Why Is No Mither Still In The Game?

In my 3000 hours of this game, I've never once even come close to saying "wow, No Mither actually had value there for them". It usually means that person gets downed first and either attempts on hook or just DCs. The upside of the perk, being able to constantly pick yourself up, is useless since the killer knows you have it and will just immediately hook you.
"But the archive challenges" Yeah those shouldn't exist with the perk as it is. Its just annoying. If the killer has to let you go in order to get the challenge, it's a poorly designed challenge.
"Devs said its an optional hard mode" Id be fine with that explanation if we could see when our teammates are going to bring it in the lobby. It'd be the easiest dodge of my life. You want to play hard mode? Have fun with that, but they shouldn't get to turn on hard mode when it essentially makes it hard mode for the whole team.
I'd rather have a bot without that perk than a player with it.
It's not even make you full quiet. Killer seeing you are broken, so they won't slug you as well. And makes tunnelling even easier.
Probably one of the worst perks in the game.
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Most players don't know how to use it. But if you do, then yes it's a VERY good perk, even more so now with Made for This.
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How does one properly use No Mither? Please, educate us.
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If you're confident (and good) enough to stay injured using No Mither has basically no downsides. If you look at the current meta it's really not rare to see survivors stay injured the entire game, so you might as well bring no mither if you feel like it.
And it's also really good in anti-hook swf that are somewhat competent.
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Unironically would use it against old spirit with iron will no blood and no sound = her ability was unusable against you
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You still make sound… just not as much
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That extra 3% is not worth losing a health state by default. If you're that good at chases, then just double the length of the chase. If you don't want to be healthy, for whatever reason, you can just never heal after you first hit without sacrificing a perk slot.
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When iron will was 100% years ago with no mither it basically muted you
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Not every perk needs to be good or useful.
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Um…. Yea they do. It’s the very definition of having a perk.
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Lots of people who run it apparently think they're good enough to play injured, but almost always are not. When playing killer, I am A-Ok with this. No mither away!
I never run it, and the only time I was bothered by it as a killer was when Breakdown was bugged and people ran it with Boil Over.
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The person in my SWF uses it for NOED checks and to force pickups a lot. It can be great in some cases.
But I think it should be 100% no sound and have mini-Tenacity built into it. Then it'd be fine imo.
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Been seeing some interesting plays with it comboed with plot twist. Can instantly turn off corrupt as soon as you load into a match. Also, if your teammates have perks like autodidact that activate from healing teammates, can help them farm stacks as soon as the match starts.
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No. They don't. Perks that are simply silly can exist.
Also, the person using no mither is getting something out of it. So it's a benefit, therefore a perk. (If you wanna be pedantic about it)
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They CAN, but it defeats the purpose of having a perk by the very definition of it. I never said No Mither doesn’t give you any value, but in its current state it is nearly useless.
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It doesn't. Someone equiped it, therefore someone wanted what the perk provides.
Regardless if you think it's bad.
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I didn’t say No Mither defeats the purpose of having a perk. I was responding to your comment about how perks can exist just to be silly without being good. They CAN, but it defeats the purpose.
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Not entirely. Battlefield 1 had perks called Afflictions, which only had the purpose of making the game harder. Perks are just ways to customise how you play
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I said by the very definition of “perk.” Not the definition random people ascribe to the word in the sense of a game.
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This perk is only good when paired with boil over and flip flop on sabo squads. Other than that it’s garbage
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Feel like it's kinda like some of the killer addons that are just nerfs. SOME of them though can be kinda sorta a positive if you combo them with other stuff. Trapper's padded Jaws for example can help you get extra stacks of STBFL.
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Anytime I see a teammate with No Mither I automatically assume that we lost that trial. There's very little value to be had out of that perk and you're better off using literally 99% of the other perks in the game. Some people ride or die for it though but I've yet to see the perk actually be used effectively against any killer that knows what it does.
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So if you make a build to work around it? You need MFT, Iron Will, Resilience, and probably something else.
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What if they changed it so you look healthy despite being injured? Maybe just make the survivor play with exposed the entire game. That would solve the issue of the killer knowing who has it from the start.
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I don’t think No Mither is completely useless overall but I do think it’s objectively weak. Look at other high risk, high reward perks. Hex perks, for example: the risk is that you get no value from it if survivors are able to cleanse it too soon. The worst you get is a wasted perk slot. No Mither, on the other hand… constantly broken and the killer knows this making you an easy target to tunnel and they know to pick you up so that you can’t utilize the benefit. So if you don’t get the reward the risk is far more than just a wasted perk slot. It would be a good perk overall if they just removed the “broken for the entire trial” condition and replace it with “you remain broken upon taking damage” and remove the broken icon from the killer’s view.
