Why sheva is not her own character?
Sheva was one of main protagonist of resident evil 5 and should deserved her own character. She could have so many skins etc. But instead we got rebecca why?
So you buy Rebecca, a DLC and then Sheva, a DLC for the DLC.
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She was an unimportant side character that was promoted to duo-protagonist late in RE5's development; bland and forgettable outside of the times her AI would screw you over. I platinumed the game, played it for hundreds of hours, but still can't remember a single thing she did in the story. I don't see her selling many skins.
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It’s implied she was Chris’ love interest. But I reckon there have been a few of those.
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Sheva wishes she was half as renowned and popular as Rebecca.
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Hey, she stole the last line from Chris saying something like "that was for our fallen Brothers"! She did something!
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i doubt she'd popular as rebecca she's pretty bland imo
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Chris and Claire should've been their own characters too. They've had many appearances throughout the RE series. Sheva only appeared in one game and has (sadly) been forgotten about ever since. So it kinda makes sense why she's a legendary character. Hopefully we can get alternative cosmetics for legendary characters some day.
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As much as Sheva deserved more of a spotlight, she is objectively a less important/referenced character in the RE canon compared to Rebecca. Sheva was a side character in one game, Rebecca was side character in one and main character in another.
The other thing to consider is that full characters get perks. Maybe BHVR just had better ideas for what perks Rebecca could have- and considering the perks Rebecca got, I'm inclined to believe that.
(Though it is also worth mentioning that Rebecca's source material, Resident Evil, is one of the most beloved and influential video games of all time, and Sheva's source material is... Resident Evil 5. Granted, Rebecca's also in RE0 and that's where most of her actual character comes from so it balances out a little, but still.)
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Almost all of the Legendary RE skins have multiple outfits that we'll never see due to them being Legendary. Most notably looking at Claire and Chris.
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I mean Chris is a skin and you can argue he has more reach throughout the series than any other protagonist considering Chris has made it into the new era of RE and Leon seemingly hasn't.
They had to pick and choose because not everyone was gonna make it in so I'd be happy Sheva made it at all because afaik RE5 was one people were kinda mixed on it's just been looked on better because RE6 was a dumpster fire.
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If anything claire deserved to be her own character over ada and rebecca
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Because we don't need 15 different RE survivors.
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The real Question is why CHRIS isn't an own Character since he is the MAIN main Character of Resident Evil.
He also appeared in more then just 1 game (like Sheva did).
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Sheva and the other legendaries could have additional outfits if Capcom really wanted to
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i dont know i think Rebecca was in the second worst title in the series, other than code veronica (ew)
while the story isint great in re6 it is still one of the funniest co-op games
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In that mindset, Chris should've been his own survivor as well. Along with Claire apart from Jill. James apart from Cheryl. I don't mind the skins being attached to an already implemented survivor, for the licensed characters they need permission to do cosmetics for them anywho -- Im just glad we have them in general.
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I think chris is not even question he should gotten character and is wesker's biggest enemy. But sheva should gotten character over rebecca in my opinion.
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no she isn't, re5 is the most selling RE game ever, so a lot of people would know her. I understand why we got Leon over Carlos and Chris cause he's the most popular RE character and protagonist of both RE2 and RE4 remakes which are the most recent releases. But Rebecca and Ada in Wesker chapter? doesn't make sense, even if we count that Ada was close Wesker ally(doesnt even appear in RE5) and Rebecca KINDA faced Wesker in RE1(not really). It should've been Sheva to represent WESKER game, like we got Jill to represent NEMESIS game.
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Yes especially as they’re the face of the first game and prominent throughout the whole franchise even as references on the sequels
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hey... she was left handed. she made the split screen camera be actually really nice.
and absolutely failed at fighting jill while I tried to combo wesker...
tbf, I don't remember most of what chris did either besides punch boulders. they did everything together, it's kind of a blur who did what specific thing
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Exactly at least if not sheva then chris whose main nemesis wesker is.
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I really hope this happens. I don't care if it's the same price as a Legendary. More Cosmetics will make me happy for Chris, Claire and the rest
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Chris would be obviously much better option, but we had him as legendary skin first RE chapter so i doubt they'd make him separate character.
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They can still do skins for her, all they have to do is add it as an extra legendary skin
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It should have been claire and chris for the wesker chapter but bvhr wasted them for dumb reasons
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well they already were legendary skins, that's why. As Chris main it would be really cool to have him as separate character, but no.