Why camp at 3 gens?
Mainly asking due to anger but I am still curious as to why the killer feels the need to facecamp at 3 gens when the game is still easily winnable in their favor. This killer was legion and wasn't even particularly bad at playing killer so idk why myself or one of my teammates needs to get camped off so early. Other people are trying to play the game you know and while alot of you will say something derogatory or non helpful such as "killers kill" I still don't see how playing the game that way is enjoyable for anyone
Idk. Would need to know what happened the entire match to give an opinion on this particular case.
They could be salty, just like doing it, some particular challenge that they are doing... who knows?
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Why play defensive football when you can attack? I mean some players win more by camping so that is probably your answer. Not everyone is good at chasing and perhaps the killer you faced had four games in a row with survivors escaping and t-bag at exit gate. Could be lots of reasons same as survivors play different.
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People really need to stop focusing on the number of gens left when they complain about tunneling and camping as it's irrelevant.
Ultimately if a killer decides their best play is to camp, they will camp.
Also the statement that "other people are trying to play the game" is also irrelevant. The killer is trying to play the game too. It's not their job to make sure that survivors get to play in the exact way they want to play.
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Did you really just compare defending a 3-gen with defense in football?
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A few reasons I see:
Draws survivors to the killer's location
Pushes survivors together
Increases the effectiveness of tr perks
Creates useful deadzones faster
Reduces repairs time while patrolling for a chase
Can ignore drawn out pallet to pallet chase
Limits the number of structures to loop
Reduces the necessity for regression perks
Increase the effectiveness of regression perks
Compliments some killer powers
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The game is an asym elimination game. You're going to have games where you just die and there's not much you can do about it. That's just what the game is.
Resorting to calling your opponents names or judge their skill based on the match is just being salty and that won't do you any good or help you improve.
Post edited by EQWashu on7 -
It was camping with 3 gens left, not defending a 3-gen as I understood it. Yeah or "soccer" if you are american I mean playing defense and not going forward it's boring and opponents complain and people watching but some teams are succesful doing it.
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Oh I see. Yes I am American my mistake lol 💀
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LOL no problem I'm probably one of few swedes subscribed to NFL game pass also so love that sport as well. A bit off-topic perhaps 😁
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No the number of gens matters the most if camping can be considered fair play. Less than 3 gens left camping is always fair play as killer need kills at that point. Before that fair play often is to try to kill normal way. 4-5 gens left camping is often unneccary unless it's sweaty swf. Camping at 3 gens bit debends. Fair or unfair that what should matter when viewing camping.
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I don't know, maybe they have RL things bothering them and they use you and the game as a scapegoat for it.
Maybe they just want to waste time and don't care, either way, something ain't right with that type of behavior but they can do it so they will.
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Doesn't matter how many gens are left. The point is, is camping at that point going to be the strategy that is most likely to secure the killer a win? The vast majority of the time, the reason that camping and tunneling works, is because the survivors let it work and they make those strategies very effective and optimal for the killer to do.
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No one can tell you why that killer camped at 3 gens. But I can tell you why a killer would camp. Because it's their best play in many situations.
When a killer camps they can guarantee themself a hook stage in less than 60 seconds. M1 killers are lucky, if they can end their chases in under 40 seconds against survivors that do the bare minimum of dropping some pallets and running in a straight line. It's even worse when survivors are actually good in chase. Add in the time for map traversal, picking up the survivor and hooking them and the fact that the killer than gets a hook stage on a different survivor and you see why camping is the more appealing option.
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Maybe Year 7 is the one where people grasp the concept of 'player agency' and/or 'other people control their characters however they want.'
Anyways, see you in camp topic #2502 :)
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A facecamp at 3 gens is a free 4 out if the person isn't death-hook though.
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I wish I could be this optimistic
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Honestly if camping makes you angry just play something else.
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Anyone playing M1 killers has probably no concept of fun. They probably also enjoy watching paint dry. (ok and some of them love the licensed characters)
Also camping atm has gotten weaker, I got into a DBD clone this week (identity v) and killers face-camp even at 5 gens. And 90% of the time you go down immediately after 2 seconds of getting rescued. And you die a lot faster too, so gen-rushing isn't that big of a counter. DBD in comparison is very anti facecamping. You're just getting frustrated because you play solo survivor, but I would too. I've seen my teammates fumble for extremely easy rescues.
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Were you and your teammates pressuring gens? Not everyone is going to play the game based off morals and rather based off time management. If they look over and see survivors wasting time trying to lure them from a hook... they can easily tell who ISNT doing gens and can assess that they have plenty of time. You as a survivor have to pressure the time they have by doing gens.
Also, unless it's an instadown killer like Bubba... you can simple do hook swapping. Hook grabs got removed, making hook swapping pretty easy. Had a Huntress do this to me the other day while I played Solo Q. The team just cranked gens, took turns being on hook and we got a 4 man escape in the end. I guarantee you we would've all died if our gameplan instead was "wait behind this rock and hope the killer goes away".
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Bro the question is not why.
The question is: what was your team doing ? If all three were focusing on gens maybe you’d get a 3 man out. U cant control what the Killer does, but u can make them feel like a dumbass for staring at a hook all game to get a single kill
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What map was it, what perks where the survivors running, how was the facecamped player acting before being facecamped?
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Larry's, idk what perks were used but nothing toxic since this all happened early on and I did nothing toxic to the killer
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The question is "why" there was honestly no real reason for it. I'm not the type to just make up random excuses for a killer getting toxic mannerisms from survivors. I didn't do anything to earn or deserve it.
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No thats not the question, because the reason is the same as it has always been: because they can.
thats the devs fault tbh.
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Did y'all happen to complete two gens in the center of Lerys? If so, it could be they felt like it was a loss for them if they didn't since y'all would be incredibly spread out to the point they wouldn't be able to use their power well.
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No actually they didnt
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So there's multiple reasons for camping at any point as killer. I've mained killer solely up until about 2 months ago I hopped to the solo q surv side for a bit something 70/30. As killer if I'm playing to win camping is easily the best strategy with survs that are over altruistic simply because why leave an area where two of the 3 free survs are gonna be swarming to look for the token smart one. That being said if you camp at 5 gens and it's known then the survs can split gens and knock out at least one and half another or split half on 3 separate gens before the hooked reaches 2nd stage. The problem lies when they rush in immediately and try and save. Most survs don't understand that there's no difference between saving with one sec left before 2nd hook or 55 secs left, they still only lost one hook state. A smart team punishes early camping almost immediately. As for the killer face camping usually happens when you've been steamrolled and tbagged and you make the next guy pay for another's sins. I personally never face camp, I'll proxy depending on the situation and how sweaty the survs wanna play but face camping to me is boring and inefficient. Ultimately it depends on how bad the killer wants to win if he's obsessed with not losing the camping and tunneling are gonna be 1st priority no matter what and they're not gonna care who cries about it. Those matches you just gotta let go and move on it sucks but at the end of the day it's just a game. Rant done.