Onryo is broken

New reworked onryo is broken how survivors can play against her ??
By actually doing the tapes so she can't mori you?
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She seems pretty damned scary...
I think you're game plan is to work in pairs, having 1 person on gens, the other disabling her TVs and removing condemn, then switch... then just loop well when needed to avoid getting merced...
But yeah, she looks pretty nasty for soloQ and lowbies... like me 😐
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Yeeeah just had a soloq game on rpd. We got 4kd at 5 gens because she was genning condemned on us insanely fast.
4 moris less than 10k points. Super enjoyable game. I love dying at 5 gens.
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We are about to experience a freddy rework 2.0 were everyone swears the killer is op, it gets nerfed and then people realize that they were just kinda bad at the game, like people unnironically tought freddy was on par with nurse at some point lmao.
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Don’t forget what they did to wraith as well, I fear we’re about to see it happen again with Sadako,
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They need to undo. killers are already powerfull if survivor not playing amazing always killer win
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Tapes were made to be vary easy-to-use
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Hold on to a tape the entire game. Getting 2 stacks from a hit while holding a tape is nothing. Just pick up a new tape right away and put it in any TV. Then grab a new tape. People haven't realized this, so they are getting condemned fast. She's very easy to counter.
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That doesn't make a difference; I held a tape and haven't been hooked but she hit me and broke the tape and then teleported in chase to mori me, something need to be done about this.
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Sounds like a skill issue
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She is problematic with Red Addon, Slug Build and Indoor Maps. Without those she is pretty weak M1 killer who can still be looped and her condemn is easily countered by taking a tapes when you are at 3 or 4 stacks and delivering them to nearest TV which is usually located near the generator.
People need to adapt to managing condemnation properly since now it can quickly rack up compared to how it was before. Her Red Addon is also subject to some changes. Slug build is what tends to work on her and her map dependency probably isn't going anywhere soon.
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Step one: Find a TV. Its visible. It makes noise. If she has special add-ons, you can see static around it.
Step two: Grab a tape. Notice how you dont gain stacks anymore! How amazing! Now she cant teleport right next to you either. Very cool.
Step three: Place the tape in a TV. Now you disabled two tvs, greatly limiting the amount of stacks you and your other survivors can gain!
Congratulations, you have successfully countered Sadako.
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Its less about the condemned for me but more about how much map pressure she has now, despite complaints between being able to teleport between TVs and become invisible she had strong map pressure for me as a survivor. Now every match I play against her we can't get gens done because she's everywhere. I know they changed her to be a condemned or map pressure killer but imo they need to evaluate how much the change has impacted everything.
I don't get BHVRs attitude of throwing it out into live and then leaving it as I dong personally feel a PTB is enirelt representative of live anyway.