Alright, who's next for the buffed rework :) ?

Tell me.
Myers need an rework
Myers and Freddy pls
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Myers or Freddy both sound like reasonable choices.
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Freddy is indeed in the plans, alongside The Twins, the Skull Merchant, the Executioner and the Hillbilly, if I remember correctly.
Nothing for Myers, though.
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What's the connection with Nick Cage and Sadako?
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Twins rework is slated for early 2024
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Freddy and Myers, please!
Myers is not the unstoppable killing machine we all know and love from the movies but instead he is slow and the only killer in the game that can run out of his power.
Freddy is depressing. Every time a Freddy is teabagged, somewhere in this world a puppy dies.
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Myers, he has laughably outdated design. I think his character model could use an update as well.
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Nick said he got into the game because of Sadako.
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And easily recharge it up again.
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So what I'm hearing is we need to find a celebrity who's a Myers fan...
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Twins mains: "am I a joke to you?"
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Not a fan of having a time limit untill they ruin my favourite killer
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Special mention for Skull Merchant needing a complete redesign as well.
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Skull Merchant just needs to he completely removed until they give her an entirely new kit. Easily the worst killer design they have given a killer since the Legion build that chased you backwards and forced you to bleed out without any counter play. It's very clear that her design was rushed or not very well thought out to begin with. I refuse to play against her because every single game is the same with her drawing it out to last 45 minutes.
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Trapper? Nah..
I'd love to see Sm reworked. In fact, its the only way I can see her. Otherwise its insta
DCHookicide. PvE for Sm as long as she remains like this.0 -
I thought he said he did it because his son is a fan of the game or something like that?
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Twins were "next" 2 years ago and are still not reworked💀
How much can they butcher them?
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Literally yes