Why is no one talking about how terrible Coldwind maps are, especially Rancid Ab. ?

Just had a match on it and there was literally a total of 8 pallets. Making maps smaller is fine, but you cant decrease the tile density as well, that makes the map terrible.
Thats the new "balancing" meta. Killers can't get happy if not.
Get used to it.
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yep I saw one of the reworked cornfield maps and it was just one big dead zone with bunch of laughably weak pallets
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coldwind maps have always been terrible
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Soon it'll be 4 pallets🙂
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coldwind farms maps have been the most survivor sided maps in the game for years now it was long over due for a balance update no more 40 free safe pallets all over the map get good
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Rancid Ab. was so balanced before, I have no clue what made them thing this map needed changes over others.
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my only problem is the main building on rancid is now terrible. most maps with super low amounts resources at least have decent main buildings like pale rose, grim pantry, or shelter woods. They tone down the corn to point that you can see a survivor through several rows of corn now. Overall i kinda like the changes and most of the farm maps are still solid for survivor. Rancid got gutted tho in my opinion which is crazy because it was the only balance farm map to begin with
Before when i played survivor it was only two maps i was scare to load into. (midwich and santum of wrath) This map make 3
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This is why fine things are made horrible.
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Eight is way too low, especially if most aren't safe
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Eight is way too low, especially if most aren't safe
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Yeah, there was a massive dead zone in mine. I literally had to avoid a whole section of the map. Half the corn is gone and they've just thrown random objects everywhere that do very little in chase. Oh and someone got downed when trying to get into a locker and then got stuck in the locker, none of us could help her and she had to bleed out.
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Yes, yes, this maps are absolutely disgusting to play and I hate them and ... wait ... WAAAAIT!!! You are no killer! You are writing from a survivors perspective! ... but why? Whats happening here? Is this a parallel universe? Or just a cruel joke? The corn maps are supposed to be some of the most survivor sided ones, as survivors really love to juke the killer in the fields with just one deft maneuver or showing off their awesome looping skills, eh smoll hit box, at the ring around the rosy tree. So why are you doing this? Do you want to make this maps even MORE painful to play? They are very characterful and thematic, though, I will give you that.
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Eh? As a killer my fav coldwinds were Torment and Rancid. And Rancid being very rare map that I considered balanced for both sides. I like new Cowshed but Rancid change was unnecessary and made the map just ass
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Yeah so you can just W key at 115% through every loop and then stutter step to make every pallet a 70-30, very fun.
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I noticed these are new pallets
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I did try to talk about it and bring it up in my own thread a couple days ago. I didn't catch too much traction. However, I had a game where only 2 pallets and harvester spawned on the opposite side of shack on Rancid. Went into a Custom Game with bots to see if I jus had bad luck or if it was an actual issue. Out of 5 tests, the map only spawned 2-3 pallets on that side of the map and the rest being a huge dead zone.
This was probably the worst one. 1 pallet in the corner, harvester and a unsafe pallets in the middle and the rest was just deadzone. Idk why they changed Rancid, it felt like the most balanced of the corn maps to me.
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Holy moly that's bad. Also for future tests you could bring Zanshin Tactics and only 2 bots. 2 bots with 3 gens gives you the most time in the map (unless also checking gen placements).
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Ah yeah, I was also checking gen placements to see how many would spawn in the deadzone. Most of the time 3, so it's important to get one of them done early on. I totally forgot about Zanshin, thanks!
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Yeah it was like that in my game as well. I liked that they were reworking it to make it more balanced but they seem to have trouble finding that middle ground.
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Garden of Joy and Borgo disagree.
Also Red Forest and Shelter Woods were made better for survivors. Autohaven also kept its pallets (even got some pallets added to edges of the map) and Gas Heaven's main building became even stronger.
This is not a "new balancing meta".
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Gas Heaven is terrible for survivors now. Shack always spawns with a hill and that useless truck vault tile. So once someone uses shack pallet it's a complete dead zone. And good luck finding a pallet in the car stack loops without Windows of Opportunity.
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I think it's pretty good personally, I always have a good game as survivor on it.
But even if Gas Heaven weren't survivor sided, my point still stands.
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Shelter Woods better for survivors lmao
Borgo is, in my opinion, one of the most balanced maps in the game
and Garden of Joy is gonna get a nerf pretty soon, they are going to destroy the house. You can print screen this.
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Shelter Woods is still killer sided, but the main building helped survivors more. It’s better than before even if it’s still not a great map for survivor.
Borgo is definitely not balanced at all. It’s one of the least balanced maps. A billion safe pallets that all chain together is not at all balanced (unless you’re Nurse).
Good. Garden is the worst map and should absolutely be nerfed.
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billion safe pallets
not even a good joke
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sorry, but @BlightedDolphin is spot on.
As for Borgo - there are killers that don't care (huntress/trickster, because the map is so open with very short obstacles), but for most of the cast the map is big and has huge density of pallets - out of which there's quite a lot of good ones (and 2 god pallets if I counted all of them from my memory). Overall there are I think 30 pallets on the map (which is one of the most pallet heavy maps in whole game) - but in contrast to say gideon - you also have quite a few good windows to complement that and much larger map size + much better visibility. The map is definitely survivor sided (which is absolutely not true for Shelter woods)
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ah yes, devs favor killer... thats why every map release has been relatively survivor sided in the last two years.Oh, and why gen regression got slaughtered. And why basekit BT and soloQ hud and future anti camp got added.
Also, those farm maps that are sooo killer sided now? didnt even touch cowshed.
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There were patches that were survivor sided and there were patches that were killer sided. I think noone will argue, that 6.1 was killer sided. The patch where genkick meta was introduced. CoH+self healing basically destroyed, DH basically destroyed, etc.
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Shelter Woods is very survivor sided, what? The main is incredibly strong with a lot of strong windows and pallets, every tree filler is a god vault against an M1 killer with proper checkspot use, and the map is massive.
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Genkick was destroyed in the same patch that COH and self heal were gutted.