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Randomly losing Distortion tokens

Several games now I'm randomly losing Distortion tokens a few seconds before the killer hooks someone (maybe they started hook animation? I'm too far to see). Killer isn't even running BBQ or any aura perks/add ons that would make me lose a token during that time - ex: they ran Lethal but I lost token mid match few seconds before they hook teammate, they're running Eruption and I lose toke at scream and then again just before they hook the survivor, etc.
Steps to recreate:
1. Public match on PS4 with Distortion equipped. Have killer not equip BBQ.
2. Be across map where BBQ would cause a token loss but no other aura reading perk would, lose token few seconds before killer hooks survivor.
hey bm33,
I do want to ask for some more information:
- Are you able to remember the perks, add-ons, and killers in these matches that might rule things in or out?
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It's been different killers. I can't remember every killer it's happened with but its happened with Blight, Dredge, Pig, Sadako, and Huntress.
I haven't really focused on what the exact perks/add ons they were running - I've been seeing if they're running BBQ first and when they aren't I check to see if they're atleast running something for auras which they are (either perks or add ons) they just aren't ones that should cause me to lose a token at the time.
The Blight earlier today is only one I remember because I lost 2 tokens back to back - one I was supposed to lose, the other I randomly lost. The Blight ran Lethal, Eruption, and No Where to Hide as well as the aura add on for seeing nearby survivors when he performs a slam. The match was on Ormond. While I was in the killer shack I first lost a token due to Eruption when they were downed and then I lost another when my teammate was hooked on the complete other side of the map.
It's weirdly inconsistent because it's not every hook. Some matches it will happen with only one hook while others it will happen a few times.
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Eruption’s aura reading lasts 12 seconds, so you would lose 2 tokens in this case, 1 immediately and then another one 10 seconds later. Is this what happened?
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I wasn't counting seconds between down and hook. I've never lost 2 tokens against Eruption, I only lost 1 token the second time I was hit with it that match when killer slugged survivor to chase another. This random loss of a token when killer hooks someone has also happened when the killer isn't running Eruption - the Blight example was because it's only one I remembered all the aura reading he was running because it was most recent.
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Fair. I think Distortion in general may be a bit buggy right now, I know the thing from the event where survivors would be highlighted when they could be Exposed (through the event Bloodlust mechanic) was also erroneously consuming tokens.
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Thank you for the added information, bm33! We are forwarding this to the Team for their review. Since yesterday I'm personally running Distortion as well to see if I can add more information or clues to this issue for the Team as well.
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Thanks EQWashu. I'll be playing again next week so will pay more attention to exact loud outs when/if it happens again.
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its sometimes the same thing with darkness revealed when survivor running near the locker the aura getting also revealed to the killer even when the killer not interacted with a locker.
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Just had a match against Deathslinger. Only aura reading perk was Hex Retribution (rest of loadout was Fearmongerer, Distressing, Sloppy, two addons were Rusted Spike and Snake Oil). Randomly lost a token for one of his hooks but not the others. Retribution was cleansed later on in the match after I had already randomly lost that first token.