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Maybe because ur not using it the way its designed to be. Its on a character with perks thats meant to be altruistic, take hits for a player. Ive gotten value out of picking myself up many times after taking a down for a tunneled player. The killer gets greedy and leaves me on the floor to get someone out the game when 1 gen is left etc
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Yep, No Mither + MFT + Resilience + DH is good, Iron Will doesn't stack with No Mither so it'd be useless though
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Its a self imposed hard mode, its not meant to be meta
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devs have said they wanted it to be a hard mode perk
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how else are people meant to sabotage their team without making it blatantly obvious that they're throwing?
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It actually has been made slightly less bad with the addition of made for this.
Not saying it's a good perk by any means but it can be useful in a stealth genrush build, I muck around with it occasionally.
No mither, mft, iron will and that perk that increases repair speed while injure ( i forget the name) sace you time vecause you won't be wasting time getting healed
Having mft up all the time is kinda handy if you know how to run chase well and you can use the endurance of healing another surv to actually take protection hits. High risk high reward. I've actually pulled off the mft endurance protection hit once or twice with it and it always surprises the hell out of killers 🤣
Like i said it's by no means a good build but it can work and it's kind of fun, change of pace from the usual gameplay style.
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Someone told me No Mither doesn’t stack with Iron Will…
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I think it exists in the game to be anti-slugging perk where you can independently pick yourself up an indefinite amount of times. it just has very bad drawback to get that benefit. it is just that slugging for killer is not beneficial win condition at the moment. removing its drawback could cause some unfair situations for killer.
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It's more for challange reasons. Survive as solo with this perk could feel nice. And very strong SWFs might get bored winning easy and use this perk as only perk on the whole team.
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Looking at the perks, that's probably true not that I've tested it.
All the more space for another handy injured perk like this is not happening
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It's because it's a funny perk, probably. It could do with more benefits but I think losing the permanent injured effect would remove the identity of something that's been kind of a meme for years.
Like, No Mither is iconic, and I don't think reworking it entirely would be good even if the perk does kinda suck.
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Two seasons ago I did No Mither to Iri 1 and I am adament No Mither is one of the best perks in this game, you just have to be very aware of what you're doing.
It's also a lot of fun. I enjoy running it now and again to shake my games up
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"you just have to be very aware of what you're doing" Well that's incredibly vague. Not to sound rude my friend but lri 1 mean nothing you just gotta play a lot. something useful to hear would be your win rate while running no mither.
No mither been a bottom 3 perk forever in my opinion and have just recently became a decent perk because of plot twist. Every single one of no mither cringey gimmick builds have suddenly become more feasible.
Trying to boil over, flip flop on a second floor but u need the killer to down you? no need just plot twist in advance. Trying die on pallet with flip flop, power struggle, but the killer keep picking up immediately? no need just run aura reading key and plot twist on a pallet when they even remotely in the area. You running unbreakable/no mither/soul guard build? well guess what will make that better?
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An optional "Hard Mode" for those who want it.
I'm pretty sure the devs themselves confirmed it, long ago.
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You can get injured for free by interacting with the killer lmao. Run an actual perk that benefits the team in some compacity instead of sacrificing a health state to run 3% faster from gen to gen. Resilience saves like 7 seconds on a gen, which isn't worth being permanently unable to go for risky saves and becoming much easier to down. Deja Vu is only like 2 seconds less yet has much better value, especially for solo queue.
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I already mentioned that in the post. I shouldn't be subjugated to someone's "hard mode" because they decided to throw the game. If the devs add a way to see when someone is bringing the perk, then im all for that. Just let me dodge in peace.
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You clearly don’t know the definition of the word perk then…
noun [ C ]UK /pɜːk/ US /pɝːk/
an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job:
A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.
an advantage:
Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the perks of living in Sydney.
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Just carry the team bro.
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i agree and was actually gonna say that there probably shouldn't be a perk that makes the game harder for you and team like that but i was lazy
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It's an optional hard mode for those who want it... and the sorry SOBs who readied up not realising that they're teammate already lost them the game.
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I can't tell you how many times I've gone against a killer that left me slugged and I was able to get up. Should it happen? No, the killer should know better, but many don't. I don't tend to use it, but the few times I have for whatever reason, I've found it isn't as bad as people think it is.
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Then you just end up with useless perk bloat. Pass.
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Sure, and you'll probably end up giving the killer a hook state too. Plus if you're running solo q you could well end up wasting teammates time because they may try to heal you and can take a while to figure out that you want to be injured.
Besides I'm not saying the perk is good lol just not useless.