
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Yeah, I agree. At least give us the option to use which one we want.
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It would be cool yeah
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One portrait being bad doesn't invalidate all the others. It's better overall.
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I like them. I hope they keep them and just update a few that might need changing.
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I honestly don't like the portraits either, but if you really HATE them just replace them with custom ones using the nightlight app for example.
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That one is good awful. Some are improvments like zarina and kates, others are terrible like myers cheryl and felix, and others like jill and yun jin didnt get anything
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ur kidding? This was just an exemple
You want to see pinhead looking both ways at the same time?
Old portraits were more serious, now they are funny
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I don't want to risk EAC
We all know behaviour won't do anything if something happen
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It's even more painful for survivor ones because we have to see them in-game as well.
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Felix is doing the:
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He's staring at his shiny knife going, "oooo"
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They did say they won't ban you for doing this, but I guess there's always a slight chance so fair enough.
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Overall this is an awful change. For me it's a strong minus to the game aesthetics.
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The new portraits are so much better than the old ones. The old ones were so bad. Please stick to the new ones.
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I like the Portraits.
I think the Survivors might have been dipped in oil before the photoshoot but other than that its fine.
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the others are equally bad if not worse.
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and we cant even repleace them
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I like this pose though, its very fitting.