Why are there so many Backpack Nurses suddenly?

Ever since the Nick Cage update, I've had 7 Backpack Nurses all running the same build. Different people, but same thing. Am I just unlucky or did something get buffed to make a backpack build so much better?
Probably a new video from a content creator has been released
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Yeah, I just looked it up. Apparently there's a bug with Nurse that gives her 133% movement speed.
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No, there's a bug with Nurse that's been around for a bit idk how is still slipping passed the patch notes. Probably just people abusing.
Agitation/Spasmodic Breath gives her faster movement speed, faster if they use Matchbox too. They'll use Iron Grasp and Starstruck with this build to run people down while carrying survivors.
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This explains it why I got downed so quickly by a Backpack-Nurse yesterday. I figured out that she had Agitation, but she was way too fast.
I just "love" when people abuse Bugs...
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What is a backpack nurse? An addon? A skin?
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When you carry survivors like a backpack and chase ppl down like that
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Backpack build is when you run a bunch of survivor-carrying perks, typically Iron Grasp/Agi/Mad Grit and then the 4th can be whatever, Awakened Awareness fits in nicely though.
That by itself is perfectly normal. But the issue is that people are doing it on Nurse specifically because her addons that change her movement speed also cause her carrying speed to be affected, making backpack builds more effective as it lets her reach ridiculous carrying speeds. It’s not actually exclusive to Nurse; other killers with similar addons can also do it, but it’s most effective on her because her normal speed (while not carrying) is much lower than the average killer and so those addons have to increase it by a lot more than that of other killers with similar addons. Because of this, she ends up with a much higher carrying speed than normal since that large speed increase applies to it even though all killers’ normal carrying speeds are the same.
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Just people exploiting a bug as always. Imo all of them should be banned.
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It's more like old Pig where her carry speed was slightly faster due to being made from the Huntress' 110% ms code.
Nurse's carry speed multiplier was meant to work for her 92% movement butwith the 115% addon the multiplier is still counting the 92%
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What bug?
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they brought back starstruck nurse. hopefully the hex:penti bug and the infinity calm spirit spirit bug gets fixed at some point.
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She's bugged and BHVR is yet to Killswitch her which has been becoming a trend for some reason lately. I thought Killswitch was for this type of thing.
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Didn't even know about that bug until now.
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suddenly free movement speed is a problem?
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Is this technically a bug/exploit? I'm sure it is unintended but it sounds like everything is doing what it is supposed to.
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Perks of being a S-tier killer. If it was Freddy it would only take them an hour to killswitch him and a week to fix it. Probably combined with another nerf.