Left Behind Idea

Hi everybody, as we all know taking left behind into a match usually is a waste due to how situational it is. I feel this could be remedied in some sort of token based system so that you have more of a guarantee that it will be used. I am just going to throw out a possibility for a LVL 3 version.

Left Behind

As your teammates fall you become more determined to escape. Repair generators 15% faster for each fallen teammate.

I think this seems fair due to the likelihood of someone having this and not dying first and the first buff being quite small (68 seconds instead of 80). Obviously every time you lose a survivor you are losing more than efficiency than this. Also capping at 45% seems fair considering currently you have the ability to work at up to 125%. Also what doesn't make sense to me is that the current system you get slower as you complete generators where as I feel as you complete generators you should have more hope and therefore repair faster. So I think the fixed level of speed increase is a better solution that more people could get on board with.

I don't know how this would actually affect gameplay considering the fact that if everyone used it they would all get faster, but I think 3 survs at 15% bonus wouldn't be that crazy, but who know. Even if the number was tweaked to 10% i think it would still be better than what we have.

thanks for reading,

I Am Death


  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    Hi I Am Death,

    This is irrelevant, but I just wanted to say that I find it interesting that your name is actually a statement of what your name is/who you are. In a way, that's kind of contradictory, don't you think so?

    Anyways, I like your idea for making generator repair faster as your fellow survivors are sacrificed to the Entity. It can be fairly difficult to make a comeback as the only survivor alive and 5 generators remaining. Not that this is an entirely common scenario, but it does happen, and it is awful when it does. I can also see how this could make gen rushing easier, so as you stated, it is pretty conflicting in terms of making Left Behind into both a viable perk and a balanced perk. In all honesty, I can't say that I believe it needs to be reworked. It does what it's intended to do in the given scenario, but most people prefer that their survivor team all survive. It is for this reason that it's popularity is so low; it serves no usefulness for people that want everyone to live.

  • I_Am_Death
    I_Am_Death Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2019

    I feel the overwhelming majority of survivors want their team to live, but as we know in the average match 2.5 survivors die whether we like it or not. I feel the low level of popularity is due to survivors not wanting to use a perk that has so many contingencies attached to it to work. Left behind, No One Left Behind, Resilience, Unbreakable and I am sure more perks like these people don't take for the reason being the rare use cases or in many situations going unused for entire matches. I do believe that if left behind was 10% per survivor at the end that would leave you with 30% which is more than the 25% you would have if only one gen remained. Then again with the hatch being a possibility I think the survivors would prefer to use it as is where 4 gens remain and they have the 100% increase in order to get the hatch. All I can say for sure is that when I look at perks at the end of a match I don't think I can count on more than one hand how many times I have seen this perk outside of adept Bill.

    I Am Death (I do see what your saying about the name.....And I like it ;))

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Welcome to the forums. Honestly, I'd be fine with the suggested change. At some point, I would like to see some form of counter snowball system in place for both survivors and killers. For example:

    Killer is winning-

    If 1 is Survivor dead and 3 or more generators need finished then remaining survivors gain 15% bonus to repair speed.

    If 2 Survivors are dead and 2 or more generators need finished then remaining survivors gain 20% bonus to repair speed.

    If 3 Survivors are dead and 1 or more generators need finished then the remaining survivor gain a 50% bonus to repair speed.

    Survivors are winning-

    At the start of the game there is a 25% penalty to generator repair speed until one generator is finished or 2 minutes pass. The survivor(s) who complete the first generator gain a 2500 bloodpoint bonus as compensation. If a survivor dies during the first 2 minutes then this penalty is cancelled.

    If 4 survivors are alive and 3 generators need finished then the survivors gain a 15% penalty to repair speed.

    If 4 survivors are alive and 2 generators need finished then the survivors gain a 25% penalty to repair speed.

    If 4 survivors are alive and 1 generator need finished then the survivors gain a 35% penalty to repair speed.

    If they were ever to implement something like this then obviously your idea might not be compatible.

  • I_Am_Death
    I_Am_Death Member Posts: 10


    I actually really like that Idea. Are you saying this would be some sort of perk implementation or just a part of the base game?

    I Am Death

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Base game. I don't mean to take over your thread though, I'll post it in another thread.

  • I_Am_Death
    I_Am_Death Member Posts: 10

    Yeah no problem, I like the Idea though. I feel like once the game has dedicated servers we should be able to have the ability to create custom matches, but that is also a topic for another thread.